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Nurse Slava Medik

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Posts posted by Nurse Slava Medik

  1. "yeah..."

    thoughts rushed through Parso's head about Flower, his late-fillyfriend. he snapped back to reality, shuddering a little and sitting down to recollect himself

    "sorry, just some bad memories"

    he smiled at Star before looking up at the night sky

    "Oh I'm sorry I must of brought it up" Star wraps her wing around him. " you must be cold so I wrapped my wing around you to give you wamth and well I know I said this loads of times but your a great stallion and who gets you is every lucky"Star smiles and looks at the sky.
  2. Parso smiled and nodded, he then heard slight mumbling

    "did you just say something?"

    he turned back around to face Star, but then waved it off

    "nevermind then"

    he led her through the city pointing out places like good restaurants, cafes and the like before stopping at the edge of the waterfront

    "if you look up there, you can see the Harbour bridge"

    he said pointing

    "and down there, is the Opera house"

    "no I was saying this place looks great and the water is beautiful at night and there both interesting"Star smiles at him and sit down"I was thinking of going back I have change my mind im staying and all of this is romatinc,too bad we have no pony to share it with.
  3. "Parso, Parso Incendiare"

    he smiled before turning around and heading for the exit

    "I'll also be sure to point out some good places or monuments during the walk. just to get you familiar with the city more"

    he laughed to himself

    "I'm sure you already know about the famous Harbour bridge and Opera house. I'll be sure to pass them"

    Star follows"I haven't heard of them but they sound nice like you say so I would love to see them and then after this I guess were going back to our appment and that is a nice name" Star smiles and walk beside him and look away and blush and say to herself"w..why do I felt like this no no I cant "
  4. "oh, sorry, down here a date means an outing, regardless of your relationship with the other ponies. I might have mixed up the terms"

    Parso apologized for the little misunderstanding before clearing his throat

    "so ready?"

    he asked with a small smile on his face


    Star giggles"that's alright we all do that sometimes I even said stuff little filly's or colts would not even know so yeah" Star gives him a friendly hug"that's for being kind to me and yes I am ready oh I didn't catch your name sir, mine is Star Struck foalsitter".

  5. Parso knew something was really up and walked over to the bar and sat next to her. he thought for a bit of just what he should say

    "hey, maybe you'd like to come for a nightly stroll around the city with me...a date if you will?"

    he asked, trying to cheer Star up

    Star stood up"yeah sure why not I got nothing to do anyway after this I was just going back to my appment to read and that was all and thank you for being so kind to me and a date? A date is to be with a pony you love not some random pony but still walk around would be nice"
  6. Parso laughed as he started to dance himself

    "not really, the city is friendly, I haven't had a problem with it"

    Parso then realized Star was looking a little upset

    "are you ok? is there something wrong?"

    he asked, trying to be supportive to her, however he had a slight idea what was the problem

    "Oh I'm just missing my friends and family, I havent p been away from them before so yeah" Star lied and sighs"well I think I might get another drink" Star trots off the dance floor and sits back down and asked for non alcoholic cider then she drinks it and just sighs"maybe it was a bad idea to come here and stayed in my apperment"

  7. Parso smiled and nodded his head

    "sure, truth be told, I'm a horrible dancer though"

    he laughed before he stood up from the stool and walked alongside Star as they headed to the dance floor. finding a small empty part of the floor to dance

    'I havent danced in years'

    he thought

    "I'm not that good too but its just about fun and nothing else" Star starts dancing to the music and smiling"I heard its good here but is there something I should know or place I should avoid" Star askes then sighs again. Star can get really upset around couplesi
  8. Parso followed her gaze and realized what she meant

    "oh, I get it"

    he nodded sincerely at her

    "I'm sure you'll find the right one soon. I've only just met you to give a full opinion, but so far you seem nice enough"

    he gave a reassuring smile to her and took another sip of his drink


    Star smiles"thank you for that complement" she sips then put her drink back down"well if you want to maybe you want to dance with me since well we just meet like you said but it would be nice but you don't have to if you don't want to its ok" Star gets off her Stoll and stand on all four of legs again.
  9. "yeah, I went up to Equestria myself, to be honest, there wasn't much there, that's why I came back here"

    He smiled at her and took a sip of his drink

    "so do you plan on staying here or are you going back to Canterlot?"

    he asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice

    Star takes another sip of her drink"yeah im thinking of staying because like I said,there is nothing there then there is here" Star sees a couple dancing and kissing and she sighs"but I think there isn't still nothing here form me but i will still stay here because I don'twant to move again".
  10. Parso nodded and ordered a non alcoholic drink for both Star and him

    "down here, a lot of things are different from up in anywhere in equestria. are you trying to find a change of scenery or something else, you don't have to tell me,but some things are good to talk about"

    he smiled at her as the barkeep placed down two glasses of soda

    "Oh you heard that,well it just I feel like there is no pony in Canterlot that will take me and love me for and not just some made" Star takes a sip of her drink and sighs"I only have friends well maybe none now since I'm here and well Iike my job I hope there is something down here for me"
  11. Parso sat down on a stool beside her and spoke to the bartender. it was good to know he was still a familiar face in this city

    "can I get you a drink, Star? they give me a discount here"

    he asked her, wanting to make her feel welcome to Sydneigh with a little 'land down-under' hospitality

    Star looks at him"OK thank you sir" she when turns back and look down at the counter and sigh and talk with relishing anypojy could hear"i hope things here could be different then Canterlot" she looks around seeing other pony's dancing and chat and that then she turns her head back around.

  12. "yeah...I'm just trying not to dwell on it too much. as for this place, I used to come here, wonder if barkeep still notices me"

    they waited in line to be let into the club. once inside Parso looked around to see if there was any change, surprisingly there was not any change since the last time he came here

    Star says"well yeah its for the best and I bet they still do know you" Star trots over to the bar and sits down and she just looking into space

    And thing how she is going to find a job and that then she sighs and says to her self"life can suck sometimes even through most of it I good"

  13. "sure, I know one thats a couple blocks away. follow me and I'll take you there"

    Parso opened his wings and got airborne, but waited for the mare to come after him

    "I'm Parso by the way"

    he said during their flight, it was a short flight and they touched down in front of the club he mentioned before

    Star follows him"I'm Star Struck but my friends call me Star but you can call me anything you want and well I haven't been to a club before so it my first time" Star looks back"I don't know how it feels but it must hard losing some pony" Star says thinking"Hope he doesnt get mad"

  14. Parso heard a mare approach behind him

    "just saying goodbye to a piece of history"

    he gave a short smile to her before trotting away from the headstone from his past

    "you're not originally from around here, aren't you?"

    he asked noticing the Equestrian accent in her voice

    Star smiles"no I'm from were the the Princesses live a place called Canterlot but I thought I might as well move down here because what I saw from a friend it looked nice and it sure does anyway I was about to go to a club after arriving here do you want to come?" Star asked the stallion.

  15. Parso gazed over the city once more before turning back inside and putting on his tie and hat. after a walk down the stairs to the complex doors, he opened his wings and flew into the sky, stopping at a florist cart on the way to where he was going to buy a single daisy before flying off again. he landed in front of the Sydneigh Cemetery and walked the rest of the way in to find the headstone marked


    Here Lies

    Flower Sprout

    Loved daughter and fillyfriend

    forever marked upon ourselves


    he stood there in silence for two minutes before speaking

    "I came back, and I'm back to start again. you were everything to me, that event still haunts me"

    he placed the daisy by the headstone before standing there in complete silence

    (I can have a guess what Sydneigh is in real life and I got to give it to you every creative)

    Star wakes up and look at the time. Star gets up and walks out then spread her wings and fly off to found a club. "I wonder were a club is". Star fly's over a Cemetery. "Its sad how some pony's die but I can't feel what other pony feels because it hasn't happen to me before". Star sees a pony down there and thinks"maybe I should talk to him and help him" Star fly's down"exsuse me what's wrong?" Star asked.

  16. Star arrives in Sydneigh"wow it just like they said now I got to found my apperment" Star looks at the paper and starts flying to her apprment and arrives. "Wow this is nice too" she goes and lay down on the couch and yawns. "I think I might have a rest before going out to a club maybe".

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