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Jack Baker

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Everything posted by Jack Baker

  1. Heading to the beach. See ya'll soon. :)

    1. Digiral


      have a nice trip :D

    2. TwilizzleFoShizzle


      And this is the comment wear I would talk about my trip to the beach. IF I HAD ONE.

  2. My cousins keep making fun of me constantly.... I hate it...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      They're a lot older than me, so I'm afraid to do something.

      I'm like 14, and they're like 19-21.

    3. Lisa


      Just tell them to stop. :P

    4. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      I do, but it doesn't really help.

      They just say "stop what?", and then keep doing it (it also doesn't help that they don't really understand English)....

  3. Cave Johnson: You gave our prized invention to a PONY?!?!
  4. So I just got the iOS version of Justice: Gods Among Us, and I have to say: I'm impressed so far. Makes me want to buy the actual thing now.

  5. I've seen too many if these people to actually care anymore. Believe it or not, though, some trolls are actually bronies in disguise, trying to see how most bronies would react if a trolls came and started harassing them (trust me on this one, I've had an experience with said brony in disguise).
  6. Is it wrong for a guy to have arachnophobia?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i'm actually a guy who's deathly afraid of spiders, heights, and certain insects. i wouldn't say that makes me, or anyone else with the same fears, a wimp though. it's an irrational fear, it's nothing wrong about it, just something that makes your brain go bananas. i'd say it's more courageous to admit that you ARE afraid of something, rather than trying to tough-guy it up and act as if you're untouchable. machochism != courage.

    3. Zygen


      I'm afraid of like a billion things and I'm a guy. Spiders are included in that list btw. Not necessarily that I have Arachnophobia per say, but I don't like spiders very much :P.


      Nothing wrong with it, everyones afraid of something to some extent, or multiple things. Doesn't make you less of a man or something :P, thats a stupid assumption for someone to make.

    4. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      i'd like to get on terms with spiders actually. i see them as very useful creatures, and it's a shame i'm getting the fiddles just because they might bite me.

  7. Why do I suck so bad at Dota? -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      I know. But I always keep coming back for more....

    3. TwilizzleFoShizzle


      play tf2. hats. hats. hats. hats.

    4. Zygen


      Because Dota takes a whole lot of effort to understand the freaking complex interface.


      Its kinda torture to learn really. And the community isn't the best thing ever for sure.


      I play LoL which is a bit easir to pickup, still complicated at first though, and community is still meh.


      Practice makes perfect :P.

  8. At first, I thought it was gonna be silly. Who are you and what have you done with the real SmittyWerbenjaegermanjense?
  9. Is anyone actually fond of G3? (not saying that I am, it's just a question.)

    1. ~Master~ Button Mash

      ~Master~ Button Mash

      Some people like G1. G2 and G3 (and 3.5), not likely...

    2. Zygen


      Some people are. I personally know that I don't like 3.5 atleast... But i've not seen G3. nor G2 or G1 really.



  10. CALL JG WENTHWORTH, 877-CASHNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker


    3. TheBronyHeart


      (Echo) 877-CASHNOW!!!

    4. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      I owe money to the government, and I need cash NOW!!!

  11. You know what's worse than being in a thunderstorm? Being in a thunderstorm in a partially flooded basement. Help. Me. ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      LOL, of course there is.

    3. TwilizzleFoShizzle


      Found it, its 99 cents... meh ill just pirate it off of the android play store and use it on my galaxy note 2.

    4. Jack Baker

      Jack Baker

      Like any smart person would do.

      Do what you want cuz a pirate is free; you are a pirate!

  12. I always thought of myself as "that one guy that nobody pays much thought to"; plus the fact that I think the name itself was pretty funny.
  13. Yes, guilty as charged. 9/10, -1 because of new Bioshock (they make George Washington a mechanical, minigun toting S.O.
  14. Alright, it's about time for me to catch some z's. Peace. /)

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