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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Thuja

  1. I'm pretty boring, I think the show I watch the most is Star Trek: Deep Space 9. My brain doesn't like it when I watch too many new shows so it's an old, reliable favourite.
  2. I've been listening to "Say So - Japanese Version" by Rainych on spotify on repeat
  3. I miss the baked nacho cheese doritos, those were the best.
  4. I think I'd like to turn into a dragon, maybe not something too big or too small. I'd like feathered wings and green scales. I'd fly all over and maybe live in the Antarctica since I could just use my fire to keep myself warm if I was cold(or maybe I'd be an ice dragon??)
  5. I typically have overnight oats for breakfast along with some coffee! But my absolute favourite breakfast item has to be a breakfast bagel sandwich with some cheese!!!! Waffles are pretty good too, but they're a rarer thing I make.
  6. Starting more conversations even if it's just a little compliment to the cashier or whatever has been something I've been practicing at for the past year or so. I've been trying to become more comfortable with speaking to other people or even trying to start conversations. I'm still pretty quiet online and I always dread talking to people online because it feels kinda awkward for me but irl? Loads easier after working through some issues. I think something that helped me is realizing that not every discussion with people has to be deep or even entertaining, sometimes you can talk to someone about their nail polish or ask about their mask. I find that people like to talk about stuff they have control over like what they're wearing or how they style their hair, stuff like that when you're not at any particular event like a con. It's definitely something that requires a bit of effort and practice, while it does feel awkward talking to people I'd rather feel momentarily awkward than to spend the walk home regretting not asking someone about what they're wearing because they looked like a cool person or something.
  7. Currently obsessed with replaying Skyrim yet again. I kinda want to start writing fanfic for my OCs in that universe too, I've actually been writing a fanfic about Fallout 4 and if more people survived Vault 111(like, everyone in the same cryogenic room where we start the game lives) but that's been on hold because SKYRIM!!!!
  8. Thuja

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I'm thinking about what I should do for my garden this year. I wonder if it's too early to sign for it, perhaps I should ask I wonder if I should have a snack right now? Feeling a bit hungry, don't want my body to go into starvation mode again. Trying to lose weight, not gain.
  9. I was in a different mind-set back then, certainly there's a lot I regret but I've learned to be a better person than back then. I'm not perfect but perfection isn't something I'm interested in striving for since imo, it's a fool's errand.
  10. Recently, I've been buying a few different seed packs to grow this year. Also bought a few basic sewing patterns and had two of them printed to put together, I'm going to try and sew more this year. I just ordered some custom fabric that I designed and this is the first time I've ordered something beyond a sample pack from which is pretty exciting. Might be able to finally make something next month!!!
  11. I used to hate beans and brussel sprouts when I was little but now I want to try growing my own brussel sprouts and I have to add lentils to certain wraps and chili and stuff. I kinda wish I liked more veggies and beans and stuff when I was younger but at least I'm trying new stuff when I can these days. Gardening has made me like veggies more, which is great.
  12. I was cleaning some dishes. I feel like I've been pretty productive lately for once.
  13. Last meal I had: roasted potatoes with veggie chili and nooch sauce on top Last snack: a soft pretzel with some hummus
  14. Thuja

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I'm thinking about some budget stuff.
  15. Just ordered some bok choy and catnip seeds.
  16. Thuja

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    I'm thinking about gardening, trying to plan out what I want to plant this year. Think I have a good idea for what I'm going to do.
  17. I'm having a good day today, got a lot done and still need to do some stuff while I'm at it.
  18. Woke up early to play some Stardew Valley this morning, did that for a few hours. Caught up on social medias, cleaned dishes. I'm proudest of cleaning a large amount of my kitchen today!! Cleaned the floors, the counters and even the microwave! Still have a lot of cleaning ahead of me but I think I did good!
  19. It can take me 4 hours to go to sleep, if that gives anyone an idea of how crap my sleep is but I know if I didn't take the meds that I do, I probably wouldn't go to sleep at all. I kinda feel like my sleep is like some sort of puzzle I have to go through every night. Like sometimes it feels like I have to be in an exact position to sleep, or I have to drink a certain amount of water before I go to sleep or a bunch of other things. Doesn't really help that my mind won't shut up sometimes...
  20. There are certain areas of my town that're more dangerous than others but there isn't much in terms of major crime. You might get the odd homeless person having a meltdown in the middle of the street but there hasn't been a murder in a few years. Where I live, this is a retiree town so there's a lot of old people here, not saying there's no crime here or else people wouldn't need to lock their doors. There's still a lot of domestic disputes and it's never a good idea to walk alone in the dark regardless of if you're a man or woman. A few years ago this one guy climbed up the brick wall of my apartment building and broke into the 4th floor apartment and there's this one mentally ill guy who comes in from another apartment building and tries to claim that the landlord kicked him out of the building and he actually lives here(he doesn't nor has he ever), he does that every few years.
  21. Thuja

    health Dry hands?

    Try reading the labels of the hand lotions you get, I've noticed that certain alcohol ingredients tend to dry my hands out quicker. Look for oil based lotions instead, something with a lot of shea butter in it. There are certain scented lotions that are complete beasts when you put them on before going to bed, look for whipped body butters on Etsy and you'll find some really great shops and it's a good idea to put those on before bed and when you wake up those hands will be nice and smooth(also it's great to support small businesses especially in these trying times). I think it's good to look out for hand lotions without cetyl alcohol and if a lotion has any sort of alcohol in the first 3 ingredients, don't get it.
  22. Nothing much, did a workout video this morning, tried looking into some stuff(mostly trying to figure out my budget for next month) and also looking over my meal plan for the next month! Ended up wasting a few hours watching youtube videos, catching up on social medias.
  23. Thuja

    mega thread What are you thinking?

    PO-TA-TOES! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.
  24. I have auburn hair but I think I'd like to go full red with it. Just a naturally coloured red hair would be nice imo. Or maybe blood red if I wanted to go that route? I can't decide between a natural redish or a blood red lol. Regardless, I don't think my hair's healthy enough to dye right now.
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