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Sazama Ichida

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Posts posted by Sazama Ichida

  1. *kisses her passionately a few times*

    So...do you have any plans for the rest of the day yet? If not, what do you think of spending it together?

    Oh my...I've...I've never been kissed like that before...



    Or had this much affection from a colt before...It feels wonderful...My you really know how to kiss...and your arms are so strong...



    And yes I'm free today darling. It is Sunday after all.



    Are...are you my secret admirer? You do appear to be.


    • Brohoof 1
  2. Whoa...

    *catches Rarity and holds her tight.*

    I am also very happy. Is everything alright? *smiles*

    *slowly opens my eyes* You caught me...That was so sweet...I would've had so many bruises just then if you hadn't...



    *says nothing else and just lays there in your arms looking into your eyes with this face*


    • Brohoof 1
  3. *blushes*

    I'm trying my best to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I've never met such a sweet, kind and interesting Lady before...

    *gives Rarity a little kiss*


    And a seaserpent with a moustache, huh? Well that sounds quite odd for sure *laughs*

    I am sure you had many fun moments during your adventures

    *blushes bright red after being kissed* Oh my you are very sweet...I'm so happy right now I...I...I...



    *falls over*


    • Brohoof 1
  4. Sorry to hear about what happened during Trixies reign. It must have been horrible... *hugs Rarity*

    I was lucky because I was on holiday when she came to Ponyville.


    And everypony makes mistakes, especially when under pressure. But I am sure your friends are always there to help *smiles*

    What's your favorite memory you share with them?

    *blushes and hugs at the same time I'm being hugged* Oh my you really are the biggest gentlecolt I've ever met. You really know how to make a mare happy. If only more ponies were this kind...You've treated me like a lady more than any other pony ever has...



    Oh we've done fabulous things together. The list is very long. There was that time when Spike helped carry my pins and needles for me. My what a dear he is...



    And that there was that time when Fluttershy babysat Opal for me. My she is a sweetheart...The best friend anypony could ever ask for...The list goes on forever...I love all my dear friends. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Spike are all priceless to me...



    But I'm willing to be anypony's friend if they're kind to me. Everypony deserves generosity. And I'm always willing to help those in need. Like that seaserpent who lost half his mustache for example.


    • Brohoof 1
  5. Rarity, how often do you see Fluttershy?

    I take time off my schedule to visit her sometimes. And sometimes she visits me. Sometimes I'm busier at times than at others.


  6. Oh wow...This is HILARIOUS...Now I can finally know what Angel Bunny is thinking since he can't talk.laugh.png


    So anyway, What do you do when Fluttershy is not home?

  7. Oh, I am sure they will be pleased to have the best designer in Equestria to make their costumes *smiles*


    But be careful that you don't work too hard, Miss. I am sure a lady like you needs time for herself too...And I and your other friends would miss you if you were in Canterlot all the time.

    Oh my you are so sweet...You're going to make me blush...



    I am very careful darling but thank you for your concern. I don't go to Canterot very often. I mostly work from home to support Opal and Sweetie Belle and my parents.



    I'm usually not overworked unless I'm very nervous or stressed.



    One time was when Trixie was forcing me to be her designer...Oh my what an unpleasant memory that was...My hoof is still sore from when I stuck myself...



    And there was also the time when I had to do Princess Cadence's hair while being rushed to prepare for Mrs. Harshwinny...That didn't go too well...




    How are you doing? Does Spike help out in your shop sometimes?

    I am doing great darling thank you for asking! And yes he does. He has been very helpful.


    • Brohoof 1
  8. I've also seen that play and was sad about the ending too...But I really like the moral of the play and how it picks up the whole love theme. Stallionspeare was such an amazing author. I wonder if he knew that his works will be timeless classics that are still played today.

    And I've also seen that modern musical adaption that plays in Canterlot.


    Have you ever designed a costume for a play and if not would you like to do it someday?


    Well normally I'd be quite nervous to but since I was able to please Photofinish and design dresses for royalty I'm not afraid to give it a shot.


    • Brohoof 1
  9. Who is the most well known Pony you have made an outfit for?

    Mrs. Harshwinny. I saw her again later and made a dress for her.



    I'm still embarrassed about that mix up...


  10. Sounds like you had a great time. Now I am really hoping to get an invitation there soon *laughs*


    Have you also visited the Canterlot theatre? Only the best actors in Equestria are allowed to act there. When I lived there, I have seen a few plays and even as somepony who hasn't the best of knowledge about theatre it was amazing

    Why yes I have! Their plays are absolutely splendid! My favorite is Stallionspeare's Poneo and Juliet!




    It was so romantic....



    But yet so sad too...


  11. Wow, sounds exciting. What did you do and how was your stay at the castle? smile.png

    It was glorious...The spa was so invigorating...And the massage parlor...Ohhhhhhhh...And I even got to style the hair of royal ponies...


    • Brohoof 1
  12. I was wondering if you could make me a scarf?

    Certainly darling.



    Come right on in! I've increased my inventory since scarfs have been in so much demand lately! Take your pick!




    I see a classical influence in your mane style though *winks*

    With the right dress I am sure you'd look like princess *giggles*


    Have you been to the Canterlot castle? I've heard they have wonderful accomodations and spa areas for guests.

    Yes I have. In fact I once worked there part-time for Princess Cadence!


  13. Well after what you have told me about yourself, I knew you would answer that *laughs*

    Altough I thought you 'd prefer the piano over the violin.


    So I guess you like Canterlot a lot, Miss?

    It's a nice city for with a lot of cultural and romantic stuff, but honestly it's a lot nicer to spend a weekend there, than actually living in Canterlot. This high society lifestyle feels a bit cold and dull after a while and the city looses a lot of it's magic when you live there.

    I prefer living here in Ponyville and enjoy going to Canterlot every once in a while.

    Oh silly me did I say violins?



    I meant Piano music yes! I love the classic retro melodies! They're so romantic! The Piano is my favorite!



    But I also love the violin as well. Anything classic and retro!



    Oh except regarding fashion of course! I do have to keep in style!



    And yes Canterlot is lovely. I like to take vacations there every so often.


    • Brohoof 1
  14. *blushes and smiles from ear to ear while getting kissed on the cheek*

    Uhm...t-thank you!

    So..err...what kind of music and movies do you like the most?

    Oh I like violin symphonies and romances. You know that sort of thing.


    • Brohoof 1
  15. 20 bits? That's very generous of you, but I'm afraid I can't accept it. That's a wonderful outfit with lots of details and you must have been working on it for hours. Also I can't remember being treated this well in any other shop before. *smiles*

    *gives Rarity 40bits and a small ruby*

    What things do you enjoy when you are not working?



    Awww you are just the sweetest thing!



    *gives you a little kiss on the cheek*


    I like to brush my mane and powder my nose and listen to music. And I also like to watch critically-acclaimed movies and TV shows. I appreciate the finer things in life.



    I have to take care of Opal alot of the time though.


    • Brohoof 1
  16. Well, thank you very much...*smiles sheepishly and looks in the mirror*

    It does indeed look great, how much do I owe you for it?

    Also how comes that I've seldomly see you wearing some of your outfits? You sure have a lot of exceptional good looking clothes in your shop.

    That will be 20 bits. I think you deserve a discount!



    And that's because I have limited time to try them on darling. I'm usually too busy making them.



    Prince Blueblood: Ofcourse Its good, Now instead Of Being a yes Pony to my Aunts I now Have the courage to disagree with them, Too bad they dont listen to me otherwise Stuff Like the Changeling Invasion Wouldn't Have happened

    Hmmm...well...maybe he DOES have a noble side to him after all...Maybe he CAN still be my prince...Maybe now I'll get to see the side of him that I didn't see before. The side of him that I've been wanting to see! Maybe he's changed now!


    • Brohoof 1
  17. Prince Blueblood : Because Of you I Realized that My disteny isn't just being a Handsome face, But That I should Also aim bigger

    He's actually giving me credit for something and being nice to me for once...If I wasn't seeing it and hearing it I wouldn't believe it...



    Er...Th-thank you...That's...good...


  18. Sure! What are you thinking for me?


    OOC(for my OC): If there were no diamonds in the world left, what would you do?

    N-No more Diamonds?!?!?



    I can't even bare the thought of it!



    And I think this outfit should suit you. *puts a random outfit on you*



    There you go! You look charming!



    Prince Blueblood: Now I remember, At Some Gala Right?


  19. OOC(for my OC, not Rarity) Do you like emeralds or saphhires more, and which do you think makes better decour?


    IC(Again, for my OC) What are your favourite things to use for decorating your dresses? I really like your creations, by the way. think you could make me one? *winks and gets bits from her bags, handing them over*


    For payment, of course.

    Sapphires definitely.



    But my very favorite is Diamonds! The most rare and expensive of all gems!



    And they really bring out my eyes too don't they?



    They also glisten and sparkle with my mane!



    And certainly. Come right this way and I'll fix you up!



    How long have you and Fluttershy been friends?


    A few years now. Me and her go pretty far back.



    Prince Blueblood: Nevermind bu Have I met you Before?


    • Brohoof 1
  20. Prince Blueblood: You Don't happen To be From That Group Who Tried to Kill me Because I stole Their Magical Mirror to Look at myself?

    OOC: Yeah It will



    No I most certainly am not...I have no idea what you are talking about...




    You seem to have a working knowledge of kung-fu. May I ascertain your reason for practicing the art?


    Well being a single mare of my stature and beauty living in Equestria self-defense classes are a must. I need to be able to defend myself and ward off certain types of predators and riffraff if you know what I mean.


    • Brohoof 1
  21. *follows Rarity to the shop*

    What do you have in mind, Miss?


    And by the way, I have a little fashion advice for you too. I've seen you at the best young flyers competition last year and you had this beautiful wings and all. Nevertheless, the lipstick looked a bit odd on you, so I wouldn't suggest using one. You look gorgeous without any lipstick or makeup, Miss...although the blue eye shadow looks stunning *smiles*

    You think so? I shall have to remember that...



    Now then. *puts a random outfit on you*



    Oh don't you look simply dashing!




    Prince Blueblood: I think I know you, But I can't remember

    Oh...Er...Hello...Prince Blueblood...



    What does HE want?



    OOC: I am so glad you posted here. This will be hilarious.

    • Brohoof 2
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