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Midnight Blade

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Everything posted by Midnight Blade

  1. So be it. I've found someone else already, just in case.
  2. @, "It's Midnight Blade." Midnight said. @@Super Mario Brony, Since it seemed like somepony was stuck in his own elevator Midnight decided to help. He used a simple spell to create a rope and tossed it onto the ceiling of the room the pony was stuck in. "Can you see the rope?!" Midnight asked loudly. It could take a while but eventually the rope would fall into the room.
  3. @, You don't really need to back out. If you'd read all posts or even just a quick scan you'll see which ones are important for progression. I won't hold you back but it'd be a problem if we'd have to find someone else who'd take even longer to catch up.
  4. @, "Hope you heard my name the first time. Anyway, Didn't Zero say he'd explain some rules after everypony got out? He'll most likely appear on a screen again like he did in the elevators." Midnight sighed, another pony jumping to conclusions. "It's basic logic. Hope you understand." Midnight looked around. There were a total of six elevators. "I guess there should be twelve ponies considering the amount of elevators. We're still missing some if I guessed right that is."
  5. @, "The name's Midnight Blade." It seemed like most ponies already are out of their elevators. "I suppose you don't know what's going on either." The warehouse they were in had a monitor between the big door and the magenta one. Midnight nodded his head towards the screen. "Seems like that's where Zero will show up."
  6. @, (ooc it's not required, it does make it easier for some people to understand, especially when you play multiple characters, as for color you can use any color you want but the color of your OC is standard) @, Midnight looked over to Hack. "Well, it seems like somepony solved it." Midnight opened the safe and took out a key. He looked up, the hatch was higher than he could reach. "Nothing a little magic can't solve." Midnight used a simple levitation spell to put the key in the hole and unlock it. Midnight conjured a little trampoline to jump on. It'd last for a minute or five since Midnight didn't want to overuse his magic in case he needed it for more important stuff. He jumped up and then when he got on the roof he jumped onto the ground. There were five other elevators. It seemed like they couldn't fall, so why'd they get lied to? Nevermind that. There were other things that were more important. He couldn't recognize this place. There were a total of four doors. A Big door with the number nine on it was on the left. Then there were three colored doors. From left to right they were magenta, yellow and cyan. All Midnight could do was waiting for everypony else.
  7. "Well, well, well, it seems like somepony finally found the anwser." Ecoed throughout the elevators. "Now hurry up and open your safe. In it you'll find a key. With it you can open the hatch on the ceiling and go out. Now hurry up! I'll go and explain some rules before we can advance."
  8. @, "Well, I never studied any language. It probably has to do with a common thing between eyes and teachers." Midnight didn't really hear a lot of jokes over the years, being alone and doing his magic training. "Come on guys, there are just eight minutes left. Think! If you value your lives."
  9. The screen went on in all the elevators again. Once again the little lion showed up. "Well, now that everypony is awake I will add a time limit. Lets make it... 10 minutes." Zero said. "After those minutes the elevators will fall. And I guess you know what happens then." He added. Then the screen went black again. In his own elevator Midnight groaned. "Well, that's great, a time limit as well as an annoying question. I didn't study magic for some stupid questions." He thought out loud without even thinking about it.
  10. @, It seemed like nothing had happened. Well, that was back to square one for Sound. In the meantime Midnight had tried to open the doors, as well as the safe, but it was all in vain. Even a simple tracking spell didn't help him find his current location, nor what happened after he was drugged.
  11. @, Midnight shook Hacks hoof. "Nice to meet you, Hack. I haven't pushed any buttons, and you woke up a minute or so after me, so I can't say for sure where we're going."He said and after a short pause he added "If we even are going anywhere that is." Then even before anything could happen there was a voice. "Well hello there my little ponies." It was a heavy voice, heard throughout all the elevators with any wake pony. Later it'd get heard in the other elevators whenever the other ponies woke up. A screen with a figure showed up out of nowhere. "My name is Zero." It became a clear shape now, you could see a cartoony little lion on it. "See the safe behind you." It seemed the lion was Zero since its mouth was moving at the same time the voice could be heard. "It only opens on my command, I'm an AI in controll of this facility." When Midnight looked at the back of the elevator there indeed was a safe. "So what do we have to do to let you open it?" Zero then anwsered with "Not so fast, I'm not done explaining! You're not the only ones trapped. now that I'm done explaining I can tell you." "Was it really necessary to prolong it for just one thing?" Midnight thought. He wanted to speak again, but decided not to for the sake of escaping. "You only have to anwser this simlpe question. Lets call this round 0. Why was the cross eyed teacher fired? If any of the ponies in the other elevators anwser right I'll be nice enough to open all safes, I'll even announce it. Well, that's it for now, see you later."
  12. @, "Well, I can only anwser one of those questions. I'm Midnight Blade." Midnight anwsered, looking at the other pony more thoroughly than before. The other pony whose name Midnight didn't know yet was out cold not even a minute ago. He at least looked that part. Probably like Midnight who woke up not long before the other pony did. "For the other question." He continued "It seems like we're in an elevator, but that's the only hint at where we are."
  13. @@Randomiser, I've put you in. @, Sure he can be in, probably makes it more interesting too.
  14. wow, me neither now in all seriousness when I said during the RP I refered to it as in the future. I guess I'll start it now then, but we'd still have to wait for two more people. Here's the link I've also put it in the first post.
  15. Link to OOC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You wake up in a room. An elevator to be precise. All you can remember is that you got knocked out by some gas, the last thing you saw before going unconscious was a gasmask. There's a bracelet on your left foreleg, it's immovable. When you actually look on it there is a number three in the color (fill in the color you chose) as well as the word (fill in solo or pair) beneath it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Midnight woke up in an elevator. There's somepony else in it. A pony he's never seen before. Midnight shook him a couple of times and tried to talk to him. No response. When he looked down he saw that there was a bracelet on his left foreleg. It wasn't even movable in the slightest. When Midnight gave it a closer look he saw the number three in a red text, like you would see on a digital clock. It also said the word pair.
  16. @, I added you, but could you be a bit more responsive during the RP?
  17. @@Randomiser, Few times a day is good, If you can't post for some reason please message me or post here beforehand so we can advance anyway.
  18. @, We could theoretically start already, but later on we'd have to wait for the solo players. @, It's based on Zero escape; virtues last reward. The first game's called Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors. I guess it's kind of important if you want the full story. BTW it's a visual novel so there's a lot of reading (like the ace attorney series).
  19. The world ends with you, it's a must. I also love the ace attorney series. 9 hours, 9 persons, 9 doors. Time hollow was a decent visual novel, kinda short. Both TLoZ games. Okamiden. Tetris DS, damn I got far once. The devil survivor games.
  20. @, If you can also give me your choice of color as well as solo/pair choice I'll put you in
  21. @@Super Mario Brony, I've added you to the list, and don't worry about anything.
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