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Everything posted by squareyes

  1. Is mocking short people really become classified as a "discrimination" now? I'm probably being ignorant as I'm of an above average height but are people really that sensitive. Even when you see a short person being mocked, you know the person mocking is joking around or trying to find a silly reason to prove they are better than the short-arse. There is better things to worry about than people making fun of your height.
  2. Just found out I've got over 100 brohooves. Thanks guys!

  3. Well, I thought I needed a better profile pic than just my OC so I looked through the photos which I saved from the "Best Cute Pony Pictures" thread and found this adorable Celestia and Luna picture which just had to become my profile pic.
  4. "Thanks. Well I didn't give myself as much time to get ready as I was so eager to see you again." She said with a smile. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd look as good as you do in casual wear as you do in a suit, but there you are looking quite dashing." She examined what he was wearing, he certainly looked presentable. And so far he shows he knows how to treat a lady. Cherry didn't think she liked this as much as she did as she had always been quite independent. Though Kit made her feel safe and this made her feel even more comfortable around him. "The atmosphere's great in here, don't you think?" She asked to keep the conversation light because after all, the night had just begun.
  5. First time watching MLP on TV. So awesome!!! (First time I could anyway.)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Good I was scared there for a second like "Crap did I miss some news or something."

    3. squareyes


      Don't worry. It's only local news. (It's wierd thinking of national news as local like this.)

    4. Felix


      Really? The UK is getting season 3 that late? :o That's amazing!

  6. I find it weird to think that even though the ponies are horses, I haven't seen any discussion about putting a saddle on any of them. So would you ride any of them? Do you feel like riding AppleJack in the desert into the sunset? Or riding Rainbow Dash into the clouds? Thoughts below. And yes, I did make the title an innuendo because I'm a dirty minded teenager. Hehe.
  7. Hell yeah! Well, That's the intention anyway.
  8. Just found out you can preview threads! Mind=Blown

  9. I know but being recognised on here sounds like a nice thing to be.
  10. I've been here long and from going on these forums so frequently for all these months I realise I'm not just going to be a member of this forum. I'm going to do more than that. Since I'm able to post something everyday I'm going to become like the great and powerful ones. ~Chaotic Discord~, Artemis, Harmonic Relations, SBB64, Batbrony and the other many well established members of this great community. I will become the very best (or at least one of them.) When I post, people will stop to read SQUAREYES' post. My posts will bring all the girls to the yard. I, in other words, will be. A Certified Brony. Although thats gone I'll just be a pretty pink unicorn.
  11. I can't really explain it, I haven't got the words It's a feeling that you can't control I suppose it's like forgetting, losing who you are And at the same time something makes you whole It's like that there's a music playing in your ear And I'm listening, and I'm listening and then I disappear And then I feel a change Like a fire deep inside Something bursting me wide open impossible to hide And suddenly I'm flying, flying like a bird Like electricity, electricity Sparks inside of me And I'm free I'm free Lyrics from the Billie Elliots main song Electricity was my first thought but in more detail it's a big step forward in understanding who I am by feeling so comfortable as a brony. First watching the show back in April of this year is something I certainly don't regret.
  12. What would be good, kind of like what @Harmonic Revelations said about the temporary badge but instead a birthday cake or a wrapped up present icon next to their name as a little reminder that it's the users birthday. How about that?
  13. C - It would have been a B but the Death Metal put me off it. Wolfgang Gartner - Fire Power Pendulum - Fasten Your Seatbelts (Prototype Raptor Bootleg Remix) Madeon - Icarus Nero - Lost in the Jungle Noisia - Stigma
  14. My thoughts are if it looks good on you, then wear it, even if it doesn't. Cross dressing, as far as I understand, is about expressing yourself. Being individual and who you are. If you don't look 'good' wearing it, it's your choice if you want to look 'good' or look like you. I haven't crossdressed before as I've never wanted to or felt like I needed to. About the closest I've got to it is wearing my sisters shirt for school as there wasn't any clean white shirts. It didn't make any difference apart from it fastening right over left. So yeah, that's my thoughts on it.
  15. For me I just stay on Sugarcube Corner on the forums here and from various bronies on YouTube. It's not much but EQD is probably the best place for news. Also if you ponify the websites that you use most often then they can give you some great news as well. Though be careful with ponifying your websites otherwise the internet could begin to look a lot like this to you. Ha! Good one. I like it. EDIT: Welcome to the Herd!
  16. I don't really like it that much although it kind of puts me at a social disadvantage at school since if you don't know about football or play Football at lunch, there's not much for people to talk about or do which makes it more than a bit annoying to hang out with most people in my year. Despite this, I'm a Charlton Athletic fan. Always have been always will. It's a shame they aren't doing so well in the Championship league. Still, it's better than them being in League 1. If I were to choose a team in the Premier League, it would probably be Tottenham Hotspurs, mainly because my brother would do the same and he knows A LOT about football.
  17. I found MLP G4 on the TV Guide! Looking forward to watching it so much! (Turns out Season 3 has hit the UK.)

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Season four will hit the US here in two months. :3

    2. squareyes


      That's nice. Thanks for that. Nice to be reminded that I shouldn't like my country because I don't know if Season 4 is coming out here.

  18. Nope but I'll go to one one day. One day. One day when I'm old enough I'll go to BUCKcon since at the moment I have no chance of going all the way to Manchester from London without my parents. Though at the moment I'm more than happy going to the London Comic Con.
  19. Bourbons and Custard Creams do the cookie and cream thing WAAAAYYYY better but oreos are good to. Cream for me. It's the metaphorical cherry on top which makes the oreo taste brilliant. What's great about that cherry is that you can have it by itself. Cream's the best!
  20. To be honest, I thought I wasn't scared of spiders like that for example, the other day there was a little common garden spider about an inch long which was stuck in the bath. I let it outside as if it stayed in the bath, it would probably die. Though now when writing this post, I tried searching pictures of spiders to show what the spiders where I live are like and why I'm not that afraid of them. An accurate description of what I thought after typing "common house spider uk" into google images.
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