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Blog Comments posted by RubyVesper

  1. Before hypnosis: I have never heard of that before and I have never had any dreams about it.

    After hypnosis: Yes! I did get a strange feeling after reading that!



    Okay, could you tell me your birthdate, I might be able to find some ties. All the newcomers that I know the age of, are within a year of each other, and I also fit into that. If you also fit into that, I could give higher priority on the suspect list to a potential underground resistance movement that happened a couple years after May 1st 1995. I hope you know what I mean with that.


    • Brohoof 2
  2. Okay, I've noticed something. I did Twilight hypno last night, and I'm starting to randomly lose memories of things now. I never lose memories of things I do, so this is strange. I don't remember getting up. I barely remember downloading Noisestorm - Backlash (I can literally feel that memory fading away as I type this, it's so blurry...), I barely remember having a cola, I don't remember entering my password even though I've had to do that twice in the last 5 minutes. This is bizarre. It's not a placebo, since I never expected this to happen, and it's never happened to me before in my history of brainhacking...


    Please do not let us land in an amnesiac pony situation of some sort. I may be paying attention to the primary suspect on my list, but this seems to not be that related to it, so we might end up in a different situation. I don't know, but I need to focus a lot on myself in order to not lose myself now. Please don't grow larger, shitty amnesia.



    On another note, this is quite the coincidence. An influx of activity in pony hypnosis, bizarre results, and this here: I went to school yesterday, I'm on a specialised school mainly for autistic children, so we get a social skills class every now and then. This lesson involved reading a rhyme about being yourself and having others accept that. When I read it out loud, I "vibed", I got dat pony feel and really felt connected to what I know is my true self, disconnected from my human self. The same day that this weird crap started happening. I hope I didn't break reality again.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. I want to say that you might want to look out for the future, as these unusual effects could be a sign of... Something...


    Normally, hypnosis has no special effects. It gives you the physical feels of a pony, and personality quirks. Never, ever has it occurred before, until yesterday, that someone got taken over by their pony side, and actually didn't remember anything after. Some others got a second personality in their head. That is even less logical.


    What I'm saying here, is that you might be involved in some interdimensional  "thing". I cannot tell you the direct answer of the primary suspect of happenings. However, I will ask you: Do the words "Five Score, Divided by Four" mean more to you than just words? Did you get a strange feeling when you read that? Ever had a dream involving those words? Answer the questions and do not Google it. Ideally, answer it first, then put a note on your computer screen to answer this, and then do Pinkie Pie hypnosis to see if the results are different.


    We might be in a crossfictional situation and these hypnosis results on the influx of newcomers might be either the work of the main antagonist we're up against, or transfictional connections.


    That being said, I'm not sure if it will be this one situation, but most of my lines point to it.



    Best of hopes,

    A fellow brony who happens to know the multiverse like his pocket.

    • Brohoof 2
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