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Everything posted by GaleFenrir
"Now doesn't he seem awfully jaded? I was just trying to get the guy to perk up a bit,which might of worked a bit, though I realize my efforts to look heroic wasn't an award winning performance. Still, I can't let him help, he's far too young, and evidently inexperienced." Curious was about to voice his objections to Pondah's offered hoof, but couldn't get a word in before he heard somepony trotting towards them. "Horse-feathers," Curious muttered under his breath. It was clear by the sound of the clanking that it was an armored guard, and though Curious wasn't exactly winded from chasing Pondah, he knew he couldn't take on a guard by himself, and he certainly couldn't fly away and leave the younger pony behind. The stallion who found them was audibly panting, which would have been a good sign if Curious had to fight him. Fortunately, however, the Guard didn't seem to be insane, given that he was demanding them to simply cooperate, rather than straight up attacking them. "I don't much like the guard, but I am in no position to resist." Curious noted that Pondah immediately dropped prone and started to panic. "yeah, definitely can't have him help if that's how he is going to respond to everypony." Curious instead calmly complied with the order and raised his front hooves over his head.
Hey, this seems appropriate for my character! Anyways, here's my form: OC Name: Curious (Though, since he doesn't have two names, I suppose he would be called Agent C, or something) Gender: Stallion Special Talent: Learning, specifically quick observation and analysis, along with an uncanny charisma that lets him extract intel Back story: Curious was a native of Cloudsdale, but fell from a great height during flight camp and ended up on ground level. It during this time that he realized he loved exploring the world, learning everything he could. He left home at an early age of 13 to become a traveling private detective, but now 19, he has been recruited into the Equestrian Secret Pony Agents. Extra gadgets: He has his signature scarf, which has an minor enchantment upon it that soothes aching muscles and also helps Curious to relax and think. His full character bio is in my sig, and if you need anything changed to better fit your RP, I'd be willing to accomadate.
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@ParsoOfEquestria, @, Despite himself, Curious couldn't help but give Windy a mock salute in return when he had left. "He certainly is a nice fellow, perhaps he is starting to grow on me. After all, might as well get along with the pony you're going to be living in the company of for the foreseeable future." "Now, onto the matter at hoof," Curious said to no one in particular. He started to pace back and forth about the balcony he was still on. He looked at the window, leading into Mystic's apartment. "I... I could just sneak in, find evidence to assuage or confirm my fears. I mean, it wouldn't be the first time I've broken into someplace while on a case." Curious shook his head. "No, no I couldn't do that. I wouldn't forgive myself if I just started to invade a pony's privacy if it's nothing serious, no reasonable cause. And besides, what if she found out... Regardless, if I want to actually try to learn something about this Mystic Dawn, if I can trust her to not slit any throats, I should take the most direct route and talk to her." Curious stopped his pacing and looked over the balcony's railing. "Right, of course, no big deal, just leap and fly off, no big deal." He stepped back wards a bit, and started to run towards the edge of the balcony. He leaped over the railing, and closed his eyes as his wings unfurled. "Just let your wings do their thing, glide gently down." Curious let out a sigh of relief as he felt his hooves touch upon the ground. "Now, I shouldn't let Mystic come talk on her own terms, not with Windy around to get involved. She looks fairly distinctive, shouldn't be too hard to track her down." Curious readjusted his scarf, and set out towards the streets. He asked the occasional pony he passed by, noting that she'd probably be wearing a red dress. He eventually passed by an Italian restaurant and looked in the window to see that peculiar earth pony he saw on board the fishing ship, and he was with a mare, or was it a filly? "Odd, he didn't come here with anypony, at least not that I saw. He must be here visiting his little sister or cousin or something." Curious eventually determined that Mystic Dawn was going to a new night club that had just opened up. He quickly made sure his mane and tail were nice and clean, that his feathers were properly preened, and that his scarf was on straight. He hadn't thought to get dressed for the occasion, but he figured he could slip in to the club if he had to. ((Okay, that came out a lot longer that I intended. nearing 2000 characters. I hope it wasn't tl;dr)) -
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, Curious chuckled at the mention of Windy having proper manners, "Figures he would try to put on that act just for some tail. Ah, what it would be like for him to actually have to deal with nobility and the upper crust of Canterlot society as I have done on occasion." Curious's muscles relaxed a bit upon Windy affirming that he wouldn't be laughing at him, and that he actually showed some genuine concern. "Okay, fine, I was nervous! But, I mean, I had a good reason to be. After all if it was just under typical circumstances, I could have even looked her in the eye and told her that I was a dragon. No, there was something... off." "I probably shouldn't tell him about her mark. He doesn't need to be involved if I can help it. Though that's not helped by the fact that she's practically our neighbor and invited us to chat together sometime." -
@, Curious tilted his head slightly at Pondah's comment. " He doesn't live in Canterlot? Certainly he didn't come here alone, his parent's must be worried about him." Curious let out an audible sigh, "I don't know what's going on exactly, and no, this is not normal. I saw the princesses get struck by some sort of lightning, along with some of ponies in the crowd. The best guess I have is that it's some malevolent force, and that's not exactly a lot to go on." Curious straightened himself up, in an attempt to look heroic. "But whatever is going on, I'll get to the bottom of it! It's what I live to do!"
@, Curious rubbed one of his front hooves against the back of his neck, and let out a small chuckle. "That's quite alright." His face went from one of relief to a noticeable grimace, and he looked down upon the pony, "you were clearly spooked, and I should have backed off sooner. My name is Curious, by the way. What is yours?"
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, Curious brought a hoof to face after Mystic excused herself. "What's wrong with you, mister? Talking isn't something hard, you talk to your clients, random strangers on the street looking for intel, and you even held a conversation with your new flatmate—" Curious was about to bring hoof to face upon remembering that Windy was still by him, but was unable to, and instead brought hoof off face. "Oh horse-feathers, he'll never let me live that down. I have to make the best of this situation, though!" Curious cleared his throat and turned to Windy. "Right, well, that was terribly embarrassing, on your part that is. I mean really, I do hope you will at least have the courtesy to pay for the property damage you caused." -
@, Curious looked upon the the scampering pony with a mixed look of worry and confusion. "This... this isn't just the typical panic that would accompany whatever just happened at the celebration. Yeah, he's young, relatively, but... what could have caused him to be this traumatized?" "Alright, I get it. Sorry for bothering you." Curious started to turn around, head hanging low. "Can't do much for him if he's in this state." Then, Curious heard a thump. The kind of thump that Curious always felt in his own head, rather than heard, no matter how soft the impact. His face went from worried to absolutely terrified, and he immediately turned to the source. The earth pony was evidently unsuccessful in his attempt to climb the wall, and had fallen on his back. Curious wasted no time, he unwrapped his scarf from his neck and ran towards the pitiable pony. Without saying a word, he began to try and wrap the scarf around the fallen colt. "Rationally, I realize it wasn't too far a fall. But... even if it is only a bit of pain, I can't let that be. The enchantment upon the scarf should help soothe his muscles, and hopefully provide some modicum of comfort." ((OOC: I know the scarf's enchantment wasn't mentioned in my character bio, but I hope it's alright, since it's only a minor enchantment that doesn't really do "proper" healing.))
Well, it seems like I'll have no shortage in demand. I did not really expect that. Something tells me this will be a busy summer. @@Sky Warden, Alright! Took me until today to finish it, but I have completed Sky Warden's request! I also found out a way to expedite my coloring a bit, so that should help for future requests. Anyways, I tried a more unique pose for this one, I think I am getting better at it! Also, used an off-white background because his hair is nearly white itself, but I can provide a white background version if you wish.
@, Curious saw the Earth Pony continue his frantic pace, turning at each corner in an effort to evade Curious. "Poor colt, he's clearly panicked. Have to hurry and catch up to him before he does something stupid." Curious shifted from a cautious trot to swift flight, not letting the younger pony escape his sight. He took one final turn and saw that the pony wound up in a dead end, and turned towards him. Curious kept himself a couple of meters away, knowing that the eyes of that Earth Pony was not a friendly one. "Look, calm down. You're panicked and exhausted, but you evidently had the sense of mind to escape before things got messy. I am not here to hurt you, so let me help you!"
@, Curious noticed that the Pony he was following had seemed to slow down, turn around to face him, and then promptly redoubled his pace. "Now why would he do that? Oh, right, the riot. Better convince him that I have not, in fact, gone insane." Curious slowed down his chase to what he hoped would be a less threatening trot. "Hey! Hey, hold up! I swear, I am not insane! Where are you going?"
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, Curious snapped out of his stupor when Windy whistled. "Huh, oh right. What happened here? Right, Windy is just introducing us to this... Mystic Dawn, was it? Well we don't seem to be in danger at least. But is really making small talk with this mare, did he not notice her mark?" Curious shook his head slightly, somehow it didn't surprise him that detail would slip by Windy. Still, it caused him a bit of worry that she was being so casual about this whole mess. Curious decided he would let Mystic answer Windy's question before interjecting. -
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, @@ParsoOfEquestria, Curious had made it all the way down the stairs of the apartment building when Windy came flying out of their balcony door. The stallion waved emphatically and was telling Curious he should just make it a habit of flying out their apartment. "Um, yeah, not going to be jumping off a patio several stories up anytime soon, thank you very much," Curious thought to himself as he turned and waved back at Windy Runner. He turned back toward the street and was about to begin a leisurely stroll to one of the nearby restaurants or bakeries. "Though, I must admit that guy is friendly enough, perhaps he won't be so bad a flatmate.And did he just say 'sin carne'? Either he is more cultured than I initially thought or he just knows more about food." But then he heard a crash, followed by a yell of pain. And it was coming from back towards the apartment. "Did...did he just? I rescind my last thought, he probably is just a simpleton." Curious turned back around, flying out of instinct to hurry and survey the damage. When Curious had arrived to where Windy had landed, he found him awkwardly waving at whoever was occupying the apartment he had so gracefully arrived upon. "Really? Really? You tease me about not flying and then you go and crash? Now, where are you hurt? I think we should have some basic first aid supplies in our apartment and— hey who are you waving at?" Curious looked through the glass door of the balcony and saw a unicorn mare. Curious quickly made note of two things. One, her cutie mark was a pair of daggers, not really the kind of mark one would want to see when you just intruded upon their property. Two, he was staring at her, and blushing slightly, though it was not quite as noticeable as Windy's, due to his already red coat. -
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, Curious looked at Windy as he went on, and despite himself, Curious only managed to process about half of it before deciding that he'd be better off just nodding his head than actually trying to parse through the words coming out of his excitable new friend. When the sandwich was split and he was offered half of it, he started paying proper attention again. "It's quite alright, Windy, but no, can't say I have ever had that problem myself. And thank you for the sandwich, but I am not so much of a meat-eater, not since a particular incident I had in the gryphon kingdoms. I think I'll just unpack my stuff and find something to eat in town." Curious excused himself from the kitchen and made his way to his room. He unpacked his things, which wasn't much, as he has always traveled light. He made sure he had a few bits on his person, readjusted his neck scarf and trotted over to the front door. -
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@, It took Curious a moment to comprehend what this Windy stallion was saying. "His mannerisms are absolutely fascinating, though brutish." Curious cautiously tapped his own hoof against that of his new "bro". "Ahem, right, my name is Curious, pleasure to make your acquaintance, Windy Runner. Though, I regret to inform you that I am here on business, not pleasure, so I suppose you'll have to go about your 'breaking hearts' and such with out me, no?" "Really now, who has the time to worry themselves with mares when there is so much more going on in this city? Though, I suppose a bit of romance could be interesting in and of itself... bah, no need to think such thoughts," Curious thought to himself, eyeing the sandwich that Windy had just created. He knew it was absolutely disgusting, but he was still quite peckish from the long and cramped ride. -
private Welcome to Sydneigh [SOL/Romance]
GaleFenrir replied to ParsoOfEquestria's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Curious quickly sneaked off the boat he was a "passenger" on. "That ride was absolutely awful, and that smell, sweet Celestia I must remember to stay as far away from dead fish in the future as possible" Curious didn't have many bits saved up, but when he saw the small fishing vessel and learned of it's destination, he couldn't help but jump at the opportunity. The wondrous City of Sydneigh, in the country of Horsetralia, a place completely unlike the main land of Equestria. He managed to pull some strings and called in a few favors to arrange a suitable apartment flat. There was a catch, of course, that being that he had to share it with a flatmate, but Curious didn't have really have any other options available. With his small saddle-bag in tow, Curious flew at a noticeably expedient pace towards his new living quarters. He noticed a rather peculiar earth pony wandering the streets, and recognized him as having been a legitimate passenger on the boat he was just on, and decided that it might be wise to avoid him. "Not that it is particularly easy to do so, he seems to be going in same direction as me!" Curious took a small detour and ended up at his apartment a bit later than he was hoping. "My flatmate is probably already here, might well introduce myself." He opened the door and made his way into the apartment. It was small, but cozy, and probably the best feature it had was the westward facing balcony, where Curious could just relax and watch the sunset. He heard sounds coming from the kitchen area, and Curious made way towards it. "Why hello there, I suppose you are my flat—" Curious paused for a moment, his mouth slightly agape as he saw what was perhaps the most unruly pegasus he had ever seen. His mane was an absolute mess, clearly had just gotten out of bed. And the food he was preparing for himself; Curious knew that could not possibly be healthy for him. "—mate." -
Your very much welcomed, Level3rd! I quite appreciate the constructive criticism as well! And yes, that is an ear piercing, or a clip, either one could work, I am not that knowledgeable of ear accessories, after all. And, sorry, but that is the highest resolution available. ********** Alright, your request has been completed! It was quite the challenge for me, and I must say that took longer than I expected, but I hope you like it!
I'll probably start taking more requests starting next Sunday, I am graduating this week so today is really the only time I'll have until then to take requests. I'll keep you booked for then though!
Alright, first one done! I hope you like it, I tried to incorporate as much of the logo into the design as I could, using all the colors and the shape of the logo itself for the mane.
Alright, I shall go back on my word and do these three request! Keep in mind I am by no means fast when it comes to this, so it will probably take me all day to do these.
Alright, I am in the mood to take a few requests for drawing OCs. I'll only take one or two make that three however many I have the willpower and fortitude to complete, and I am going by first come, first served. So, when making a request, be sure to include either a reference picture, or an adequately detailed written description. Requests I am taking I have done: 1. Ableton Live: for Level3rd 2. Nightraxx & Roaring Rhythm: for Nightraxx 3. Sky Warden & Earth Saphina: for Sky Warden 4. Sky Song: for Sky Song Requests that I will get around to: 1. Stardust: for Rascal61 2. Midnight Blade: for Midnight Blade 3. Serenity: for Rave Ninja 4. 2 OCs: for Sir.Flutter Hooves 5. Evening Glory: for Budding Night 6. Peachy Pie: for Lady Rainicorn 7. Windy Runner: for Windy Runner((requested via PM))
Gale's Journal of Experiments and Gradual Improvements
GaleFenrir replied to GaleFenrir's topic in Visual Fan Art
Alrighty, second piece of the day! Once again it is my OC, who I have now bestowed the name Curious, and I won't go into much detail here but his special talent is Learning(specifically through observation and analysis,not so much a book worm), and he applies that talent as a Private Detective! Trying different expressions, this one I was going for "Intrigued" or "Fascinated". Also, tried to do the texture for the wing differently to differentiate more from his coat of fur. P.S. My hand hurts now, I think I'll wait till tomorrow to do anything more. ********** So, I know I said I would wait till tomorrow to do anymore, but... my OCD got the better of me. I could not let that last piece stand as it was! My thumb is now quite sore and my stylus' nib is noticeably smaller than last time I checked. On the bright side I think I leveled up. ********** And just for good measure, I made it into a signature for me to use. I have never really made a signature before, but whatever, I think it turned out alright for a first try, though if you have more experience, I would love some critique! ********** Okay, one final edit for this picture, I am done, done with it, never want to touch it again, it has driven me to madness. *ahem* I reworked the wings so that they are smoother, but it still retains a good texture. -
"Well, this was not quite what I expected," Curious thought to himself when the first arc of lightning struck. "This will probably end up in a riot, and I do not want to be a part of that, got to get out of here quickly." Curious turned around and saw other ponies in the crowd getting struck, followed by their irrational violence. "Alright, I can either try my best to sneak through this violent crowd unnoticed, or I take flight and draw attention to myself." Curious took a moment more to look upon the sisters flying into the cloud, "Whatever is going on, it's not going to be fixed by staying here, got to get out quickly and collect my thoughts." Curious decided against flying, as that would make him an obvious target for any of the mad pegasi or unicorns. He slowly but surely waded through the crowd, when he saw a rather hairy earth pony doing likewise, headed towards a row of buildings, and past that. "Where exactly is he headed off to? Oh well, he at least seems sane enough, might as well catch up to him and see what he makes of this situation," and with that thought Curious followed after the earth pony.
What's the scariest species in Equestria?
GaleFenrir replied to Starlight Sky's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion