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Posts posted by elbj

  1. Hahaha yea I saw this on EQD today, too. One thing you have to remember is it is a Yahoo article. They'll run just about anything. I looked at some of the comments and most people disagreed with the oversexualized pony theory. I'd chalk this one up to a slow news day.

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Alright. Shoot me a PM including a google document with what you got so far, and allow d3rpyh00ves@anypony.com with editing permissions..


    Can't wait to get started.




    Does twelve years of experience with writing automatically make it so I get hired? LOL Anyway, yeah, I'm interested. I've never written for a video game before, so this should be interesting. 



    I have extensive knowledge on game writing and character 3D conversion...i would be happy to assist you if you still need people.


    Great well that was fast PM me your e-mails and I'll link you to the google doc. I won't be able to help much for about a week or so I have finals, but I'll check in to see how things are going.

  3. You've got a pretty good start there. Here's my take on it. I changed some of Pinkie's part to make it flow better. Don't be mad sad.png .


    Its Party Time
    You're about to go down
    I'm gonna turn that smirk into a frown
    your music is terrible
    And your ryhmes are unbearable
    you think you can beat me in a Rap Battle? hysterical! 
    I make everypony laugh!
    You make everypony cry!
    Nopony likes your music
    So they run away and hide.

    Octavia -

    Just Please stop screaming

    and listen to my verse

    I'm about to drop lyrics you didn't know were words

    I'm Octavia, dynamic composer

    come a little closer, I'll rock you all over.

    My music is surreal, it's message, subliminal 

    The notes are so beautiful, you'd think it's criminal

    I don't make people cry, I move them to tears

    You hear that Pinkie? its your end, it nears.

    • Brohoof 3
  4. I'm looking for some help in writing a script for a video game. The outline is already done but I could use some help connecting the dots.


    The game is about a brony who has found himself transported to Equestria and must find a way to get back. However, evil forces around Equestria seem to have other ideas. You can find a sample of what the game will be like here:



    I'm looking for 2-3 writers and any help would be much appreciated. If this sounds interesting leave a comment below and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.



  5. Wow these are pretty good and the one where Sport and Twinkle Bloom are nuzzling is fantastic. The March Madness one is probably my favorite though because now I have a new team to root for in next year's NCAA tournament. GO ALICORNS!

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I'm not that famous lol. I'm just an average brony that is on here everyday lol. Knowing my activeness on here I'm known but I'm not that famous trust me lol.


    I can't remember where, but I could have sworn I've seen you somewhere else on the forums happy.png . 


    I don't do much around here so I'd probably given myself 3/10 for famous-ness.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I'm trying to get into the GLive network thing to add friends, but when I go click on it I get a white screen and can't play the game again unless I turn my phone off and back on again. has this happened to anyone else?


    Edit: It seems to be working now. I don't know what happened

  8. "bad" is a relative term. If I submitted this as a school project I would have gotten an F for stealing someone else's work because there's no way I could art that well. Great job! The only thing I see is that the chest plate looks a little off.

  9. Vikings take a punter? that's an odd choice Chris Kluwe did a fine job last year as the punter. He's not that old either, he wasn't as consistent as he could've been, but still not a weakness. I don't really get this pick.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Yea Lattimore definitely has the talent to be a starter, but in San Francisco he take his time to make a full recovery behind Frank Gore. 


    And Dennard Robinson in Jacksonville should be a headache for teams to game plan against

    • Brohoof 1
  11. This is the part of the draft where scouts really earn their money. I honestly haven't heard of most of these guys outside the Big Ten. 


    Speaking of which William Gholston out of MSU to the Bucs!

  12. Yea QB's have been flying off the board this round. 


    Vikings just picked Gerald Hodges Linebacker out of Penn St. solid pick.


    Rams get "Center" Barrett who has played almost every position on the Line.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Alabama players are never a bad pick.


    Bucs pick a high motor guy with Akeem Spence out of Illinois. He always plays to the whistle should be able to help McCoy on the D-line


    Dion Sims out of MSU to the Dolphins! Great hands and a big body, a little slow for TE, but a definite red zone threat.

    • Brohoof 2
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