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Silent Giggles

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About Silent Giggles

  • Birthday 1996-06-03

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Personal Motto
    Cross that bridge when the river floods
  • Interests
    Acting....and videogames and stuff...

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. here's what you do. you google everfree radio. you spend hours listening to their music. And then BOOM instant brony music master
  2. do you think toilets ever get tired of taking people's crap everyday?

  3. dear Amazon. just because i told you i owned a Star Trek movie, does not give you the right to recommend every single DVD of every single Sci Fi show. Sincerely, the guy who had to spend 8 minutes clearing out his recommended list.

  4. QUICKLY EVERYONE LET'S PLAY SPOT THE FLUTTERSHY! There's one, there's one, i see one over there! I think that's it, are there any i missed?
  5. my favorite creepy song isn't exactly creepy, but more messed up. It's Bullet by Hollywood Undead. A straangely uplifting song about a really depressing topic
  6. i've owned dogs and cats my whole life, but I prefer cats. dogs are just too clingy for me. i don't want to be rubbing a dog all the time. why can't they understand that? Cats just like to leave you alone. if they want a rub, they'll come up for one, receive it, and walk away. Cats don't take up my time. plus they learn to poop in a box just by sitting in it! do you know how long it took me to teach one of my dogs to go to the door if he had to poop? But cats, you just put them in a box. They get it. Cats are simple like that.
  7. really? strange. i looked up Weird Al when i thought of starting this but i didn't find anything. I shall try to be more diligent in my searching next time
  8. just realized that 2009 was 4 years ago, yet i remember it like it was a month ago. is this what old feels like? i don't like it

    1. Yamato


      >23 was 1990 years ago

  9. been playing too much bioshock. instantly read "are you a duke? or a dimwit?" but other than that, i am a public brony. i wear brony shirts, my family knows i'm a brony, and i talk about ponies a lot in school. that is if someone will listen, i'm not in the business of talking about the show to people who don't like it or aren't interested in it.
  10. i thought i was a minority too, none of my friends were into him much. only one had the same amount of interest in Al that i had. but then this happened. i like this.
  11. best and worst invention ever. Rubik's cube alarm clock.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Acoustic Cloud

      Acoustic Cloud

      xD That's one way to do it.

    3. Silent Giggles

      Silent Giggles

      don't you worry Dashey, i do jigsaws all the time

    4. Silent Giggles

      Silent Giggles

      haha! take that cheaply made cube! you shall never overcome me again!

  12. just remembered a youtuber that does songs heavily inspired by weird al. if y'all are curious, his name is jamesatwar. he has hilarious parodies, first time i heard them i thought it was a cover of weird al songs i hadn't heard yet.
  13. rich or not, they would need a ton of bits to keep up repairs on the farm. think about it, almost every episode with applejack includes the barn being destroyed in a number of ways. nuclear rainboom, multitude of pinkies, and even runaway wagons. you can't keep rebuilding a barn when you can't afford the materials. unless they just reuse materials. that would explain how it keeps breaking
  14. Yeah i knew i was in love with his music once i heard the polkas. it's takes a certain kind of genius, and no small amount of insanity to turn some songs like "Down With the Sickness" and "Bohemian Rhapsody" into upbeat polkas
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