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Posts posted by Toastie

  1. Well a strange thing happened to me yesterday. I went to a comic shop called Forbidden Planet with my friends in Manchester and when we went in I saw the MLP comics which a few people on these forums are going on about. I really wanted them but at the time was too embarrassed to get them. And as you do when your in that situation you go looking around all the other comics on the same shelf but you deliberately walk past the one you want so you can glance at it. Then my friend went to pick up the MLP comic and had a look at it. Confusingly I asked if he was a brony, and he replied with "yes". I didn't know how to react, really confused or overjoyed that my best friend was a brony. When he asked me if I was it took me about 10 minutes standing there until I confirmed that I was a brony. His reaction was the same as mine. Then a pegasister who I didn't know went and asked if we were bronies. We replied with yes and then started a 3 way conversation about MLP for about 15 mins. It felt so strange yet so satisfying at the same time that at the start of the day I was a closet brony to somebody who was openly talking about it with people in real life. I then got the confidence to buy the comics myself as well as a couple of blind bags. And it felt so strange how the shop owner didn't give a sh!t about me buying it. When my other friends saw what I bought I was skeptical of their responses at first but they didn't care either. It was a very good day :)


    My family still don't know and I don't want them to as there very traditional and closed minded people when it comes to things which aren't mainstream they'll try to poke fun of and claim me to be mentally unstable, (that was their genuine response when I came in on day with an angry birds hat on). I asked my mum a few months back about bronies and her response was "mentally disturbed sex offenders", this is why I don't really want to tell them and hopefully you could understand why :P

    • Brohoof 1

    What you can do is get your own bank card from natwest and put some money on it.


    It's certainly a good plan and something I was going to do anyway...when I'm of the legal age to do so (I'm only 16 hehe). It's more just what to say without creeping her out (she's quite a closed minded person when it comes to things which aren't really in the norm, when I was wearing an Angry Birds hat the other day she said "If I catch you again with it on say goodbye to it").

  3. I'm lost... you would leave the fandom because fan content is being made...? I was really confused by this persons comment. I can understand that throwing in the crossover was a huge risk and to be honest it ruined it a little bit for me as well. But apart from that no it was great, the animation was superb and so was the voice acting (I find it hard to not find a Pinkie Pie voice which is way to high, and I found one which did one really well in this). Furthermore it's not cannon so I don't see what the problem would be.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. So recently I went to the comic store in Manchester and yesterday I mustered up the confidence to buy the MLP comics (issue 5 and the twilight sparkle and rainbow dash micro ones)...and they're really good cool.png , and I would like to really read the previous ones (issues 1-4). However they are not in stock and I can't get the from their website. Is there any reliable site in the UK to buy the previous ones from. Thanks for any help you can give me. <3

  5. I see enough of it written on the forums, but I have one problem and that is I don't even know what they are and what they fo :P. Also are going on about vector programmes which are alien to me as well. If anypony could give me some insight on what a vector is I would be a grateful pony! :)

  6. Although I am really loving The Walking Dead and Adventure Time at the moment, MLP I just have a better connection with because of the fandom with it, which (In my Opinion) the other two shows don't have as strong as therefore it amplifies the awesomeness of the show :)

    • Brohoof 1

    "When you say it's done, it's done. Your next one will be better."


    That's the strangest realization I have had in a while, funny thing is your 100% right, been finding that out with my drawing at the moment. I started about 2 weeks and there is already a huge improvement. Thanks for the heads up with that. blink.png


    Oh no, don't get me wrong, each bar was a ton of takes. That really is the best I can do at the moment. I just started rapping a month and a half ago.



    Yeah was expecting you to say that, would be surprised if it didn't take tons of takes for the great final product. And if it was only a month and a half ago it's more the reason to be proud of it if you can produce that in such a short period.

  9. Really nice rap, especially for your first Rap. You've certainly got a voice for it, when I do things for the first time I get really shy so my voice just a monotone mumble. Good to see you don't have the same problem as me. :P

  10. If you were to do my OC Rika I would be a very happy pony. Here is what I have done but I know you would make it 20% cooler :)


    Obviously only do if you have the time, don't want to force you to do something that won't cost anything :P
    • Brohoof 1
  11. I haven't been in a relationship for 16 years and not looking anytime soon, I don't think MLP would be the make or break of a relationship but it would be a good starting point if it's a pretty strong interest (which it is). But there would be more I would want in somebody than just them liking MLP :P

  12. Personally I believe if people like it then more power to them, personally I don't look because pony vagina in a jpeg format isn't my thing. In my opinion Clopfic is just like any piece of media so if it's good I'll take a look, and if it is good I'll read on. (Suppose that's why we all watch MLP, because it's a well made show).

    • Brohoof 1
  13. So I recently updated my YouTube channel to the new version with the banner on. I was going to get one of princess Luna for the banner but it says I need one by 2120 x 1192. I cannot find one anywhere so if anybody has a link to one I (and everyone else who is in the same situation) would be really grateful :)

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