Nexus watched her leave the room, never taking his eyes of her.
"Y-yeah, Lume. Anytime." He said as she exited down the corridor. Nexus walks towards the door, but ends up at the wall next to it. He turns, looking back at the room, before hitting the wall with his backside, slowly sliding down it, until he is sitting upright, forelegs resting on the ground near his center, hindlegs out. He puts a hoof to his chest, feeling his heartbeat in his chest. Normal right now. His thought begin to wander to the mare that he was just training. He thought about her kindness towards him, even knowing who he is and what he does, her willingness to correct a problem, her can-do spirit. He brings up a mental image of her, and with all these thought floating around together, he feels in his hoof-still on his chest-and within him, his heart rate picking up in speed. He felt his face warm up, and he felt like he was sitting on a cloud.
"What the hell...what is this?" The hunter murmured to himself.
"Why do I feel like this even at the mere thought of her? Her beautiful mane, her deep green eyes, her...her...Celestia above..." That was when it hit him. He couldn't believe it, and for a few minutes, he didn't. For the longest time, he concluded that he was incapable of such emotions and feelings, ever since...then. He never felt like this about anypony, so he decided it was impossible for him.
But you never let anypony this close before, remember?
That was another splash of reality for the hunter. Had he been keeping others away? Had he isolated himself? It made sense, seeing as what happened the last time he had that feeling for anypony. But why now? Why let others in now?
You've been blocking people out because the part of you that feels it was broken. The changelings broke it. But the Tarot powers-and your own selfless behavior-has been fixing it.
And she's been fixing it as well. It has been her kindness that has been helping him. She is fixing what is essentially a broken pony.
And he loved her for that.
He got up and started making his way to his room, a goofy looking grin on his face. When he got there, he flopped down onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling, the grin showing no signs of departing. For the first time in years-16 years to be exact-Nexus Tersona felt love for another pony.
And he loved it. He loved feeling love again. It was life giving, and gave new meaning. He loved it. He loved her.