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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Apollo

  1. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "I love you too."*Xiro said. She then became tense.* "Something feels weird......" *She said.* "But it doesnt feel like hunger..... Of any kind...." "Fire..... Why didnt you wake me up? I woke up in the clearing and everyone was gone......." *She started crying.* "I was so scared!!"
  2. "We dont know yet."*Suddenly, a projector spawned a holographic image of a man, he looked a lot like Miyst.* "Mr. Sacrag has sent his current coordinates. Im starting up the ship." *The hologram said.* "Thanks Uncle." *Miyst said.* "As I was saying, Mr. Sacrag," *She had trouble keeping a straight face while saying the name.* "Mr. Sacrag does not tell me about what he wants me to deliver until we are face to face." *Miyst took a small device out of her pocket. She turned it on and a small image of Mr. Sacrag appeared. He was a slightly overweight man, with multiple layers of chin, and a large cigar hanging from his teeth.* "Sergio Sacrag. He is a notorius crime boss, but he somehow manages to stay out of reach of the law. By the way, he hates hired help, so if he asks who you are, you have to tell him that you are my new assistaint. If he finds out that you arent, well, lets say things could get messy." *Miyst handed Luke the device.* "Its going to take a few hours to get to his location, so read up, that contains all the information I have gathered on him since he first hired me three years ago." *Miyst stood up and turned towards the door to the cockpit.* "It will be important, trust me. Sergio Sacrag is not a man you want to make angry." *She said, completely serious.* (Tis cool.)
  3. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "Yeah."*Xiro brushed herself up against Harley, bringing her head close to his.* *There was a knocking on the door.* "Fire? Are you in there?" *It was Anarchy's voice.* (Well my intro to sociology final project is finally done. I goota get sleep for the last day of school in 4 1/2 hours. Later Shadow.)
  4. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "It must have all happened while I was unconscious. When that happens, I can barely feel any pain at all."*She said.*

    1. Marcato


      I've seen worse puns.


      But still. :facepalm:

    2. MrL0LZ
  6. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *Xiro smiled.*"Come on. Lets head back to the clearing."
  7. Thats the Normandy, right?Something like that will come along later in the story, once there is a big group of characters and they are all together. Until then, something smaller and compact that can only fit 1-6 passengers at a time.
  8. Apollo

    open Uprising

    (Lets just say that it was a strange mutation, its either this, or become a ghoul. And I dont think Harley would like his girlfriend becoming a ghoul.) "Harley, I knew that this was going to happen. Thats one of the reasons I was so insistant. I knew that you being a vampire meant you will live forever. Well Harley, I wanted to spend all my now eternal life with you. And now I can." *Xiro kissed Harley gently, their fangs touching.*
  9. 1. Yes 2. Kinda. They exist, but high quality ones are rare and expensive. Its cheapest to buy parts and build your own.
  10. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *The two of them got off the train. They walked through ponyville and back to the forest.*"Hey, Harley." *She began.* "Does this usually happen this quickly?" *She opened her mouth and showed him her fangs.* (Xiro is going to be vampiric, except she doesn't hunger for blood. All other vampiric qualities she will have.)
  11. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "Come on, the train is gonna leave again soon and we don't wanna get stuck on a trip to who knows where."*Xiro joked.* "Or at least, not right now we don't."
  12. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *Xiro shook Harley awake.*"Hey, we have arrived." *She said gently.* (ya'know, I had been thinking of giving Xiro a really thick accent before I introduced her.)
  13. Apollo

    open Uprising

    (A few hours later!) *Xiro was awoken as the train got into the station. She yawned and when she closed her mouth, something in her mouth poked her.* "What the-" *She tapped her teeth with a paw, and noticed the new fangs in her mouth.* ".........."
  14. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *Xiro kissed him back*"Thash goodd." *Aaaaand, passout.*
  15. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "So how do I taste?"*She mumbled jokingly.*
  16. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *Xiro went limp and leaned heavily on Harley. She had never lost that much blood before.*
  17. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *Xiro gasped. It felt weird, but it was helping Harley, so she let it happen.*
  18. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "Im positive."*Xiro said. She pulled some of her hair away from her neck.* "Go ahead." *She said, sounding slightly nervous.*
  19. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "I dont know what I was expecting, but Im not sure it was that."*Xiro said humorusly. She then put on a more serious face.* "Hey, if you are ready, Im ready." *She said.*
  20. Apollo

    open Uprising

    *The two of them went back over to Celestia.*"Okay, lets go to that show!" *Xiro said.* *Celestia smiled and led them to the Wonderbolts arena, making casual conversation on the way. The show was amazing, probably the best show they had put on in years. After the show, Xiro and Harley informed Celestia that it was time for them to go. Celestia invited them to come back any time and saw them off at the train station. The two of them boarded the train headed for ponyville. Celestia had paid for them to have their own private car on the train, so the two of them were all alone.*
  21. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "We can go home after the show. You can do it then, okay?"*Xiro said and gave him a kiss.*
  22. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "Just so you know, if you need......... blood.......... Im fine with letting you take mine."*Xiro said.* "I love you Harley, and I don't want to see you suffer when there is something I can offer to help."
  23. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "Then lets all head to the stadium."*Celestia said with a smile.* "Um, hold on a minute." *Xiro said. She took Harley out of Celestia's earshot.* "Hey, are you alright?"
  24. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "The Wonderbolts are a team of Equestria's most talented flyers."*Celestia went on to explain all about the Wonderbolts in great detail.* "That, makes sense.... I guess...." *Xiro still looked confused.*
  25. Apollo

    open Uprising

    "Perhaps we could all go to a Wonderbolts air show today. They are quite exciting, if I do say so myself."*Celestia suggested.* "That sounds fun............ What are the Wonderbolts?" *Xiro said.*
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