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  1. I liked this episode a lot although it wasn't my favorite. I was happy to get two Pinkie episodes in a row. In regards to Marble and Big Mac being possible cousins, Pinkie stated that it was "fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin" which is completely nonsensical to begin with. "Removed" simply means they are from different generations. Fourth cousins have the same great great great grandparents and fifth cousins have the same great great great great grandparents. Regardless of any of this, the relation hinted at is so distant that the term given to it is so nonsensical to imply that Applejack and Pinkie are only as likely related as everyone on this planet is to each other anyway. If you want to get REALLY picky about genetics, everyone who gets married is marrying their distant cousin http://phys.org/news/2013-08-dna-earth.html Also, to people saying how disgusting this is: although I don't approve of cousins marrying, my parents were second cousins. They didn't know each other growing up and only met slightly before the time they got married. I am a PhD in psychology with a successful research practice, so I didn't turn up "disgusting" or "Inbred" or anything. I can understand you disapproving of such relationships as I don't approve of them myself, but when you call them "disgusting" you are in basis calling my family, my parents and my very existence "disgusting" and that is NOT appreciated at all.
  2. That is what made this episode for me. I mean, I liked a lot about it. I enjoyed the dream world and seeing the different "Dream Warriors" the ponies made themselves into. I did kind of wish I could have seen more... maybe looked and saw what sort of dream powers more ponies would have enjoyed, but that would have detracted from the purpose of the story and that was, of course, Luna forgiving herself. But Pinkie being hyper and well, just being Pinkie, was what I liked the most. I loved the cartwheels. I love how she thought she would never fall asleep and did right away. I just loved Pinkie in the story. Not my favorite of the year, but enjoyable.
  3. This was a great episode. I loved it. Other than being about my favorite pony, it also had a lot of that Pinkie-ish random humor that I love. I loved the fact that Twilight is afraid of quesadillas. I also loved the description that Pinkie was giving about her afternoon, including being on the cover of Sgt Pepper's and mostly when Cadence turned out to be the one she was talking to going up the slide was very Pinkie-ish but it was Fluttershy's question about if they can do it too made the joke. Enjoyable all around.
  4. This was a pretty average episode. I was a bit let down because Spike has been so underutilized lately and the episode they give him was kind of average. But oh well, not every episode can be spectacular. The most aggravating thing was knowing that Fancy Pants' voice was sounding exactly like something else I had heard. I know he is supposedly supposed to sound similar to John Cleese but he doesn't at all to me. Every episode I hear him in, it drives me bonkers. Finally, about half an hour after watching this, it finally came to me. He sounds like John Hurt's character in King Ralph. But as far as the episode goes, it had its moments. I liked how the bird saluted and walked backward away from Twilight. And I thought it was funny when Cadence was all wet. Other than that, it didn't do much for me.
  5. I thought this episode was absolutely amazing. It did something a milestone episode should do, it went in places the show hadn't done before. In regards to the show pandering to the fans, I have to agree with everyone who says that it makes sense since this show may not have ever gotten to 100 episodes without the brony fanbase. Don't use slippery slopes, assuming if they do it in this one episode that it will become more prevalent in subsequent episodes. Slippery slopes rarely actually happen. This episode will likely be an anomaly and you likely won't see any of those background ponies in roles anywhere remotely like they were today. Wonderful and warm episode, I loved it.
  6. Didn't feel weird to me at all. They were all referred to as guests, not dates, although it wouldn't have bothered me if they were dates either.
  7. She just grated on my nerves. I generally see the characters who are of a certain persona embracing the persona in a positive way. Tree Hugger's very name is a jibe at hippies or environmentalists. She came across to me as the show mocking people like that and in my view that goes against the basis of this show.
  8. I was actually sort of mad with Fluttershy too. I don't think the writers in the episode meant her to be insensitive to Discord, but that was the impression that I got as well. It wasn't really that she was putting Discord on the sidelines for Tree Hugger, but she seemed completely oblivious to the fact that he was hurt. She knows more than anyone how new he is to all of this and if she would have just acknowledged his feelings in the beginning, they could have saved a lot of trouble. And I agree about the likelihood of being flamed. However it's my impression and I'm not going to get into a discussion about it with anyone. That was the impression I got from Fluttershy and no one else's impression is going to change that.
  9. This was undoubtedly the best episode of the season so far. I've mostly been underwhelmed by some of the episodes this year. Most of them have been good, but they haven't jumped out at me or really made me laugh. This episode was everything I enjoyed. I always love Pinkie's randomness, but she definitely wasn't the funniest in comparison to Discord. I love how he set the postal pony adrift and loved seeing that other creature grab him in the background, unknown to Discord. I also love how only Princess Celestia laughed at Discord's joke. And please never show Tree Hugger again. They should have let her go into the other dimension. She was so freaking annoying. Another positive is getting to see Maud again. She's great. All in all, in my view, this episode is a 10/10.
  10. Personally the reason I think I like Maud is that she reminds me of Steven Wright, one of my favorite comedians. The monotone voice and the obvious observations are amusing because they sort of point out that many of us tend to really over think the simplest things. Also, I don't really think Pinkie Pie mislead anyone about Maude. I just think she sees Maude as she is. Wearing only one draboutfit all the time qualifies as her extremely expressing herself through her outfit. Maude for the most part has a very non dynamic personality. Just because some may see this as off putting doesn't negate the fact that it is a true statement. Pinkie doesn't see compare Maud against another backdrop of personalities, she judges everyone based off their own personalities, so her description of Maud expressing herself through her wardrobe is very accurate. As far as the poetry and games went, all of the characters were trying too hard to please her and really should have shared their own things. Maud's reaction is very likely going to be the same for everyone. I think one of the reasons it is important for Pinkie to have her friends like Maud is because Pinkie is so personable and has interacted often with the family of her friends. Not all of her friends, I know but she has shown to value familial relationships. She was so happy to think she was a member of the Apple Family and that makes sense because they are such a loving bunch. She has been witness to the close connection of Twilight and Shining Armor and Cadence, the remarkable relationship between Rarity and Sweetie Belle... it only makes sense that if she values her sister as much as she does that she would want her friends to love her the way she loves their family. And yeah, there was a lot of discomfort when the mane 6 were trying to relate and be friends with Maud, but that's just real life. I have many times been in uncomfortable company with people to make my friends and family happy. They are important to me and their family is important to them, so it's the least I can do. Oh and I am not trying to say any of your points are not valid because they all are Just wanted to throw my thoughts in. As far as my own view of the episode, I have to say it is now my favorite of this season. Season 3 was so bad for Pinkie that it is good to see her get some good episodes in this season. I enjoyed Maud's monotone and her matter of fact personality. I love watching what friends will do for each other if it is important for them. Definitely the best of the season.
  11. He was ALMOST as cute as Big Mac, but not quite. Technically (since Twilight is an alicorn, I assume you meant that since she did the spell) since Twilight is a Princess and all the alicorns are princesses, wouldn't taking over Equestria be redundant since they already rule it?
  12. This episode really didn't do a lot for me. It almost seemed kind of forced. When the ponies turned into breezies, the first thing my sister said was "There's the new toy line." That sort of sums up what I felt about this episode. It seemed forced and somewhat pointless. It was difficult to sympathize with the breezies and Sea Breeze's voice was rather irritating. It wasn't the accent or anything, it was just that I am sort of deaf in one ear and it was nearly impossible for me to follow it. Several times I had no idea what the heck she was talking about. I understand that in large the cartoon has to have its moments when it is a commercial for toys, and I can look past that to expect it to happen a few times in a series. That being said, it wasn't terrible or boring, just sort of average. Another appearance by Thunderlane was pretty good
  13. I think a lot of times expectations play into it as well. In season three, there was only one Pinkie based episode and it was rather mediocre. But Pinkie's best season three moments came in her supporting roles. I love when she was wearing a Fluttershy costume and removed it and ran off. The look on Fluttershy's face was priceless when she almost touched it. Also, "Pinkie Apple Pie" was sort of medicore as well. So i had no reason to expect this one to be good. But the thing that got me the best was just how there was no typical conflict at the end. Usually an episode like this would have had some sort of challenge with Cheese Sandwich losing and Pinkie victorious. But that would have been very non Pinkie. Just the fact that everyone was able to be happy at the end made me happy. We rarely see that in real life or tv.
  14. Okay, the assumption should be that since Pinkie is my favorite pony, that I should like this episode. But honestly, I like Pinkie Pie central episodes just fine, but I think Pinkie shines more in episodes where she is not the main character. Her special brand of zaniness works well when she appears suddenly, makes a bizarre comment or reaction and everyone is left scratching their heads. When we have too many Pinkie central episodes, we begin to learn what is going through her mind and that might not be the best way to go. That being said, "Pinkie Pride" is the best episode of the fourth season so far. I try not to read ahead about the plots, so I was lucky enough to not realize that Weird Al was going to be doing a voice. Funny thing is, I didn't even notice until he started singing. I have seen him in concert a couple times and this brought a smile to my face. Maybe I should have realized when the name was Cheese Sandwich, which is a common Weird Al mentioned object. This episode was so great. When it seemed like it was going to go with a cliche plot of Cheese Sandwich doing the party and Pinkie feels neglected, ending with Pinkie winning some sort of victory over Cheese Sandwich and him being a jerk, I sort of groaned. But it was great that they did not take the easy way out. The goof off was fun, and I thought Pinkie would lose. But Pinkie did the only thing that we know Pinkie can do, she realized the central issue was her friend's happiness and she was willing to put aside her own happiness to make that happen. But when Pinkie conceded and Cheese Sandwich admitted his admiration for her and they worked together, I had a couple tears in my eyes and I was very happy. "Pinkie Pride" had everything in it that has made me love this show and it is great to know that the creativity and passion for the characters is still here. I am just beaming over this and can't say enough about it. Four stars.
  15. *offers curry of life*

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