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Everything posted by GaleFenrir
request shop Will draw ponies. (sketches, will do OCs)
GaleFenrir replied to Unicorn Coffee's topic in Requestria
Well, I figured you might want to see the final result, so... -
@@Leafeon, "Hmph." Cecil grunted, as he bent down to pick up the pokeball. He turned to face his other two pokemon, "alright, good work, you two. I think it's about time we challenge the gym here." He held up the pokeball in his hand, "but, let's make sure everyone is nice and healthy, first." He clipped croagunk's ball to his belt, and then grabbed his other two pokeballs, and returned his pokemon to them. He walked around the city for a bit, and found the pokemart before he found the pokecenter. He checked his bags, "tsk, I used one more pokeball then I thought I'd need. Perhaps I should get some spares, after all." He walked into the pokemart, bought some supplies, and left. "right, that should last me quite a while." He continued onto the pokecenter, and left said center shortly afterward, his pokemon fully recovered. He grabbed croagunk's ball, and summoned it before him. "Croa?" It questioned upon its summoning. Cecil pointed to its face, "alright! Listen up, for this is your orientation!" The croagunk simply stared at him blankly, before turning it head away and crossing its arms, "-gunk." Cecil's eye brow twitched, "look at me when I am speaking to you!" The coragunk lazily turned and opened one eye to look at him, before turning her back, "-gunk." "You little-" he said, before just planting his palm firmly into his face. He dragged it down off at a slow pace, "right, whatever. But I'm still going to talk, so just listen." "Henceforth, you are an official member of my elite team of pokemon. This confers unto you a special set of privileges as well as responsibilities. Your first privilege is that you may at your own behest be summoned out of your pokeball, and you may stay outside of it so long as it does not conflict with your responsibilities. Secondly," he raised his hand, displaying two fingers upright to the croagunk's back, "as one of my compatriots, you deserve a code-name, one that signifies your status and role in the team." "Croa?" the croagunk questioned, back still turned. Cecil put his hand to his chin, "yes, from now on, you are no ordinary croagunk. I shall bestow upon you a fitting name." Cecil's eyes drifted down in thought, "let's see. I found you in this, a petulant city of decay and shady characters. Growing up, you must have had a tough time, honing your skills just to survive in the streets and alleys that could only loosely be called your home. Thus it is, that I dub thee..." he lead into, pointing dramatically at the croagunk, who turned around, "Rogue!" The croagunk was clearly unimpressed, "-gunk." Cecil crossed his arms, "well, I don't even care if you like it! That's not the point." Cecil brought to of his fingers to the bridge of his nose, turning at an acute angle, "alright, now for your responsibilities," he said, flourishing his hand back off his face, displaying his index finger, "first, you may at any point be called to assist in battle. In combat situations, you are expected to comply and cooperate with both me and the rest of the team. Failure to do so may result in your untimely demise... not by my hand, of course." He uncurled his middle finger, "Which brings us to your second responsibility. Stay healthy, dammit! Back down from a fight, if I judge you incapable of winning it! I will not tolerate your stubborn pride putting you into unnecessary danger." The croagunk looked at its new trainer, a mixture of surprise and disapproval upon its face, "croa..." Suddenly, Cecil's other two pokeballs opened on his belt, his two other pokemon bringing themselves out. Cecil looked at the pair, "ah, perfect timing, I had just finished Rogue's orientation." The growlithe pranced over to the new team member, and sniffed it. The croagunk flinched backwards a bit, but the growlithe moved forward anyway and licked its face, then stepped back, "lithe!". "All right, you three, let us go forth! To the gym!" Cecil led his pokemon, the trio of pokemon forming a triangular formation behind him. He had came upon the gym on his way to the pokecenter, and had no need to ask for directions. Standing at the entrance to the gym, he pulled open the door, the light of the outside illuminating his silhouette. This was, of course, exactly what he wanted, in the hopes it would give a dramatic first impression of him to the gym leader. @, Unfortunately for him, the leader was already preoccupied. A small frown formed on his face, "tsk." He walked up to the sidelines of the gym's arena, and took a seat. He didn't really recognize the challenger, but by the looks of him, he didn't think he was an Unovan native. "Must've been in another car, on the train. Oh well." His three pokemon took their seats alongside him, his sandslash and growlithe seating right by him, and the newly caught croagunk still keeping its distance. He noticed that the challenger was using a sentret, against the leader's koffing. "Now, that's an odd match-up. I wonder if that trainer even knows what he's doing."
@,@@Umbreon, "hmm... well, I kinda want to take on the league here..." Abigail said, a tone of uncertainty evident, "I'm not sure how far I'll get, though." The krabby in her arms started to doze off, "koo...", and Abigail looked down and smiled. Abigail perked herself up, "but, I guess more importantly then that, I just wanted to have fun here in Johto! Y'know travel abroad, see new places, meet new people and pokemon." She pointed forwards and to the sky, "that's what youth is all about, right? New experiences, the next horizon!" Entering into the city proper, Abigail stared at the architecture, "see, this is what I am talking about," she said, trying to direct Alery's attention to the Sprout Tower, "there's nothing quite like that back home. I mean... Kalos has some tall buildings, sure, but nothing that looks so..." she grasped for a word that tried to explain what she liked about it, "rustic?"
private Bloodlines~ (SOL / Dark mystery)
GaleFenrir replied to Midnight Scribbler's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Umbreon,@, @@Midnight Scribbler, @@Evilshy, Gardenia considered Coat Tail, and while the others introduced themselves to him, she swirled her wine about its glass. After Fizzle introduced herself, Gardenia thought to do the same, "and I'm Gardenia, pleasure to meet you, Coat Tail." She held her glass up as a friendly gesture, and took another small sip from it much like Emerald had done. The darkness surrounding the carriage and her slight buzz had her eyelids droop a little. "It's still rather early in the day to be getting tired. Maybe it was a bad idea to drink something alcoholic so early, especially as I am not accustomed to it." She looked down into the red wine in her glass, the reflection of the lanterns dancing playfully off the surface of the liquid. It was quite mesmerizing. -
request shop Will draw ponies. (sketches, will do OCs)
GaleFenrir replied to Unicorn Coffee's topic in Requestria
Wow, it looks really good, very nice anatomy and expressiveness. With some time and polish, it would look exceptional. Though, of course it's a sketch, that was stated in the title. Might I have your permission to clean mine up and color/shade it? -
Argh! Why must I always open so many tabs? It just becomes confusing when you can no longer read the page's title
@@Leafeon, "Tsk." Cecil uttered in frustration, standing back up and readjusting his scarf. "You're an adamant little ruffian, I'll give you that." The poison sting hit the sandslash in the torso, but the little prick hardly phased it, though it'd been surprised. "slash?" The sandslash walked up toward the croagunk, clearly more concerned than ready to continue the battle. Cecil looked down at his sandslash, "sorry, Warden. Prideful thing doesn't seem to want to back down quite yet. You don't have to continue fighting it, if you don't wanna hurt it more." Cecil paused, and then said, "or, if you just want to take a break." The sandlash nodded, "sand..." and backed away from the croagunk. Cecil beckoned his growlithe to come. "Alright, Scout, you know what to do." "Grow!" The growlithe ran up to the croagunk, sniffed it, and then proceeded to bite one of its arms with his Fire Fang. Cecil fumbled around his pack for another empty pokeball, clearly not concerned as to whether his growlithe's attack connected, given the croagunk's handicapped maneuverability. He grasped one firmly, "alright, now stay in this time. I don't want to rush you in to emergency care because of your stubbornness!" He tossed it towards the croagunk.
ooc Seekers (Pokemon RP) - OOC
GaleFenrir replied to Leafeon's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
Welp. This was the best I could do in a short time. Cecil Amier, trainer extraordinaire! Is thoroughly unimpressed with this portrait of himself. He deigns it unworthy, and insists I try again at some later point. -
request shop Will draw ponies. (sketches, will do OCs)
GaleFenrir replied to Unicorn Coffee's topic in Requestria
'ello 'ello. What 'ave we 'ere? I'd like to request a drawing of my OC, Curious. Here's a pic for reference: Pls and tank u. As for pose, I dunnot care. Do whatever you'd either be comfortable with or a pose you think would be an interesting challenge. I care not. -
@,@@Mint Drop, "So are either of you from around here?" Ambrosia asked her two new acquaintances. "'Cause if you are, I could really use someponies to show me around." She tapped her hoof to her chin, "though, I suppose if you aren't, I still suppose it's better for us to stick together a little while." She giggled a little, "no sense getting lost all alone, huh?" She took her own half-eaten pastry, and finished it in a few bites.
@@Leafeon, Cecil's sandslash continued past the kneeling croagunk, but then turned around in a sharp 180 to strike it again. "Hold off your attack, Warden!" Cecil commanded, raising his hand up. The sandslash was moving too fast to simply stop there, and instead swerved away from the croagunk. It uncurled itself mid-roll, and dug it's claws into the ground to slow it's momentum down. It finally came to a stop in front of it trainer, and it turned around to face him, "slash?" Cecil bent down and patted his sandslash on the head, before walking towards the wounded croagunk. He placed one hand on his hip, "I think that settles it, then." Cecil knelt down, and observed the wounded the leg. "You're not fit to continue fighting us on that." He brought out the empty pokeball he showed the croagunk earlier. "Come, let us get you to a pokecenter." He calmly brought the pokeball to the croagunk, and tapped it on the head, activating the capture device.
@@Leafeon, The sandslash was hit fast and far by the croagunk's Counter, nearly smacking into Cecil, who just barely dodged out the way. He turned to face the croagunk, giving an impressed whistle, "got to hand it to ya, that was a nice move." A smirk crossed his features, "all the more reason I should add you to my team!" He turned around towards his sandslash, still spinning and rolling around the area. "Yo! Warden, you holding up?" The curled up sandslash bounced off a speedbump in the road, and uncurled itself mid-air, responding with a "sand!". Before it hit the ground again, it curled back up, and continued rolling around. Cecil turned back around to face the croagunk, "unfortunately for you, it is quite difficult to deal any serious harm to my Warden when he is curled up. Sorry, but fisticuffs just won't cut it." The sandslash curved around for another pass at the croagunk, barreling towards it with tremendous speed.
@, "Oh, alright, Al it is!" Abigail said in a cheerful tone, clearly not deterred by his flash of anger. She happily followed him and his growlithe towards Violet City, her krabby still held in her arms and her clefairy following along behind. Along the way, a thought passed through her mind, "hey, Al? Are you going to challenge the gym here, too?"
ooc Casual Baltimare RP Reboot OOC
GaleFenrir replied to Fender's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
oh, okay. -
Ambrosia enjoyed the little pastry and coffee she had ordered. The coffee had plenty of cream, of course; she didn't enjoy her coffee bitter. She was sitting alone in the cafe, though she noticed that pretty much everypony else were enjoying their breakfast in pairs or small groups. "hmm... perhaps I should say hi to somepony? Make some friends? I would like that." She set her eyes on two ponies, a stallion and mare. They had similarly colored coats, so she figured they were related, rather than a couple. "Would be rude to interrupt a couple, now wouldn't it?" Ambrosia got up to introduce herself to the two, but as soon as she had done so, the mare had gotten up to leave, with the stallion left behind. "Well... bother. I'd rather not talk to just one pony..." She thought, a small pout forming on her face. "Oh well... let's see... anypony else here I could meet?" @,@@Mint Drop, Her eyes settled on two mares enjoying some coffee and scones, "well, might as well!" She trotted over to the two, and casually took a seat by them, setting her own meal down. She waved a hoof happily in a wave, "He~llo," she said, exaggerating the first syllable in an upbeat tone. "What's up? Name's Ambrosia, nice to meet you!" ((edited: thought Wayward left the cafe; however, my post was already pretty divergent from talking to him, so would have to introduce Wayward to the other three, if you'd be so inclined.))
The standard here seems to be writing out all your character's actions, expressions, thoughts, and dialogue in paragraph format. But the general rule of thumb, no matter the RP or Forum you happen to be in, is to be consistent with how the others are doing their posts. But, maybe I am just a stickler for consistency. As for the coloring, that's pretty optional, really. I like to do it, and it can be especially helpful if you are playing more than one character. Additionally, thoughts are typically italicized.
request shop OC Request Shop! (Slots full, sorry!)
GaleFenrir replied to RetroArcadeRat's topic in Requestria
Mane: Should be two colors, the first picture I gave was an outdated design. Tail: It's supposed to be kinda fluffy, not braided. I don't really have a picture showing it in detail, though, so... Well, I have this picture of her done by Cinderscribe, and the tail is a bit more defined -
request shop OC Request Shop! (Slots full, sorry!)
GaleFenrir replied to RetroArcadeRat's topic in Requestria
Oh! I'll take a colored lineart of my OC Gardenia. Here are some reference pics: And here is a more recent pic I made specifically for reference, so you can more easily determine the shape of the mane and eyes. -
Ambrosia was lazily drifting upon a stray cloud in the sky. She had decided to take things slow, and easy. Her eyes were only half open as she scanned the ground below, but she didn't take in much detail. No, instead her eyes were just glazing over the cityscape below. Her tail flicked erratically, and her wings flitted about nervously. She absentmindedly poked the cloud with her left forehoof. Ambrosia sighed, and turned over on the cloud to lay on her back. It was still early in the day, so the sun was not directly overhead. She always liked the early morning, and the late afternoon. Shadows were so much larger and more distinct; they had more character, she mused. Additionally, on days like these where the sky was mostly clear, she could appreciate the vast blueness above. Her contemplation was interrupted, for she heard a distinct grumbling. She put her forehooves on her barrel, "huh, I guess I haven't eaten at all today." She turned back around to face the ground. A smile crept unto her face as she considered the city below her, "ah! I suppose this will be my stop, then!" She brought out her small bag of bits, tied around her neck, out from behind her shawl, and felt the weight of it. "Yeah, I should have enough on me for a little while..." She put the bit back behind her shawl, and stood up on her cloud. Looking down at the buildings, she looked for any sign she could of a cafe, diner, or bakery. One caught her eye, and with a short warm up to make sure her wings were ready, she took flight down to the city of Baltimare. @
@@Leafeon, The curled up sandslash bounced backwards upon contact with the croagunk. Rather then attempting to reverse direction back towards the enemy, Warden continued in the opposite direction, picking up further speed. The rolling rodent out-paced the croagunk's attempt to counter-attack. "Don't just keep away from it, Warden!" Cecil advised, and the sandslash responded by setting itself on a curved path, making a return trip to strike the enemy with greater speed than previous.
@@Umbreon,@, "Oh, look! The pokemon was caught!" Abigail cheerfully exclaimed. But she realized it was rude of her to not state her name, "oh, and I am Abigail! Abigail Amier. Pleasure to meet you, Alery!" Abigail paused for a moment, but was suddenly overcome by a fit of giggling. "Wait- Alery?" she managed to say, "that sounds like a girl's name!" She tried covering her mouth "oh, um, sorry. It's a good name. I had a friend named Alery once. She was a very respectable person."
private Bloodlines~ (SOL / Dark mystery)
GaleFenrir replied to Midnight Scribbler's topic in Everfree Roleplays
@@Umbreon,@@Evilshy, @, Gardenia had some apprehensive thoughts about taking another swig of her wine, but she raised her glass again for the second toast and drank some more of it anyway. Emerald had poured quite a lot for her, so there was still some left in it when Gardenia had set her glass back down. She'd rather avoid drinking it all, if she could help it. It would be impolite to refuse a refill, but she thought what she had already consumed was more than enough. Gardenia regarded Fizzle's question. "Well, you see dear, the Prince is..." Gardenia had no kind words to say about the Prince, and she only nearly stopped herself from expressing such words vocally. "The Prince is... a very proud stallion." Was the most vague description Gardenia could find for herself to say. -
@@Leafeon, ((thank you! He really tries to be... or at least convince others that he is)) Cecil stood back up on his two feet, a smug smirk plastered on his face. He wiped away some more of the mud off his face, and looked towards the croagunk. "Right, then. Things are serious now. Prepare thyself, you scoundrel!" Cecil turned towards his sandslash, "Warden, Defense Curl!" The sandslash nodded, "-slash!" and curled into a ball. Cecil then proceeded to pick up the spiky ball of living destruction. "Now! Combo-attack! Roll-out!" With honed precision, Cecil threw his sandslash towards the croagunk.
ooc Seekers (Pokemon RP) - OOC
GaleFenrir replied to Leafeon's topic in Everfree Planning, OOC & Discussion
@@Leafeon, Just a note: I thought the battle with Roxie was 3v3? Isn't that why Lurele moved on? -
@@Leafeon, Cecil took the mudslap to the face, and some of it splattered onto his clothes aswell. He stood up , but looked down at the croagunk through the mud. He closed his eyes, and brought one arm up. He wiped the mud off his face with the sleeve of his shirt, "this! This croagunk is such a rapscallion! A scoundrel! A no-good dirty ruffian..." He stared at the croagunk once more, but tears started forming in his eyes. "you... you're... PERFECT!" He bent down on his arms and knees so as to level with the pokemon, "that was exactly the answer I was hoping you would give! Such attitude! Such independence!" he brought one hand to his belt, and grabbed Scout's pokeball. He summoned his growlithe, who proceeded to first happily bark at the croagunk, but then turned around to Cecil, and licked him in the face. "You see? You see what I am working with here? I need someone like you!" His growlithe and sandslash simply looked at their trainer in blank confusion. Cecil clasped one of croagunk's 'hands', "please! You have no idea how dreadfully dull it gets when all your pokemon simply accept whatever you do blindly! I need a pokemon who can sometimes knock me down a peg!" "Slash?" "Lithe?" His two pokemon asked in utter confusion, "oh, no offense you two. I admire your loyalty and all, but a third pokemon like that? Simply would not fit the team dynamic I have in mind." Cecil clarified to his two pokemon, though he was still grasping the croagunk.