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Posts posted by Brainstorm

  1. Whats it like? Well mine is a bit different since that spell was cast on me when I was little. You know, the one that lets me send and recieve letters from Celestia? I guess the closest sensation I could compare it to is... sort of like burping, but not. Eh that isn't good..um... I don't feel heat in the same way a pony does, so flames going up my throat is not really uncomfortable. Churn up the flames from overuse though and I feel bloated and sick. Celestia did that to me a few times, I was so queezy with all the letters.


    Okay, cool.

  2. Hey Brainstorm how's it going? I am doing alright I just got done relaying a conversation between Celestia and Twilight. My stomach feels a bit queezy after all that fire belching though. Part of me wishes those Cell phone things in the human world could become a thing here, it would make my day a lot easier.


    Course then Twilight wouldn't need me to send messages and she already doesn't need me for a lot of things I used to do for her...


    ...on second thought the humans can keep the cell phones.

    Okay, what's it like having fire breath?

  3. Sometimes we talk. What we talk 'bout though is private.

    What stuff do you and Spike talk about( not the private stuff), do you and Spike play any games or go on hikes?

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