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Posts posted by 00Pony

  1. To remind myself for when I get off work, I need to do as follows:


    Logan respond in some way to Cadance. Riza wake up, find something where it shouldn't be in the restroom. Go downstairs and be confused/surprised.


    Bowen needs to be cynical and proven wrong and then apologetic.


    Luna needs to take in her surroundings and be angry/curious.


    Amy needs to spot the new comer to her alley.


    -- anything I missed?

  2. @@Love,


    Valkyrie hadn't strayed from her pposition between Riza's bedroom door, and Cadance's. She lifted her head from the floor when theater began to move about the house, but she still remained in place. The human eventually went down the stairs, where a familiar scent was already emanating. Despite this, the German Sheperd waited for Riza to awaken.




    It was surprising how considerable a couch could be. Though it usually helped when you were tired from a long day of meetings, paperwork, and flights. As such, Logan had passed into sleep very quickly after closing his eyes. But despite all his exhaustion, Logan was still a soldier, and as such, he could awake at the smallest of sounds. So even the squeaking noise Cadance made was enough to wake him up.


    He stirred, pushing his Beret back from his eyes as he sat up, glancing around for a few seconds before spotting Cadance. His eyes widened flr a second. The clothes were definitely Riza's, the hair could have been her's with enough work, but the face definitely was not hers. Logan got up from the couch, and strode over to the strange woman, his size much more apparent now that he stood. He raised an eyebrow, "Who're you, and what are you doing in my home?" He spoke quietly. His voice was deep, with a fatherly undertone. But right now, it sounded slightly threatening and forceful. More so than he intended, but wouldn't you if there was a stranger waking you up I your own home?




    @@Pripyat Pony,@@Hypn0ticD,


    She tried to fight against its pull, she really did. And maybe she would have been able to lull away, but as it was, Luna had expended massive amounts of her magical and physical energy I to that last spell. So when the spell Avarice cast spring forth and wrapped around her, dragging her along into the darkness. Luna's wings beat in vain, as she tumbled through the portal, casting one last glance to her Sister...




    A rush of wind whipping past her ears and tugging at her hair. The feeling of falling fast. Feeling... Different. Decidedly non pony. Sudden stopping and slight impact.


    Luna's world had stopped moving, and slowly the blackness she saw began to wane, giving way to some sense of sight. The Lunar Princess glanced around a few times, taking in her surroundings. Finally, she quietly said, "I do not believe this is Equestrian anymore..."


    (Poor Luna post is poor)




    @@Hypn0ticD,@Miss Reaper,


    Bowen sighs through his shot glass, which was hovering in front of his mouth, as Applejack spoke, shooting off into an explanation of the events that lead them here. The man shook his head, speaking in a shockingly accurate imitation of AJ's *accent, "Now, look... I get what you're saying. Some of it sounds familiar, but there is some stuff in there that sounds like OC material and role play set up. And I'm having trouble believing any of it," he drops te accent, taking out his phone briefly to press a button, before setting it down with the back facing them, propped against the whiskey bottle, and looking to his guests, "Anything else?"


    What he had done was begin video recording the conversation, to view after it was finished, to attempt to pick out any sort of nervous ticks he might miss on the current one.


    *(I can't do phonetic writing :| )

    ((All in all, post could be better, but meh.)

  3. @@SilverHeart,


    "It's no problem at all." Was Aidan's reply to her thanks.


    He kept had kept his hands slightly outstretched as Mirror pulled herself up, ready to steady her if need be. It turned out to be necessary, as the poor woman seemed really unsteady and ultimately had to lean into him. The photographer changed his stance to support her weight as well, placing one of his hands on her shoulder.


    Aidan shook his head when she apologized, "No need for apologies, Mirror. But yeah, I'll give you a hand." She was only an inch shorter than he was, so moving one of her arms to rest over his shoulders wasn't difficult. He moved his own arm to wrap around her back, his hand coming to rest on the bottom of Mirror's rib cage. It was in this way he aided her up the stairs to his balcony, and eventually to the living room or his home. Once inside, he would assist her until they reached his recliner, where he would then let her sit, before asking, "Is there anything I can get you? Something to drink maybe?"



    (Why do I feel more eloquent in my posts at 3 am)

  4. @@Miss Reaper,@@Hypn0ticD,


    Bowen nodded as both women stated they would have waters, "Better that way." He mumbled as he poured himself a quick shot of whiskey, which he downed quickly.

    Setting his glass down, the officer turned on his heel and made his way over to the sink and cupboards.


    Retrieving two glasses from the cabinet, he knocked it shut with his elbow, setting both glasses beside the sink before turning the water on and beginning to fill them. It was around this time that Twilight telekinetically opened the same cupboard he had been previously looking in. Needless to say, the movement caught his attention. Setting the second glass down beside the first - both now full - he walked slowly back over to it, pushing the door shut with one finger and muttering, "Come on now... I just fixed you last week..."


    After holding it for a few seconds, Bowen walked back to the waters, and eventually set them before his guests, taking his own seat and pouring another shot as he spoke, "So. Which of you wants to tell me how you ended up in the street?"





    @@Pripyat Pony,


    It was with a panicked cry of fear and rage that Luna rocketed from her place to slam into Celestia's side with her own shoulder. She was not about to let her Sister be sent away! She couldn't run Equestria on her own.. The Moon Princess's tactic worked, the elder being flung from the portal's grip to land several feet away, slightly stunned.


    Luna, however, had a new problem. She was now caught in the portal's grip, and she could feel herself being pulled into it. With a furious beat of her wings, Luna tried to extricate herself, and when that failed, she increased the speed of her wings. Little headway was made at first, but eventually, Luna shot from the fringe's of the spell's grasp and into the sky.


    She arched in her flight, and came slamming back down to earth like a fury fueled blue comet. For a second, Luna stood still as a statue, glaring at the dragon pony who dared to try and harm her sister. Such was Luna's wrath, her comet-like aura pervaded, and her angered cry echoed brought with the inflection of royalty as she winked out of existence in a brilliant flash.


    All was calm for but a second, before the Princess reappeared in another flash, this time behind Avarice. It was with but a yell that Luna released the spell she'd been charging, and with it her brilliant aura. It traveled quickly, as if with the reverberations of her voice on the air, as it would slam into the Alicorn's adversary with such unrelenting force to tear the dragon pony from her perch, and directly towards the very portal she had tried to send Celestia through prior.






    Riza remained at her position leaning against the wall until Cadence passed by her and back into the room. At which time, the young woman stood and spoke as her guest flopped on the bed, "I'll put a set of clothes on the dresser for you to wear tomorrow, 'kay?"


    She didn't wait for an answer, assuming that Cadence hadn't even registered that she was talking. No big deal, really. Riza sifted through her own dresser, glancing over several articles of clothing before tossing a complete set her own bed. What lay before her was a pair of fitted blue jeans - that might be a bit tight for Cadance, but Riza doubted it. Seriously, the woman had to be late twenties at least, and she was freaking slender! At least, slender enough to wear a seventeen year old girl's clothes - coupled with the jeans was a graphic tee

    (http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0228/9021/products/Boopart800.jpg?v=1380235941), and the usual undergarments in a delightful red shade. Riza wasn't sure what Cadance's size was - it wasn't really something she thought to check on women - but she figured that if the woman was of relatively the same body type, she was likely the same cup size as well. If not? Well, then Riza was going to have to go shopping for a size range other than 'C'.


    But that was a different adventure for another day. For now, it was time to sleep. She has to pick her father up from the airport in a few hours, and had to be on time for that. Folding the clothing she has selected for her guest, Riza carried it in to Cadence's room, taking care to walk very carefully so as not to disturb her guest. She shut the door gently behind her after leaving.


    Riza then retreated to her own bedroom, shutting the door most of the way and quickly discarding everything but her underwear before climbing into bed. If tonight was the last that she'd be able to do this, then dang it she was going to do it. The Remington leaned against the wall beside her headboard as Riza drifted off to sleep.

    Even though she hadn't been commanded to, Valkyrie has foregone her usual behavior of sleeping alongside Riza, instead choosing to sleep in the hall between her owner's bedroom, and their guest's.




    It would be about an hour and a half after Riza and Cadence slipped into slumber that the lock on the door would be undone, and a third resident would enter the home. It wasn't someone nefarious, or anyone with negative intentions. Unless of course, you counted a father wanting to scare and surprise the living daylights out of his daughter a negative intention.


    Staff Sergeant Logan Jaeger stepped as quietly as he could after easing the door shut. For as big a man as he was, in full fatigues and boots no less, he made surprising little noise. He didn't do much, other than chuckle quietly to himself as he lowered himself onto the couch and removed his boots before lying down on the furniture, pulling his beret over his eyes as he began to sleep. Logan's instruction for Riza to retrieve him from the airport was only a ploy, and he had instead been delivered home by a friend. Logan smiled to himself as he imagined his daughter's reaction on the morrow, as she came downstairs all prepared to go get him, and to instead find him lying right there on the couch.

    of course, he knew absolutely nothing about their unexpected guest. Suppose Riza won't be the other one with a surprise waiting for them?



    (I can't make that shirt link any shorter on mobile, I'm sorry)

  5. @@Love,


    Riza remained seated on the counter throughout Cadence's dialogue, biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from snickering. She was still very skeptical about all of this, but it was starting to sound like a fan fiction or something like that. Most of the names she recognized, but the one, Avarice, was foreign - at least as a character from the show.


    All the same, Cadance ended her sentences with the statement that she needed sleep. That shot Riza back to reality. She hopped from the counter, steadying her Remington with one hand as she landed, "Well, I can't really answer any of the questions you have, but.. We do have a guest room. You're welcome to stay the night in there," she shrugs, "Maybe you'll figure something out with some sleep?"


    Without waiting for an answer to her rhetorical question, Riza started towards the stairs that led towards the bedrooms of the home, gesturing for her guest to follow, "Come on, I'll point you to the room and facilities and all that stuff."


    Whenever Cadance joined her upstairs, Riza would show her the guest room - which bore all the usual bedroom things, among them a double bed that was older, but still comfortable. A dresser was in the corner across from it, a window to the outside between them. Directly beside the guest room was Riza's own bedroom. Across the hall from the guest room was the master bedroom, where Riza's father would likely be sleeping, were he at home. Between the lot of them, were the restrooms. Riza would simply lean against the wall after giving the brief tour, simply stating, "You look about my size, so if you need anything to change into, I can lend you some of my clothes."



    (Probably should have been better, but... Eh, I'm getting my muse back slowly, but surely. I will need to do some more digging to find what else I need to respond to, and maybe be faster about it.)

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