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  1. So Gearbox and sega are being sued

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    2. Delirium


      Never played Homeworld honestly. ANYWAY! I'm glad they're being sued as well. I would have traded in Aliens: Colonial marines when it came out, but the version I got just HAPPENED to have codes for some DLC in it which I used before I started playing the game, so I can't trade it in now..... gonna have to make sure to never use the codes before playing the game. Lesson learned.

    3. Nohbdy


      Ah, that sucks. Fortunately for me, I didn't buy it, since I usually wait for reviews before purchasing.

    4. Ron Jeremy

      Ron Jeremy

      While it sucks people got stuck with a steaming turd, I also gotta say that maybe people will realize they should wait until AFTER a game is released and the gaming community has time to realize whether something is good or a pile of crap.

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