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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

Expired delta

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Everything posted by Expired delta

  1. Whelp it was nice know you all, see you again somewhere I guess.

    1. SkullcandyPegasus


      nice to know you? o-o do you have a math final?


    2. Expired delta

      Expired delta

      Nah quitting the site lol

  2. Going to be deleting this acc at about 9:00 pm florida time today, if your interested in adding me somewhere els I'd recommend my twitter the I can tell you where els I am. Peace all & I hope you all enjoy your time on the forums & watching the show.

  3. To really touch on the basis of anti's, you need to understand that these people's mind set is to piss you off by any means necessary. From targeting a groups sexuality, to targeting individuals directly it's basically all the same cake with a new kind of frosting on top. But with anything, there's alway's two sides to the cake. So why do it? For some it's just for the lolz, for others it's a sport to see who's the better troll. But for some it's for a darker purpose, (I don't need to explain this for you to get my drift) (moving on) In the end it's all just trolling, most bronies tend to overreact to pretty much anything thrown at the mlp series that's perceived as negative, though it doesn't help that there's relatively available amounts of weird ass fan ""THINGS"" (I'm not even talking about clop) (pssh) around the web for people to use to make the fandom look bad. As one would say "one bad apple ruins the bunch" & that's pretty much it.
  4. Lol we meet again, happy bday

  5. Man it's been a while since I've been on here

  6. Happy early Xmas all, hope you have a great holiday

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Thank you! And you as well ^_^

  7. I'm going to be really honest with you here & say it would of been better if you didn't "come out the closet" just by reading your post here, it doesn't sound like you take criticism well. For me I told my brother's & mother about me watching the show & got static for telling them about it, difference here is, I put my lovey little twist of "would you like me to go smoke some crack in a drug house instead?" Which then quickly shut them the hell up. So yah there's that. Welcome to the forums though, you will enjoy yourself here with all the lovely people that come on everyday to talk about the show, as for real life matter, keep your head high & your gates higher & you will be fine
  8. Taco's, that is whats on my mind

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      That does sound immensely good right now. *_*

  9. I thought she was interesting(pretty cool) because of the whole "gamer girl/mother thing", guess that's just me though.
  10. I live about 2 hours away from Tampa
  11. Haven't talked on here or watched a mlp episode in a while :/ been busy I guess

    1. SCS


      How's it been going?

    2. Expired delta

      Expired delta

      Meh just bust lately, so ok I goes

  12. Ugh I gotta get my car looked at tomorrow, guess il call it a night now then. night all

  13. I ended up editing this one up randomly one day and it just stuck with me on other forums so when I got tired of my animated avatar here it was just my first choice I guess.
  14. Yep fan sounds pretty much right. Except for the "don't like the community" part. It's not that I don't "like" the brony community, as much as I dislike the way some of "them" go about there problems on and in other forums places. Take Ifunny for instance before it updated. I would see on the regular anti-brony crap everywhere and what is the first thing I would see in the comments of this anti crap? Straight out raging bronies going bonkers losing there damn marbles. (Literally) Going in full caps out trying to insult the person posting the picture and failing horrible. Now there are many times when there are anti post posted and I've seen bronies/pegasisters go about it like some classic thugs and handled it perfectly using common knowledge and control. So really it's not that I don't like the community as much as I dislike some of its members inability to control themselves when faced with a problem.
  15. I'd still watch the show ever now and then like I do now, even if it became illegal. Personally I don't put myself in a category of "brony" though, I'm just some person that watches a show ever now and then that just so happens to be about magical ponies. (To be real though many things are illegal and I still do them js)
  16. Happy thanks giving everyone!!

  17. Bought the new batman game for my little bro yesterday. Looks pretty cool

  18. So by the title you can imagine what I am talking about. So I just about yesterday noticed this that when your typing in on your page the statues bar where you see your stuff like sign out and your name to your about me page will pops down onto your typing screen and blocks it so you can't see what your typing. (I'm on ipad but its happened to on my galaxy as well but yah) so I'm just wondering is this just on mobile or just me:/?
  19. About around April ish. I started seeing meme's about it and just checked it out. Though i did really get into the show in July so I goes that's not really when I started though.
  20. So I walked into Walmart today and I saw mlp stuff on the shelves and I'm like ( I hate this stuff it's nothing like the show ) I think the only mlp stuff I would ever buy would maybe be a vinyl derpy:/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Expired delta

      Expired delta

      Yah not only that when buying anything though you got to hold it all the way to the register and you know you will get those looks during that walk of shame up there. (Yah even if your a proud brony)

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      That's why my advice to bronies is that to either buy them offline, or buy them and casually say it's for your little cousin. xD

    4. Expired delta

      Expired delta

      Yah you can say that but you know what there thinking even when your walking up there lol (online or don't do it though I agree)

  21. If you get bored you should watch this move (full metal jacket) great movie http://www.videobash.com/video_show/full-metal-jacket-full-movie-458423 here's a link to watch it and with that I'm going to sleep

  22. If you haven't watched it already here's the whole ( mlp equestria girls move ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2_O9xOtXOA

    1. Expired delta

      Expired delta

      And with that I'm off to dinner

    2. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      :D Well I'm gonna go watch it again for the 15th time. Thank you! :D
  23. I think I just died a little when I learned skylines are illegal in the us. WHY ARMERICA WHY YOU GOTTA CRUSH MY DREAMS OF OWNING A SKYLINE!! WHYYYYYY AMERICA WHYYYYYYHAHHAHYYYYY

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