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Posts posted by elbj

  1. @@LittleRawr,

    "Well Zero said this was a game right? Every game I've ever played has had rules. Unless he's some kind of sadist and wants to watch us squirm, he'll tell us or give us a hint or something. He gave us the rules for round one. I'm sure he'll explain what we have to do for round two."

  2. "Well I say we wait here until the rest come out or at least until the rules are explained to us a little clearer. There's no point in rushing in to something especially when we don't know what we're up against. Who knows maybe one of the other contests in this "game" knows something we don't. I think we should get to know each other like the white one said. I'm Day Late from Ponyville. I just help out where I'm needed."

  3. Day Late chuckled at the constant bickering between the mares in front of him. At these two would keep things from getting dull. He turned to Midnight. "I woke up alone. My watch also has a 3 on it, as well as the word solo. They're both in red. Do you think that the colors have anything to do with the game Zero mentioned?"

  4. Day smiled, but remembered that this was only round one. How many more would there be? This wasn't the time to start getting full of himself. He grabbed the key from the safe and pushed the safe under the hatch. He stood on top of it and reached up with the key in his mouth to unlock the hatch. With a satisfying creak the hatch opened. Day Late jumped up through the opening and saw the rest of the group. A bunch of ponies were standing in the middle of a big room. He decided it would be best to join them. There's strength in numbers. Day noticed one of them seemed to be examining each of the other ponies watches. "What's going on over here?"

  5. Day Late stared at the screen that had just told him to solve a riddle to escape an elevator. There had to more to it than that. He was also surprised to hear that there were other ponies here. Although that would explain the banging, if others were trapped in similar situations, it wouldn't be surprising if one of them try forcing the doors open. He searched the rest of the room and found what the mini tiger had said to be true. There was a small safe in the back of the room and a hatch on the ceiling. No way of opening either with out solving that riddle first.


    Day laughed to himself. He remembered the joke his math teacher told him when he was still in school. Who knew those awful puns would one day possibly save his life. "Hey, Zero!" he called out. "Did you know that 144 is a gross, or a dozen times a dozen. 288 is double that. The reason you shouldn't mention 288 to anypony is because its two gross."

  6. Day Late's eyes flickered open. He sat up and decided he should take in his surroundings, and maybe get a hint of where he was. Steel sliding double doors were directly in front of him next to those were a series of numbered buttons. "Guess this is an elevator." He looked around the room again and noticed he was alone. "Right." Day Late glanced down and saw something had been attached to his foreleg. It was a watch with a red number '3' underneath it was the word 'SOLO'. "That explains why I'm all by myself in here." Day decided to hit a few of the elevator buttons to see if anything happened.

  7. Umm I don't think so. I thought it would be cool to have her like under the mist typed thing. So like I don't know it seems more scary like: RAWR she's coming to get you, typed thing xD.

    Haha no problem. It still looks awesome and I'm really happy with it. Like I said its a small problem, no big deal. Thanks again for the signature.

  8. Here's your signature. Sorry if it wasn't green. I tried to put some green in there but, the way the background turned out was pretty

    cool if you ask me.



    Thanks for requesting!




    Your signature is finished. I am sorry if it looks kind of I don't know xD. But, if you want anything changed then just tell me, be honest.


    Thanks for requesting!

    This looks amazing! Thanks for the signature. I do have a small problem with it, though. Some of the lines are really thin and it looks like the purple hair is going through it. Is there any way to make the lines darker or more defined? 

  9. @Dark & Blue Moon (Whaaaaaaaaa)


    I don't really like limiting people to things I make.

    If you really want to, I guess I could make them...

    Human or Pony, then?


    It's not about limiting the person in the role its more about giving them direction. I know when I'm to just 'be yourself' I come off as stiff and awkward sounding. I'm good on the mic front just picked up an AT2020. img-1379355-5-xtWXQl1.png

  10. I think there are enough princesses. Four sounds like good stopping point for adding princesses to me. However, I think adding an Alicorn Prince into the mix would be interesting. The writers would need to make one up though, I don't see any stallions that have been shown so far being able to achieve Alicorn status like Twilight did. As much as I'd love to see Big Mac become an Alicorn, I fear it might ruin the show.

  11. I saw the trailer and I'm even more excited to see the movie now than I was before, and was really excited before. The only bad part about the trailer was the music in my opinion. The song was fine, but I expected more. Seeing Sunset Shimmer as a pony along with Photo Finish and (possibly) Luna was really awesome.


    And for those who are asking about the CMC in high school, is it possible they're Freshmen and the Mane 6 are Seniors? That's my take on it at least. 

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