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Everything posted by Oblivion
I am done with this circle jerk of a forum. For those that still care enough to even visit my profile and check up, my contact information is still on my profile. And for those have stuck with me till the very end I love you and thank you for keeping it real.
Hai, I'm blivy~
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@Kujamih lol you fuckin troll you.
Go to bed guys lol
I'm still blivy, I'll never stop being blivy....
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Awwww t has its adorable @ShadOBabe
BLM is a terrorist organization.
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@Rebel Brony 42 Its just like Islam, until the so called "peaceful" members completely and utterly condemn and exile the radicals my mind stays set.
According to Oxford:
QuoteThe calculated use of violence or threat of violence to inculcate fear. Terrorism is intended to coerce or intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological.
It appears BLM’s actions put them in the definition
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@Vinyl Scratch. YEP!
Oh buck, its Oblivion. I'm so oblivious the fact he changed his name to @Oblivion
Site needs a new rule, NO politics outside of debate pit! Sure it might sound harsh but I believe it has been said before, this is a privately owned community site, not a governing system or political body.
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I disagree with this. Restricting discussion to a narrow band of what is and isn't acceptable outside of certain areas is only going to discourage others from coming here and speaking their mind. Also, how exactly do you define what is and isn't 'political' here? An issue that may not seem political now might be a political issue in the future, so... IDK. It just seems like a dumb idea imo and will not stop people from leaving.
@Yoshi89 If an OP has to post a warning like that though shouldn’t it go on the debate pit anyway?
Everyone's leaving the forum now it seems....
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Aha!!!! It was you @Cash In! Now repent! Or face the wrath of The spanish Inquisition!
just kidding.... It was the politicians here who caused the cringe and everyone wanted out. but not alot wants to leave...yet
Lol will she ever finish drinking that juice is the question!
@Treeglow Flicker ewww how did you make that sound gross
@Oblivion What can I say? It's a talent.
Scored 625 rounds of 22 ammo for like 30 dollars yesterday at Walmart, caught it just as the shipment came in.
@ShadOBabe that's an afternoon of fun right there!