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Everything posted by GaleFenrir

  1. edit: darn, ninja'd 7/10 not a badly designed OC, but the picture itself is bland because, well, PonyCreator.
  2. Gardenia Gardenia was one of the last ones to step out of the carriage, not entirely too eager to rush out. Further, she hardly noticed with any immediacy that the carriage even stopped, but she broke out of reverie when the others started to leave. She took one final drink of her wine, emptying its contents finally. As she stepped out, she took in the appearance of the stallion before them, "hmm... Red Cask? Seems amiable enough. In fact, seems quite more a gentlestallion then his employer, at the least." Gardenia listened attentively as he listed the various locales that they were free to visit; the two that caught her attention specifically were the Library and Play House. She wondered what kind of books a small town like this could have, "some hidden gems, perhaps?" Sunset and Emerald spoke up, asking some questions to M. Cask, and she had to admit she was curious if there was anything specific planned. Not that she wasn't content to settle in and check out the locales on her own time, but it would be nice to know. One thing said by Emerald stood out to her, though. "'my beautiful friend's question,'" she repeated in her mind she glanced over to view Sunset, "yeah, well, I suppose she is pleasant to look at. Seems an odd thing to say, though."
  3. Also non-mlp related: HeavyxSandvich
  4. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @@Umbreon, Abigail turned around, startled by the tap on the shoulder. She smiled widely as she saw the woman, and her adorable little pokemon. "Oh wow!" She looked at the oddly colored eevee with wonder. She'd seen eevees before, they were relatively common pets back in Lumiose, but she didn't know they could have such pretty shiny fur. This excitement made her almost miss Rin's invitation to battle, but she snapped back to reality just in time. "Huh? Oh, a battle?" Abigail seemed a bit apprehensive. She had came here hoping to learn a bit, not to battle. But, she figured it would be a bit embarrassing to admit that she was wholly inexperienced at her age, and given the fact she had two pokemon with her. "Yeah, sure, Rin! I'm Abigail, by the way!" "-ry!" her clefairy interjected. "Oh, and this is Isabella." she said, pointing down to her pokemon. She looked down to the krabby in her arms, "and this is Jeanne!"
  5. @@Leafeon, The sandslash successfully latched onto the tentacool's tendrils, shutting its claws back closed from their splayed position to keep the grip tight. "Spin around, now, Warden!" its trainer commanded, and the sandslash started to pivot around, swinging around the tentacool like an Olympic hammer-thrower. "maybe, just maybe, we can confuse the tentacool. Or, you know, throw it around for good damage." Then, the tentacool regained its nerves, and fired a supersonic. Given the close proximity of the two pokemon, it most certainly hit the sandslash, who was befuddled and disorientated by the rays of light. The sandslash was already in the process of swinging the tentacool, though, and the sandslash was continuing by simple momentum. Then, came the water. Pouring out of the spinning enemy, the water pulse went everywhere, spraying the battlefield down, and of course, hitting the sandslash for super-effective damage. This hurt the pokemon, of course, but the sandslash was quite confused already and the stinging pain of rushing water wasn't the first thing occupying its mind. A stray splash of water was coming directly for Cecil, and he stepped back to try and avoid it. Unfortunately for him, the water still hit him. Or, at least, his shoes. "Gah! Why must this battle be such a mess? Soggy shoes are the worst." He sat down on the floor, and took off his footwear, showing his bare, tender but honed, feet, flexing and wiggling the toes to get any stuck water to drip off. The sandslash was still spinning, having picked up quite a bit of momentum from the pulse of water. But, it finally tripped over its feet, and fell onto the ground, slamming the grappled tentacool down with it. "Sla~a~a~ash?" The pokemon exclaimed on the ground, quite dizzy and eyes still spinning, but still inadvertently gripping onto the enemy's tendrils due to his claws naturally wanting to stay closed.
  6. Note to self: delving into abstract philosophy and math does not make for good motivational speeches

  7. GaleFenrir

    private Johto Storm

    @,@@Umbreon, @@Vaporeon, "Cilla?" Abigail rolled the name off her tongue. It was not a name she'd ever heard before, but it sounded nice. "Cilla, umm, I really don't think traveling all that way would be wise right now." Abigail looked bashfully away for a second, "not that I think you can't handle it, of course." Abigail gaily skipped over to the exit, "it's just, I think it'd be better if we went along together. You might get slowed down on your way there, anyway." Abigail put her hands behind her back, and smiled. "So... I think I'm gonna go prepare myself for what's ahead, okay?" She stepped into the elevator, and unclipped her two pokeballs from her belt. She summoned her two pokemon, "okay, Isabella, Jeanne! Let's check out that school, mmkay?"
  8. I need to use the term tootles more often.

  9. @@Leafeon, "A barrier, huh?" Cecil contemplated as he witnessed Roxie's third pokemon take the field. "That could make thing's more difficult. Not to mention, it's another blasted water type... gah. That's just a load of bullocks." The sandslash was tirelessly digging away underground. It's acute senses and experience alerted it to the summoning of the enemy above, and it lied in wait where it had heard the pokeball hit the ground. Without a cue from its trainer, it would break onto the surface at any moment now. It knew not what enemy it faced, but was prepared to attack it without fear. "Think... Warden's new attack, crush claw. It could possibly lower its defense back down. Warden doesn't really have any other attacks it could use, anyway. Roll out wouldn't be resisted, but it is a gamble anyway. We need to think of a way to use our situation to our advantage... Warden's capable of improv, I know. I should trust him." Warden burst through the ground, popping underneath the tentacool. "Crush Claw, Warden!" Cecil said, putting his hand up to his barren chest, splaying his fingers. "Slash!" The sandslash splayed out its claws, on both arms, reaching towards the tentacool's tendrils specifically. "The tendrils? Is he hoping to grab onto them, perhaps?"
  10. -anything composed by Yuki Kajura(such as Madoka's OST, as well as quite a number of others. She's rather prolific) -Revolutionary Girl Utena's entire soundtrack -The Opening theme to Serial Experiments Lain Lain's OP, for those curious:
  11. why are none of my friends online when I need advice immediately? How inconvenient

  12. yo, hop on skype, if ya can

    1. Umbreon


      Will be able to in a little bit hopefully, our Internet modem died. Over town getting a new one atm

    2. GaleFenrir
  13. I would totes RP with ya... again. But, dunno. Maybe not. Wandering may be enough for me. edit: But then again... CuriousxSymphony is incredibly entertaining to write
  14. @@Leafeon, The croagunk fell back down upon hitting the qwilfish, this time actually fainted. "Ah, darn." Cecil uttered, "I was hoping to keep all my pokemon in good condition through this battle. Oh well, you did great Rogue, I'll get you healed up soon." He unclipped the croagunk's pokeball from his belt and returned it to safety. Cecil clapped his hands, "alright! Now, you two!" Cecil turned to face his remaining pokemon, "I know you're eager Scout, but let's send in Warden, alright?" The two pokemon nodded their heads. The sandslash had just finished scraping off the silk off its back, and was ready for action. "Slash!" The sandslash rolled onto the battlefield, uncurled, and flourished its claws. "Dig, now!" Cecil commanded, not even waiting to see what pokemon Roxie would send out.
  15. My take on the canon/non-canon debate when it comes to OCs A character should fit a setting. It should also, preferably, fit the content of the story/RP. There is nothing inherently wrong with Alicorns/changeling hybrids/incredibly powerful magic/tragic angst; but if you have such an OC, you have to be very considerate of what stories they partake in. Some DMs are very lax when it comes to what characters they allow in their RP, and sometimes this causes problems. If the RP is supposed to be a mystery, or suspensful thriller where anypony can fall prey, you probably shouldn't have a character running around shooting lasers out of their twin-wielded swords blessed by Fausticorn. (on that note, I now feel compelled to write such a character for the hell of it.) Similarly, if the RP is supposed to be high octane action that decides that fate of the universe, a reclusive shut-in probably is not the best fit. tl;dr If the RP is supposed to be canon-friendly, be careful about using an OC that's out of left-field.
  16. @@Leafeon, "Hmm?" Cecil uttered, eyeing the gym leader, as he clearly noticed her cover her face at the sight of his magnificent musculature. It seemed to have worked to his advantage. In fact, a lot of his actions as a trainer had successfully baffled and bewildered. He could only come to one conclusion. "Of course! This! This is the ultimate synchronization of trainer and pokemon, locked in combat! The pokemon has always been the body, and the trainer the mind. But, now, I see! It's clear! The best method of combat, is for both pokemon and trainer to be both body and mind! I must take actions while dictating actions to my pokemon, who in turn carry out such actions and put their own twist. Yes, in such a manner, the opponent is left flabbergasted, stunned by our combo!" "Now, Rogue, feint and finish this off!" He ordered, dramatically pointing, a grin on his face as he eyed the gym leader, and then gave a wink. The croagunk bounded towards the qwilfish, jumped in the air- and then fell flat on its face, sliding beneath the qwilfish. "Huh? Rogue? Get up! I said to feint, not faint! Really, who even makes that kinda mistake?" The croagunk simply snoozed, a noticeable snot bubble being inflated and deflated as it did so, and it brought its arm down underneath its belly to scratch it. "Gah, you're useless, I guess all those minor attacks add up, " Cecil turned to his other two pokemon, "now, which of you two is next?" Scout eagerly yelped "lithe!", and nearly bounded right onto the battlefield. The croagunk then sprung up from its prone position, headbutting the qwilfish on the way up. Cecil held out his hand to stop his growlithe, "nevermind then."
  17. Sorry for my lack of posts everyone. Simply do not know what to do with Gardenia at this particular moment.
  18. This should come as no to surprise to anyone who has ever seen a post by me about anime, but I'll say the best romance is Utena and Anthy's from Revolutionary Girl Utena. However my interpretation of "best" may be considered odd. Because I'm not saying its the best because it's the most heart-warming, or sincere, or tear-jerking, or any of that mushy stuff. I say its the best because I have yet to find one more interesting and complex. However, there are certainly some mushy stuff that goes along with it. But, really, that's just icing on the cake for me. I'd hate to spoil any bit of it though.
  19. Everybody else is fleeing for their lives, and here I am just stripping. What is my life?
  20. @@Leafeon, The pin missiles struck the croagunk from behind as Cecil was whispering to it. Again, it didn't do much beyond itch a little, but by this point there were several such itches and it was a real bother to the croagunk, though she'd never admit it. Unfortunately, a stray pin stuck into the back of Cecil's hand, due to the proximity of him and his pokemon. "Ah!" He exclaimed, grasping hold of his pricked hand. "This! This is an outrage! Rogue! Go over there and smack it! Smack it good!" The croagunk nodded in understanding. The croagunk bounded over to the qwilfish, and raised it's hand as if to smack it. However, rather then bringing it down to the qwilfish, it simply bent its elbow and rubbed the back of its neck, a disarming smile on its face. "Croa~" "Gah! What are you doing, Rogue? I told you to hit it, not to be friendly to it!" The croagunk played along, turning it head back to its trainer, sticking out its tongue. It then scooped up some mud, and flung it at Cecil. "Dammit, that wasn't part of the script!" he thought, as his clothes got all gunky. "I hate ad-libbers. Now I really have to change. Hell, I can hardly bear to wear this filth any longer!" He proceeded to strip off his shirt, revealing his torso in what he believed to be the epitome of physical condition. Of course, that was his inflated ego at work. In reality, it certainly was not statuesque porcelain perfection. Certainly not shabby, either, though. He flung his soiled clothes down to the ground. "Fine, whatever! Who even needs a dumb pokemon like you, why don't you just go hang out with your new prick of a friend?" The croagunk turned back to the qwilfish, a silly smile on its face, "-gunk!~" It stepped forward, still with a friendly smile on its face, and its arms relaxed. And then it smacked the qwilfish hard with a knee to the face.
  21. I am now capable of voice chat. whoop-de-doo.

  22. Making a note here: I have now acquired a microphone, so, yeah. I can voice chat now.
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