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Nurse Slava Medik

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Posts posted by Nurse Slava Medik

  1. Star wakes up from hearing what's happing with both Willow and Crystal and rush over to help an put hr hoof on there chests she then she starts doing CPR on both of them"come on you two don't fail now" then they both start breathing"well that wasn't need but I'm happy you two are ok"she give both wing snuggles.

  2. Star dream changes to a happy one after the whole Firestorm problem is fixed"oh yes Steel we do have a wonderful family, one little colt, one little filly and a handsome husband who would protect his family and do everything for them" Star says in her sleep.

  3. Star smiles"ok and i love you too Steel". Star nuzzles him before going to sleep and when she did fall asleep she started dreaming of what Cujo said about the diamond dogs"no get off you smelly runt" Star said as she rolls around on the ground breathing heavily.

  4. Star smiles then sighs"Steel i dont know why but why do i feel so attached to Cujo the Diamond Dog but i still love you no matter what but is i still can't get over how kind he was to me when we were at the lair" Star then kisses Steel then she wraps he tail around his.

  5. "ok love"Star lays down on the ground"it would be nice when everything is calmed down so every pony can live and that not in fear of each other trying to kill or hurt some pony for food and water and Lighting he was so angry at me that he through to the ground, he was mad i was in love with you".

  6. Star nuzzles him and looks at the sky"maybe when this is all over we can make a family and that, that is if you want want to and i mean when this whole sun thing is fixed you know" Star smiles at him. "and how i got the info about the diamond dogs, Cujo told me".

  7. Star kisses Steel" i never want to lose you Steel please dont die" Star then hug him tight. Star looks at the sky"who knows when theses diamond dogs will come to us and try to capture us because of this whole sun thing" Star sighs and thinks about Cujo and hope he is alright.

  8. Star hoovers to the ground and goes behind Grell and Lighting sighs"fine i will go away" Lighting disappears and hugs Grell"thank you Grell but what is going to happen to him" Star sees Steel and waves at him then flys up to him"Lightings ghost found me".

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