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JamesBobbyDReed started following SOULJA 006
Heh, was wondering if that picture will raise any questions. It's me on the last Nightmare Night (Halloween) XP Just food coloring and syrup and the blood was sweet as I pass out the candy and burn some for Nightmare Moon XD
For what I believe and pretty sure it's the best to separate the unstable Pinkie Pie with the name Pinkamena then calling her the 'insane' Pinkie Pie. Don't know if the writers will bring her back in that stage in later episode but it will be surprising for us if they do. Very much like the return of Derpy Hooves. Sorry but for those who loves Derpy and I do want her to return as much as anyone here ;P. Didn't think much about that since it's a cartoon and I was already satisfied with the show ending as it is. My personal thought about it, even though she has friends with everypony in Ponyville. The shear fact that she couldn't take the any one of her friends couldn't come; even though she can invite others, was enough to break her. If you remember, on season 2, episode 18 "A Friend in Deed" Pinkie Pie made it a mission to gain Cranky Doodle Donkey as a friend no matter what even if it will annoy the living buck out of him. Of course Pinkie Pie wasn't trying too but she can't help how she is. Which her personalty can be fatal if not satisfied and leaving us with the infamous Pinkamena in the Brony community. Which I love very much! XP
Well, at least you have yours. I can't think of one or really think of good one. Truly am a blank flank and I'm alright with that XP
Oh how silly of me, of course I didn't know since she always wear her Wonderbolt's uniform. Can't help it she looks a bit different, maybe because art style but I like it. Do you have a cutie mark with your OC?
I do enjoy that look, hope in season four she come back with that look. But it be hell to have her like that if she clone her self like in Season 3, episode 3... Umm "Too Many Pinkie Pies" with that magic mirror. That episode did make me sad and was worry about her. Least favorite also now that I remember that bloody episode. Ugh.
XD I love it, where did you made it? And I notice you don't have a cutie mark. Can't deicide for him? Or is a her? O_o Sorry but can't tell XP
Lol, I imagine you burst into my room while you have your hand on my door knob as you said that and left as you close the door behind you! XD Well, maybe in the future some GTA V, pretty sure you're going to get that. I will, if you want send me a friend request and lets see what happen there. Gamertag is SOULJA 006 and I welcome all those reading this to send one also ;D I would love to! Just have one. Did you drew that? Hmmm make that two. Which OC is yours? Trying to make one on photoshop.
Thanks, I notice I became a muffin O_o Quite don't understand how this place works. Took me a week or so to figure out how to post a topic here. I don't care as long I feel somewhere I belong and hope I can get the best of it. Also may I ask what games you play? Right now I'm doing a lets play with friend on Borderlands 2
I believe a friend show me fan made video of "Primo Victoria" using Saving Private Ryan clips. Fell in love and more so with others song such as "White Death", "Midway", and personal favorite "Attero Dominatus". Also I wanted to add that Joakim is very small in person then in stage and Chris has that smile that he should own a kids show or even be made as a background character for MLP:FiM! XD Buck, well... Maybe on the Playstation 4 XD
Where do I start, do I just say I'm a simple earth pony or a human with much love of the show. However you take it I'm fine with it since we came a long way but still find it odd to be here. Don't get me wrong I love most of you Bronies and since I am one and would like to take part of this wonderful community that we're all in. The awesome fan made videos, created artwork, beautiful animation, pleasant music, and a bucking emotional fanfic stories I seen online everyday. I really want to thank Lauren Faust, the other writers I wish to know, voice actors, show itself, and lastly you guys that I'm pretty sure that this show impacted your life's and inspired you to do great things. Oh I wrote to much, sorry seem to do that a lot when my mind is in its bubble that I am in. I will make this short. I'm working to becoming an artist, haven't drawn for a while and need to sharpen my skill along with my video editing skill. I post random gameplays with my friends that I play online onto the Xbox 360. Which I play a lot to forget the day and mess around with my friends on whatever game we want to play. Would like to show my latest video that I put a little MLP in it. If you enjoy and heard of a funtage with much work put in it then pretty sure you enjoy this. If you do plan to watch it then I advise you to get a snack since I tent to make my videos long. Am also planning to mess with animation and for those doing the same I would like to know you so we can work together. Doing these stuff alone ain't easy and with the power of friendship anything can be done Thanks for taking the time to read this and lets see where this will take us XP
SOULJA 006 started following Name is Soul...
I just read the first chapter. I personally dislike reading fanfics, there is only a few I enjoy but cried heavily (If you guess "My Little Dashie" give yourself a pad in the back) others fanfics stunt me and trying my best to forget them. Now I have to wait with mix feeling of fear and joy for season four, I will give your a shot. Also I find it funny how I can hear Twilight and Applejack voices in my mind as I read your story XD
O.o Dude!!! I am too!! You gotta tell me which is your favorite songs or matter in fact how you got into them! Huh I notice your a red... awesome! XD /) OOPS! Sorry Dranz, this is your post and I got little delighted to see a fellow Brony to have two things in common. Would you like to share what games you play? Also on what? Please say Xbox 360
I would say this was the first episode and how I became a Brony. Didn't know what was a Brony at that time or what the show is about but a friend posted it on my Facebook. The still image of Pinkie Pie with her eyes lost got to my curiosity as I try to decide to watch it and I did. The theme of the this episode was very dark and amusing because of my taste. I thought to myself that there is no way in hell this is a kids show. After watching this episode I couldn't wait to see the rest, even though most of the episodes wasn't like this expect for episode 29 "Lesson Zero". I did enjoy the rest of the season and there isn't one I dislike.