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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. @, Nexus laughed lightly at his marefriends concern. "Sorry about that, but the chances of your survival without it were slim. Try to understand, until a few days ago, I had nothing to live for. I think what I have been doing for years is just fighting until I die. And secretly hoping I do. What can I say, old habits die hard." As he spoke, he slowly regained his strength, color slowly returning to his body. "But you have a point. I got your happiness and well being to consider now. So...I'll try to be more careful from now on." He was near full strength, but his ears were down. "I guess I just lived like this for so long I don't know how else to conduct myself. Sorry...for scaring you." (short distraction @, Will only be another post or two)
  2. @, @, (Sorry if my writing is weaker than usual. Dealing with family crap) Nexus felt himself grow more and more tired as the procedure went on. Though he saw Lume gaining color, and pretty soon, she was good as new. Nexus was pale, however, and fell to his haunches. When Nexus spoke, it was softer than usual. "Nice. I always respected ponies with scars. And you kicked ass today." He sighed, shaking his head lightly. "Just...give me a minute to regenerate my blood. I'll be fine soon."
  3. Leave to my family to make me feel like shit when something good finally happens to me.

    1. SCS


      You shouldn't let what they think get to you. I know that's easier said than done, but what matters is that you're happy about whatever it was that happened to you that was good. You don't have to let what your family thinks reduce that.

  4. @, @, Nexus didn't particularly like being shoved away from Lume, but saw him getting to work, so he calmed down the best he could. He then remembered what he was going to say. "Karma. I have an idea. A few years back, I met a dark mage that found a rather controversial method of healing. He could manipulate ones blood, and directly transfer it from a cuts on the bodies of two or more ponies. The spell is simple, but requires a mage to do it. It uses Telekinesis and some trace amounts of dark magic." Nexus let a short sword spring from his gauntlet, and made a cut in his foreleg, letting it bleed freely. "I want you to do the spell. I can simply regenerate my blood, so take all you need. It is the quickest and most efficient way to do this. She loses anymore blood, and she dies. So we must act quickly."
  5. School starts in a few weeks. God, please don't let it be terrible.

    1. Nohbdy


      School. School never changes.

  6. Could you do a drawing of this OC here? I have an image to substitute for the lack of a description. Still haven't come up with a character for him, but I like the design.
  7. @, @, Nexus was finishing off a group of spitters, cutting the last one in half, when he looked over to see Lume on her knees, pale, and quite obviously bleeding out from a wound on her chest. Nexus froze like a deer caught in headlights. A flash across his vision, from the deep recesses of his mind, and he could see it. For a brief second, he saw his father slumping over from a fatal wound, only for him to return to the real world, seeing it as Lume. "No...no..." He started out trotting, before breaking out into a full gallop. "NONONONONO!!" He dropped to his knees as his marefriend fell, grabbing her in his forelegs. She was alive, but very low on blood. He threw his grieves off, and started putting pressure on the wound. He shook his head once, and the helmet fell next to him. He looked panicked, and in his eyes was terror in its purest form. "Lume! LUME! Listen, your going to be OK." Nexus now looked as pale as she did. He racked his brain for someway to help her. He wasn't sure if getting her hooked to a blood pack would be quick enough. Then he remembered his power. "KARMA! Come over here, I need you!" He yelled, desperation in his voice.
  8. Dead Rising 2 and Case Zero are free on Xbox Live for Gold members. Good news, because everyone loves zombie playgrounds.

    1. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Nuff said, wish I had a 360.

  9. @, @, (Ummm.....I feel like I should know this, but I really don't.) Nexus watched from his position on the wall as the rift was forced close by the Inquisitor Karma. Soon, only a few demons remain-just under a dozen. He could also feel his leg heal up completely. He got up, putting weight on it to test. Sure enough, it was good to go. He grinned as he watched the others fight, most notably Lume, who was fighting without armor. He was very impressed with her bravery in the situation. He hovered above the room, before diving down, killing two demons with a claw to the head each. Nexus saw a demon charge, and used its momentum to grab it, keeping it in a hold. He looked around, and saw an Inquisitor with a spear. "Hey, buddy!" The Inquisitor-a olive colored earth pony-looked over to Nexus, who had a stupid grin. "Go long!" She got the idea, and held put her spear, her own face growing a grin. Nexus spun once, and tossed the demon, who was impaled on the spear, right through the gut. This caused Nexus to laugh heartily. "Bulls eye." He continued to fight in what the strangest mood swing the bat pony has ever experienced.
  10. @, I swear to God, if you kill Knuckles, I will reach my hands through my monitor and STRANGLE YOU!!! Or bitch about it. Or something :l I'm a really big Sonic fan.
  11. That sad moment when you wake up snuggling your pillow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      That happy moment when you wake up snuggling your Gilda and Photo Finish plushies...

    3. Jokuc


      That happy moment when you wake up snuggling your Pinkie Pie and Twili.... oh wait D:

    4. ParsoOfEquestria


      I have Lotus and Derpy pillows, does that count?

  12. Well, I tend to be modest, so I will only post one thing. Some may not know what I am saying, but there are those who do. S RANK ON JUNGLE JOYRIDE!!!
  13. 10/10 A masterpiece that will carry on through the ages. It touched my heart in a way that is beyond words and has shown me the beauty of this world.
  14. @, Nexus steeled himself, and braced for the impact. And then it happened. His leg was being forced back into place. It made the most sickening sounds, but Nexus couldn't hear them over his own howling. He tried to think of a time where he experienced pain this intense. He couldn't. He shouted, but not in English. "CAZZO! STELLE SOPRA, FANNO DI QUESTA TAPPA TERRIBILE DOLORE!!" Finally, it ended, and gauze was wrapping his leg, before finally coming to rest on a bag. Nexus, like he did before, leaned forward to kiss Lume. When he pulled back, he spoke again. "You did good. Go back and defend Karma. When my Tarot power heals my leg completely, I will join in the fight."
  15. @, "OK, first step: Relax." Nexus said in an attempt to calm down his marefriend. "I'll tell you, I haven't fought this intensely in years. I think...4, 5 years to be exact? My specialty is quick, quiet kills, so I'm a bit rusty. Course, I'm allowed to get hurt in every fight because I just heal automatically...unless you dislocate my leg or claw my eye, that is." He said in a joking manner, before wincing from pain. "OK, now, I need you to lift up my leg, giving it enough support and I need you to force the joint back into place. Now, it will require considerable strength to get my leg facing the right way, and I may pass out, but you need to keep at it. Once that is done, splints and wraps can be applied. Or not. It may heal once it is in the right spot like my other injuries." Looking up from his leg and straight at Lume, he let a warm smile take his face. "You know, I'm very impressed. I saw that fight there. Using an attack to remove cumbersome armor was risky, but clever. I'm proud of you." He leaned forward and gave her a peck, before returning to his original position, face warped in pain. "I'm beginning to wonder who needs to protect who..." He mumbled. (The real reason Nexus is hurt all the time is to prevent him from being a Gary Stu. If he is patient, kind, and moral outside of combat, he can't be this unstoppable killing machine in combat. One of the two has to be downplayed. I picked combat.)
  16. Everyone seems really depressed and suicidal lately, and it's killing me that I can't do anything about it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Thrashy


      *empathy. Breaks my heart, but it can't be helped, sadly. :(

    3. ~Silver Essence~

      ~Silver Essence~

      Same, after being reformed, I try my best at helping as well.

    4. ActFast231


      Having a depressive and anxiety disorder, I know very well what it feels like. I hate not being able to prevent others from feeling it.

  17. @, @, @, (A giant green emerald with seven pedestals surrounding it. I can't possibly imagine what that could be ) Nexus chuckled to himself as Lume returned to the fight. Kissing somepony sticky with blood. Now that's dedication. Nexus looked back and saw more demons pouring through the rift. With a grin, Nexus charged into a group of 3 of them, short swords out and pulsing with electricity. He managed to catch one demons throat, not quite cutting its head off, but definitely killing it. The second one looked almost afraid at this blood soaked opponent, before steeling itself and leaping at him. It landed on his back, but do to the armor, there wasn't a tremendous amount it could do. Plus the enchantment on the armor was burning it like an ant under a magnifying glass. It did manage to cut his throat, just on the surface. Any deeper and he would of been dead in seconds. He fell backwards on his back, crushing the demon under him. He got up, and finished that one off. The third one was quick, and managed to lift Nexus into the air, but instead of last time, it threw him into a nearby wall. Hard. It dazed him for a bit, but he got up in time to see it approaching in an aggressive stance. Nexus lunged with his right foreleg, only for the demon to dodge and grab it. It hopped up, and used its on leg to snap his leg at the joint. Bent the wrong way, and several more fracture in the bones themselves, Nexus cried out in pain, before getting knocked on his back. The demon got on top of him, a wicked smile on his face. As a last ditch effort, Nexus lifted his left foreleg up, to which the demon ignored. It pulled a knife out, and was positioned to stab his throat. When his left foreleg was near its head, Nexus opened his gauntlet, stabbing the creature in the side of the head. Pushing the creature off of him, he managed crawl over to a wall, and to sit up against it. He looked at his broken limb, facing the wrong way, hanging limp. He felt his fractures, and cuts healing. Within thirty seconds, he was almost completely healed. Now he just needed to force the joint back into place. Which will hurt. Like hell. And he won't be able to do it himself.
  18. Jebus people with their lol spam.

  19. @, @, @, (Time to repay the debt) Nexus sank his claws into a spitter's gut, twisting the weapon before pulling out. He looked around the battlefield, surveying the situation. He saw Klarix near the entrance to the room, Karma getting the spell going, and Lume being grappled and crushed by the same demon variant that clawed his eye. To that end, Nexus galloped full speed towards the demon, and jumped on it's back. This caught it by surprise, and before it could effectively react, Nexus got a grip on its head, near the jaw line, and twisted so fast, and hard, that he ended up ripping it's head off, and tossing it at a wall. "And that's what you get for touching her, you succhiacazzi." Nexus had his entire upper body sticky with the black blood of the demon when he went to help Lume up.
  20. Got a Game Informer mag. One reader question was "Is anyone at GI a brony?" to which they replied "We have a strict 'don't ask, don't tell' brony policy" That made my day

  21. @, @, @, Nexus flew up to hover over the battle. He saw a spitter getting ready to attack Lume, but unfortunately...for it, it was stabbed in the temple by a claw wielding bat pony before it got the chance. The second looked over with a look of shock, but quickly replaced it with anger as it got ready to attack. Nexus rushed forward, swords out, and sliced both swords in opposite directions. The demon was severed at the neck and waist, falling into several pieces.
  22. AAaaaaaand loneliness is back with a vengeance.

    1. Dsanders


      I've been there. :/

  23. @, A slight heat overtook the bat pony's face, and for a while, he just stared back with an unreadable expression. What he was doing was going over what his marefriend just told him again, before he leaned forward and gave her a peck on the lips. "Crystal. Now, let's get on with it before something stupid like a demonic dragon shows up." He turned to face Karma, a renewed look of determination on his face. "Ready when you are." @,
  24. @, @, "As ready as I'll ever be." Nexus turned to Lume, a hint of sadness on his features. "Alright, we need to defend Karma until he can close the rift. Combat may be a little more difficult with one bad eye, but I can still handle myself well. These demons are powerful, more powerful than anything I have faced before. So be careful, and don't get reckless. Avoid the spitters, and allow me to kill them, as my gear won't corrode." His entire demeanor got deadly serious, as did his tone. "And, if for whatever reason, I am in a position where the demons overrun me, do NOT risk your life for mine. If I can get to safety for thirty seconds, I can regen. You cannot. And if I can't, leave me. Rather you believe it or not, your life holds more value than mine. Apart from you, I have nopony. No family, no friends. Nopony would miss me. Think about YOUR friends and family, and how your death would devastate them. If I die, kill first, mourn later. Hell, I've seen you get mad, turn that sadness into rage and channel it into combat. If it comes down to it, your life is more valuable than mine. Are we clear on that?"
  25. Updated the design. Take a look. http://mlpforums.com/blog/854/entry-6369-oc-design-update/
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