"We dont know yet."*Suddenly, a projector spawned a holographic image of a man, he looked a lot like Miyst.*
"Mr. Sacrag has sent his current coordinates. Im starting up the ship."
*The hologram said.*
"Thanks Uncle."
*Miyst said.*
"As I was saying, Mr. Sacrag,"
*She had trouble keeping a straight face while saying the name.*
"Mr. Sacrag does not tell me about what he wants me to deliver until we are face to face."
*Miyst took a small device out of her pocket. She turned it on and a small image of Mr. Sacrag appeared. He was a slightly overweight man, with multiple layers of chin, and a large cigar hanging from his teeth.*
"Sergio Sacrag. He is a notorius crime boss, but he somehow manages to stay out of reach of the law. By the way, he hates hired help, so if he asks who you are, you have to tell him that you are my new assistaint. If he finds out that you arent, well, lets say things could get messy."
*Miyst handed Luke the device.*
"Its going to take a few hours to get to his location, so read up, that contains all the information I have gathered on him since he first hired me three years ago."
*Miyst stood up and turned towards the door to the cockpit.*
"It will be important, trust me. Sergio Sacrag is not a man you want to make angry."
*She said, completely serious.*
(Tis cool.)