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Nature's Spell

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Blog Entries posted by Nature's Spell

  1. Nature's Spell
    Back in my college days, in the mid 90s, I wrote fanfic for a series that has been off longer than some of you have been alive. This was a time when fanfic was a brand new concept and the World Wide Web was in its toddler stage. I wrote out of sheer angst to be honest, but I loved it, and people had fun reading my work. But as quickly as it began it ended and for the past 15 years I've written no fanfic. I've written loads of things for work that are read, but it's not quite the same.
    But something about these magical ponies inspired me to write again. Not out of angst, but out of a sheer desire to share my thoughts and give beck. I won't say I'm the best writer, and likely need a friendly proofreader, but I feel a spark I've not felt in a long time. Right now I'm focusing on short stories, but I give props to the novelists out there who really go for it and write big! Some may not like my writing, or even notice it, which is fine, because I'm content with nothing to prove or loose this time.
  2. Nature's Spell
    Some may wonder why a 30 something father of two is spending what little spare time he has posting and writing short stories about pastel ponies. Well, I blame my children and especially my daughter's mini obsession with the music from Magical Mystery Cure. I had no choice but to listen and suddenly became smitten with a certain purple unicorn alicorn named Twilight. I was so taken by her that I watched season 1 and 2 back to back (yes back to back) over about two days and the rest, as they say, is brony.
  3. Nature's Spell
    Since my arrival I've often posted to defend our newest's princess' vary existence from those who are, might I say, displeased about her appearence. I've even written two short stories that include her princeship. But I've come to the conclusion that the Princess does not need me to defend her and will handle, dazzle, the doubters in due course. I will simply say that with Princess Twilight Sparkle the fun will be doubled.
  4. Nature's Spell
    We're now 3-4 episodes into season 4 and the writers have yet to define what role Princess Twilight Sparkle will play in Equestria. Now to be fair it is still early days, but the titles of the next four episodes do little to inspire confidence that they will define Twilight's role early on in the season. I feel that the writers should inject something small about Twilight's ascension, just enough to push it along. This would avoid cramming it into a single episode. In many ways this season has two season long story arcs. The keys and Twilight herself.
  5. Nature's Spell
    Royal Pony Sisters Origins Post S4?
    So, we’ve finally gotten to see three of the most iconic events in the show brought to life : the battle between Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon; the battle between the Royal Pony Sisters and Discord; and finally, how the sisters found the Elements of Harmony. Now, my personal head canon was that they earned their cutie marks when they found the Elements, but clearly that head canon is now wrong. However, what are we left with to explain where the princesses came from and how they earned their cutie marks? If we go strictly by what we’ve seen in the show, Hearth’s Warming Eve, their was a time when the Pony Sisters did not exist. We also know they had nothing to do with creating the Elements of Harmony. In fact, they were lucky to find them and, in essence, stole them from the Tree of Harmony-albeit for a noble purpose. My feeling is still that they were not born alicorns and attained that status just as Twilight and Cadence did by performaing new magic or helping society in a profound way. In their case, it must be linked to taking over the raising of the sun and moon from normal unicorns. My thought is that an event occurred that prevented the unicorns from raising the celestial bodies and the sisters had the key that allowed them to do it, and thus save Equestria. This theory will be proved, or not, as the season moves foward, but I do hope the writers deal with this facintating and by no means settled topic.
    One other aspect of the season 4 premiere was puzzling and that was seeing Celestia and Luna looking exactly as they appear in modern times. One would suppose that they would appear younger the further back in time one went, but clearly the writers decided not to do so, if they even considered doing it at all. Perhaps even more puzzling than their physical appearance is that they were already crowned during Discord's reign. The implication of this is that Discord perpetrated a coup against the sisters and they were forced to regain their kingdom by force using the Elements of Harmony.
    As Princess Celestia herself related in Return of Harmony Part I, "he (Discord) ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness." She goes on to say that she and Luna stood up to him, but nothing explictly states that they were the former rulers of Equestria. Based upon the evidence in the show one may as likely assume that the sisters rose up against Discord and were than installed as co-rulers. Without more clarification from the writers it will be difficult to say for certain.
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