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Katella Avenue

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    Musician in training, I enjoy all genres but primarily wish to produce EDM because I also love dancing.

Katella Avenue's Achievements


Cupcake (3/23)


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  1. @@Agent505, You shouldn't wait for me. Incredibly sorry guys, but real life has become a circumstance and I'll have to drop from this RP.
  2. Given that I'm an EDM fanatic it's inevitable that I'd go to clubs when I'm of age to do so, but ideally I'd be going as a performer and not as a patron. Nothing against dancing, in fact I love dancing to death and I'm not half bad for somebody with no formal training, but I just don't have many friends who are the club type and it's no fun without friends! Don't personally have anything against responsible drinking either, but I wouldn't engage in it to often. I feel horrible the day following any hard liquor.
  3. For me the show can never be 'ruined' because I never took it seriously in the first place. I understand it's merits and it's shortcomings and the fact that it is intended for an audience of a different gender and age group than I am. What's more important to me is fan content. If that starts going down the tubes it's lights out for me.
  4. @@Ano170, Around the time the forces of the Crystal Empire arrived Mad Life had a feeling they were there. She had seen nothing, not especially with the limited vantage point her room's small window provided her. She just had a knack for noticing things out of place, the odd stray shadow crossing the sun which indicated that a storm would be developing. She had ordered another drink to be delivered to her room. Pineapple this time, and amazingly enough they'd actually had the ability to produce it for her. She did seem to enjoy her exotic fruit drinks. The glass was empty and sitting at her bedside when a knock came on her door. "Hello there." Mad Life recognized Arrow from the Empire. "Long way you've come, did you have a good journey? Something seems to be troubling you." It was the way the shadows crossed the eye, Mad Life could tell the stallion before her was in some form of internal conflict. She was merely being polite and offering her aid.
  5. http://www.buckcon.org/ Ya'll got competition. You could always do a more localized meetup/con if you want to, but I think BUCK is already the BroNYcon of the UK.
  6. Hey what about Rarity, why the heck didn't she get proposed to millions of times? I'd want to open a beauty salon or a fashion brand. Beauty is something I like doing a lot in real life, and it'll give me an excuse to make my acquaintance with Rarity. I will do it. I will make it happen.
  7. Alright, thanks. It's a good thing I play one of the quieter ones so me not posting much will actually make sense.
  8. I am no longer on the same page because you guys managed 5 pages in all of the half day that I was busily being in school and such in. Did anything important happen? A very rapid skim says yes but I can't be sure.
  9. I'm waiting for the invasion to begin so I can do my Mad Life thing and kill people and all that good stuff.
  10. Well Daft Punk's Random Access Memories was made primarily with live orchestration and vintage electronic equipment, so I figure if anything that Aesu's work would sound closest to it. No soft synths in RAM as far as I'm aware.
  11. Well there was only so much you could do considering the technical limitations. Once you've got a proper DAW you should be able to do much more. The EP was really good to start off with, I would say don't redo it unless you really really want to. I'm not the type who likes redoing old work, personally.
  12. Okay, this is pretty much freaking amazing if you didn't even have a fully functional DAW at your disposal. The mix sounds really lush and full, which is more than I can say for anything I've ever made with an operational DAW. It would make really good lounge music pretty much as it is right now, I'm positive. Definitely following your future work! So is the brunt of the song sampled material?
  13. Mad Life had taken refuge in the Appleoosa's sole tavern for the night, renting a room with what remained of her bits. She didn't need them, and soon the owner probably wouldn't either. When she awoke, having slept on all fours as she always did, she noted that the sun was up bright and shining over the city. Perfect weather for slaughter, Mad Life had to give the Princess of the Sn regards on that one. She figured it would be best to wait in her room, which had an excellent view of the bustling little outpost in it's entirety.
  14. I have to be perfectly honest, I'm not really sold on the idea of re-watching the series. I like the series and all, yes, but I always preferred the fandom that sprung up around the show to the show itself. I adore every episode when it comes out (except for Magical Mystery Cure because TOO MANY MUSICAL NUMBERS DAMN IT) but I don't personally think they have rewatch value.
  15. Not saying they're not seen without weapons, I just doubt that ponies have many major reasons to harm others in a lethal manner. The weapons just belong to ponies assigned to high profile ponies.
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