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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. Lovin the Insomniac Museum in A Crack in Time.

  2. @, Nexus caved in and busted a gut laughing around the same time Lume did. He hated that voice with a burning passion, but was great for mocking others-in good nature mostly. He briefly thought about the situation at hand, the emerald fragments, the army of mercs, the mutants, and the Presence, but found that he didn't care at that moment. He was having a good time with the mare he loved. Everything else can wait until morning. He was surprised to see her tearing up, but quickly deduced them as happy tears. "If it were anymore polite, I would have mistaken you for the reincarnation of Celestia herself. Considering how damn amazing you are, it may still be a possibility." He hopped up onto the bed, a little too enthusiastically, before digging into his own food. "This may be the most fun I've had in years." He said between bites.
  3. @, Nexus bit into his bat wing to muffle any laughter that might slip past his lips. He took a second to compose himself, before replying. "But of course, m'lady. It will be but a second." He replied in a cheesy knight voice. It's sad because he met ponies that actually talked like that. They were usually the assholes that consider him a filthy scoundrel that must be brought to justice. As if there is justice outside the major settlements. And they honestly don't give a damn what he does, as long as he doesn't kill an unarmed civilian, which he never would. He was skilled enough to evade any pursuit they gave. He trotted into the room, and presented her two sandwiches to her on one knee, with an outstretched wing. "Your dinner m'lady." He internally cringed at that voice, and hopefully, she was too.
  4. @, Damn. I feel like I should know what game this is based from, but I don't. But let me tell you, that is funny.
  5. @, Nexus smiled at his marefriend, before squeezing back. "No harm, no foul. I should apologize too. I shouldn't of lost my temper like that. I was just..." Nexus never did finish that statement. He raised an eyebrow at the rather unusual request given to him-though let's be honest, it was far from the strangest request given to him. But he simply smiled, kissed her forehead, and picked up the food on his back. "Sure thing." He trotted back into the kitchen, awaiting whatever it was that Lume was planning.
  6. @, Nexus spoke in an apologetic-if not slightly irritated-tone. "Look, it's fine. Just...know this. I never act in a petty manner. I never do things without proper reason. Such things can get you killed in my line of work. So if I am keeping a secret, I'm keeping it for a damn good reason. You just have to trust that I have our best interests at heart. OK?" He looked up to see Lume in a similar state as he is. Which caused a pang of guilt. "Hey. I love you."
  7. @, That hurt. Nexus wasn't sure why, but the way Lume was speaking to him hurt. He scolded himself for such weakness, as it wasn't the first time he has been given an attitude, but he couldn't shake it as he prepared food. He trotted out of the kitchen with three sandwiches on his back, when she spoke again. He handed her two of the sandwiches and took the last one himself. He quietly ate as she talked about contacting her parents. He would of comforted her, had he been paying attention. His mind was one this whole 'secret' business. His ears were pinned to head, Nexus looking visibly upset. "Look, I really, really hate having to be secretive around you Lume. But I don't know how much information is too much. I risk allowing you to figure it out. And I would sooner jump into a vat of mutant goo than let you come to harm over something I was dumb enough to get myself into! So do me a favor and just drop it!" Nexus hadn't realized that he was slowly raising his voice, until he was yelling at the end. Once again, his ears splayed back, and he looked down at his own food.
  8. Tonight I sleep. Tomorrow, I engage in a fun R63 RP. Goodnight. Or good morning. Or afternoon, or evening...timezones are weird.

    1. Dsanders


      Goodnight Actfast! :)

    2. Nomadic


      Good night.

  9. Max landed outside the airport, folding his wings to his side. The flight from Ponyville was definitely longer than he would of liked, but he was far from exhausted. He brought no luggage, as the letter said it was not required, but what he did bring was the clothing he always wore in public. He wore a red concierge jacket, with a matching fedora, an outfit he would wear with pride no matter where he went. Without further hesitation, he trotted into the airport, excited about this trip. The flaw with his outfit is that it made him look suspicious, and therefore getting through security was hell. He had to remove the jacket, and the fedora, go through an interrogation, and finally he was allowed to put his stuff back on and head on through. This is probably why most ponies didn't wear clothes. He walked around for a bit, before finally finding his destination. "Terminal 63. This must be the place." He muttered to himself as he approached. Max handed the clerk his ticket, and upon noticing his early arrival-a surprise considering all the security he had to go through to get here-he sat down next to the terminal entrance and waited patiently.
  10. @@Mint Drop, @@Charcoal Embers, OK. An idea Mint Drop, why not post your own OC, as well. If you WANT to play another character, I won't stand in your way. I'm just doing it to fill the gap. Here is Crystal.
  11. @@Charcoal Embers, @@Mint Drop, I could also chip in another character if needed. It would be the first time writing two characters, so it would be a good learning experience. I don't want to inconvenience anyone for my sake.
  12. Since I made Max when I first got into RPing, his backstory and character were rather lazily written. I have updated his personality and backstory. Take a look. http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/max-r2747

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    2. Nomadic


      I actually before I forget, thank you for listening to my rambling. It sometimes really hard to get a response on my ideas before I waste all my time on them.

    3. ActFast231


      No problem. Lovecraft isn't a game, but the genre. If there is a game called Lovecraft, I'll look into it later. But I think it is a very cool idea. It was no problem at all.

    4. Nomadic


      Oh no, I meant Dead Space 2 sorry about that. I really should of clarified.

  13. Mind if I join with Max here? Be advised that I am in the process of rewriting his backstory. I think a R63 would be interesting, considering I mainly play male characters. Assuming you're still open.
  14. @, Nexus set the remaining five pieces on the couch, relieved to have the weight off. He flopped onto the bed next his marefriend, who was grumbling like a pissed off teenager. He couldn't help but grin at her behavior, and patted her on the back, which was followed by a growl. Then another. "Let us see what is around to eat, shall we?" He got up, and trotted over to the small kitchen. He looked around, and all he found was the supplies to make a few hay sandwiches. "Feel like a sandwich?"
  15. @, @, As they walked away, Nexus muttered to himself, "Stronzo." He turned to Lume, an apologetic look on his face. "Sorry about that. He can be a bit of a prick. In any case, we should get these pieces to Karmatic Justice. He shouldbe able to reassemble this emerald and get it to Delvia. Judging by the sizes of these pieces, this thing is going to be massive, and extremely powerful. Just what we need to purify this land." He turned to a window, and saw the moon out. "Though that can be done in the morning. Let's get some shut eye. Help me carry these back."
  16. @, Nexus sighed, taking the various gems, although they were heavy as hell. He began inspecting them while speaking. "With the plan to purify Delvia? She will help with that by assisting in the death of the Presence. Well, glad you found the gems needed from around Canterlot." Nexus put a subtle amount of empathize on the last part, hoping he could take a hint, but he was starting to think it was a losing battle. He checked each gem, and was amazed by what he found. "These gems...no wait, it's actually emerald. They are already charged with a substantial amount of energy. We don't even need to charge them. And...they look like they fit together. Maybe, if we assemble this into its true form in the center of Delvia, and unleash its power, it should purify everything within a 100 mile radius. Maybe even more. We should have these sent to the team in Delvia and have them assemble it. Then once Resh is killed, we should be ready to finish this." Nexus paused for a moment. "Also, si ha il tatto e la discrezione di un drago."
  17. @, @, Nexus didn't show it on his face, but inside he was screaming. Both in rage and in fear. DAMNIT GARRISON! Why did you do that? And why can't Lume let it go?! She is going to get herself killed out of her own curiosity! OK think. How can we keep this a secret now? He seems to speak different languages, but I don't...THAT'S IT! It's a long shot, but it might just work. "Sure thing, honey. Let's go." Nexus trotted out of the room with Lume, and found Garrison. He went to greet him, then crossed his metaphorical fingers. "Garrison, confido che avete raccolto il materiale che ho richiesto?" He hoped that with all the places and planes he has been too, that Garrison would speak his native tongue. He knew Lume didn't, given the fact that she never seemed to understand him before.
  18. @, @, ( ) Nexus was glad to hear that the issue would not be pressed. That is, until she turned around and gave him the same face a child would give their mother when she won't give them a cookie. He was about to respond, then... Nexus facehoofed when they left. He turned back to Lume, with an exasperated look on his face. "Apparently those two don't seem to care about secrecy as much as I do. Not that it surprises me, they don't really care who they harm or what chaos they bring. I swear, it's like Discords faithful students." Nexus yawned after his mini rant, rubbing his eyes. "Anyway, It seems that they got what I need to purify the mutants. How about I go talk to them about it then we can get some sleep? And for the record, I love you too. Which is why I'm keeping this a secret."
  19. @, Nexus frowned, noting that he was unable to dissuade her from this. But he needed to keep trying. He was not letting her get involved in this stupid, migraine inducing mess. "Lume...this isn't a petty secret I hold just because I can. And this is a secret that you will not like. I have been open and honest with you so far, but this is one thing you must never know. I know that must make you more curious, but please, I need you to trust me on this. Trust me when I say that it is a secret better kept than revealed."
  20. @, Nexus sighed lightly, He figured that this would happen eventually. He didn't get business and infamy in the underworld as an assassin and raider for not paying attention. He saw that look and frustration whenever his...new hobby came up. But for her safety, she cannot know. "Well...yeah. I suppose it is a mystery. Sure I could put all the pieces in their place, but sometimes...their are puzzles better left unsolved. Not every mystery needs investigating. This is once of those mysteries." He turned, giving a peck to her nose. "And besides, it's that mystery that makes me all the more interesting. It adds a bit of excitement to this relationship."
  21. @, @, (A few days? YUSH!) Nexus saluted to Karma, and made his way back to his quarters with Lume. Upon arriving, he removed his gear, and found his forelegs coated in blood, as was his upper body, and well...everywhere. He did a lot of killing. And bleeding. He decided it best not to get the bed messy with his blood, and sat on his haunches next to it. He finally saw Lume walk out, still wet, with a towel around his waist. Having wings was a curse sometimes. "Yes ma'am." He said in a mock tone. He walked into the bathroom-which proved difficult with his wings at full mast-and turned to shower on. After 20 minutes of a *cold* shower, he was clean as a whistle. Trotting out, he dried off and laid back in the bed, next to Lume. He looked down at his one remaining scar, running across his chest, with an unreadable look on his face. "One more to go." He said absentmindedly.
  22. @, @, Nexus laughed at that comment. "Nah, if anything, I would get into an epic battle with him that would end with my hindlegs severed." He got to his hooves, his blood levels normal again, and retrieved his helmet and grieves. Before he put on his grieves, he noticed his forehooves coated in his marefriend's blood. He shuddered at the sight, the first time he has shuddered at gore since he was 18. He slipped them on, blood still visible on his legs, and placed his helmet on. Before he did, his mane became a lighter shade of grey, his coat grey brighter as well, and his eye gained more color. He had but one scar left on his chest, that ran the length of it. "So, shall we move on?"
    1. Skycoaster


      I know it wasn't much, but I hope it helped a little bit.

  23. Crying sucks.

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    2. Harmonic Revelations

      Harmonic Revelations

      But not as much as crying.

    3. Shiki


      I love crying if it's caused by an extremely touching anime or song.

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