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Everything posted by ActFast231

  1. *Turns off mature filter on FIMFiction.* The very first story they show me is something called Wet Temptation. I spent 10 minutes laughing like a mental patient.

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Why were looking at mature stuff anyways? lol

    2. ActFast231


      Not everything mature is like THAT, some stories are actually rather good. I check periodically.

  2. Slow day here on the forums.

  3. Wonder how the requests I put in are doing...

  4. WheatleyCore...I'm filling the pillow case as I type this.

  5. Night everyone. Hope I won't have dreams of snipers and smg fights.

  6. SBBA guess what? Me, WheatleyCore, and Chaotic Lightning just broke a status. What do we win? :3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shiki


      I rarely like Canadian/American movies/films, but I've watched that one over and over... and over... and over and over. Been a long time since I rewatched, though. I once knew every line, really.


      Dunno why I never tried out the comic books.

    3. ActFast231


      Comics are just as good as the movie. Watched the movie first, then the comics. SO MUCH IS CUT FROM THE COMICS.

    4. Shiki


      That's the point. They want you to go and buy the comics to see what you're missing out on. That's what the purpose of anime is, really.


      I would think that's what all movies based on books/comic books are, but eh... not really. The movie industry in Amurica and other first world countries is big enough on its own, now.

  7. Welp, looks like the DMs took a field day to Equestria. Don't worry, I am very certain that things will kick off tomorrow, after they get back from the land of pastel colored ponies.
  8. Thunder Knight and BSN...WHY I DISAPPEAR AT RP CLIMAX?!?!

  9. What's it called when acid keeps coming up your throat? Indigestion? Whatever it is it sucks.

    1. -Nobody-


      Acid reflux, I think. And yes, it does suck. >.<

  10. I like the feel of Infamous 1 more than the second. It had more of an arcade/Sly Cooper feel to it. Not that Infamous 2 is bad, but the way Infamous 1 handled was something I really liked.

  11. Microsoft has removed the always online and used game DRMs from Xbox One. It looks like it won't be region locked anymore either. Huzzah, they actually pulled their heads out of their asses.

    1. Yamato


      I kinda figured that'd happen...

    2. Skycoaster


      Yep, Microsoft found out the hard way though. They lost a lot of gamers to the PS4 preorders already.

  12. Need a dispenser here!

  13. @, You mind if I have Nexus incapacitate the robot? Not kill it, but I was thinking of having him fight the thing, and end up shorting it out with the lightning enchantment. Then going to help the others with the changeling. Also, in response to rolle, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Though I think light magic would be performed without a horn. I see no need to make Nexus an alicorn. That might make him a tad OP
  14. Goodnight, sleep tight. Will there be sex tonight? Nope, no banging in sight.

  15. 100 pounds of PURE MUSCLE right here!!

  16. GG SBBA....GG indeed

  17. Couldn't lock it. One minute nothing, next minute, broke. I FAILED! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      You failed. Get over it.


  19. No fair SBB >:o YOU CHEATEDED!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Radiance64


      Well I didn't lock it nor did I realize there was a lock, but since I can comment on locked things it doesn't really matter. If anything this makes me an asset of this team. ;)

    3. ActFast231


      You'll never get away with it. You and your SBBA will be defeated. VIVA LA REVOLUTION.

    4. Radiance64


      Well it may or may not be just another fad around here, we'll see though.

  20. So there is a group of people trying to get 100 comments on a status? Got to be ready to lock at the 90 mark.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ActFast231


      Broke any yet?

    3. Rainbow    Dash

      Rainbow Dash

      Im going it as a contest.

    4. Dark Moon

      Dark Moon

      ....yes, we have been an unorganized group until today. We have broken like 20 status already

  21. Singing 'Discord' in my room while home alone. Siblings walk in with ear to ear grins. Death by shame.

  22. I edited my post from before, because of the sudden idea I got. I was thinking of having Nexus-as he continues to practice a moral, lawful behavior i.e. Justice-that he would start to heal. Meaning his scars would fade, he would look brighter, and would actually begin to overcome the grief and hatred in his heart. Physically, it would be not unlike Infamous or Fable where you look purer the more good you do, and character wise he would slowly grow. And as this progresses, maybe give him some powers related to the enchantments he uses? Since I can't think of a Justice based power. Aside from the change in Nexus. Maybe it just makes him stronger and more adept with enchantments.
  23. @, So I read up on the Justice card, and still have not a clue as to what my power should be. I ask this now because I was thinking of having it "activate" to help Nexus escape. If he escapes with the others, well that depends on the power. Any ideas? It's worth mentioning that he has been representing his card rather well up to this point.
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