Midnight shook Hacks hoof. "Nice to meet you, Hack. I haven't pushed any buttons, and you woke up a minute or so after me, so I can't say for sure where we're going."He said and after a short pause he added "If we even are going anywhere that is."
Then even before anything could happen there was a voice. "Well hello there my little ponies." It was a heavy voice, heard throughout all the elevators with any wake pony. Later it'd get heard in the other elevators whenever the other ponies woke up.
A screen with a figure showed up out of nowhere.
"My name is Zero."
It became a clear shape now, you could see a cartoony little lion on it.
"See the safe behind you."
It seemed the lion was Zero since its mouth was moving at the same time the voice could be heard.
"It only opens on my command, I'm an AI in controll of this facility."
When Midnight looked at the back of the elevator there indeed was a safe.
"So what do we have to do to let you open it?"
Zero then anwsered with "Not so fast, I'm not done explaining! You're not the only ones trapped.
now that I'm done explaining I can tell you."
"Was it really necessary to prolong it for just one thing?" Midnight thought. He wanted to speak again, but decided not to for the sake of escaping.
"You only have to anwser this simlpe question. Lets call this round 0.
Why was the cross eyed teacher fired?
If any of the ponies in the other elevators anwser right I'll be nice enough to open all safes, I'll even announce it.
Well, that's it for now, see you later."