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Posts posted by Pinkiepieness

  1. WELCOME TO THE FORUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! :D I'm Pinkie!!! (At least that's what everyone calls me HEHE!!) It's a nice place here!!!! Feel free to ask me questions if you need any help!!! Lots of nice people here!!!! :D

  2. Okay so I'm cosplaying as Vinyl Scratch and I'm making this midi controller/stereo system/Bass Cannon to carry around with me that will be playing music every where I go.


    I was wondering if anyone would be opposed to donating some of their dubstep music to the cause (Since I don't know how to make dubstep) and in turn, I will give you credit where credit is due.


    Though, I would like it if it is Pony related (and yes I have been on Pony.fm and I got a couple and I will be giving them credit. I just need more.)


    Thanks to anyone who can help ^.^

  3. It's an idea, but if Wonderflex/Worbla is out of your price range, you can stick with traditional methods such as Molding Wiremesh, Papermache, and of course good 'ol fashioned cardboard. 


    I won't lie though, I'm not sure how these will hold up once you're out and about. If you have the time and resources, I'd suggest making several prototypes and find out what works best for you.

    I've thought about buying Wonderflex but then I looked at the price and that it comes in only one size D: I wouldn't use that much so I think Wonderflex is out of the question. Though, I did google some other options and I'm going to try them all before I figure out which one I like best. I just don't want to look retarded going to a convention and having my horn fall of or crooked.


    Why not try Model Magic? It's very light and easy to fix if it breaks (some clays won't take to glue) and fairly cheap. It's light enough that it would take to a plastic hair band quite well without it falling over (you could sculpt the horn around it if that makes sense). As for sculpting, all I can say is just keep trying till you think it looks right.


    Never heard of model magic but I shall look into it! :D As long as I don't have to bake it.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. We'd like to see it when you're finished by the way ^^

    I'll show it when I'm done :) The only thing I need to work on is my midi controller for her (So I can take music wherever I go), my horn, and my ears. I ran out of fabric for my ears :(

    What about an ice cream cone?



    Haha! I'd be that person XD

  5. I've mostly only ever seen it online O:  And you wouldn't use a mold, you WOULD mold :D Use your hands to shape it to your desired length and size and shape! It's what a lot of cosplayers use to make armour and stuff C: I think it's actually called Wonderflex foam... Basically, you use a hair dryer or something to heat it up and it becomes flexible enough to shape it :D Then you just... make the shape you want and let it cool XD


    Or you could use regular foam. This you can probably find at any fabric store in your area. Instead of molding, you just carve it then paint it or something O: Though I think the Wonderflex would better suit your need

    Thanks ^.^ I appreciate your help!! You just made my job easier :D

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I would try something alone the lines of... shoot, what's it called... Flex Foam? Or some kind of foam that you can mold when you heat it up.


    Modelling clay would probably be WAY too heavy @___@


    Do you know where I could get this stuff? And what kind of mold would I use?

  7. So I'm soooo close to being finished with my Vinyl Scratch/DJ Pon-3 cosplay. I just need to know how to make the horn. I know air drying modeling clay would work but I don't know how to form it without it being lopsided or the spiral not looking right.


    Any tips?


    • Brohoof 1
  8. @@LadyButterfly, @@Pinkiepieness,


    Bows sound good (Firestorm approved my character who had one) but I'll tell you in advance that unless you love being held hostage and being nearly useless in open combat, don't get a bow. Straight Shot (my OC) is currently trying to find a gun. I might have to go meet Raze's weapon friend.


    Okay :) Then I'll stick to my t/c contender! Hopefully I'm able to be in this roleplay! Hehe! I was looking through the ongoing one and it's pretty good :D

  9. So I'm getting an iPhone supposedly as a surprise but the cats out of the bag now! ^.^ But what I want is something COMPLETELY unique for mine and that's why I need YOUR help!!! If anypony has the creativity and the time to do this for me, could you PLEASE make me a cool picture to use on it?? I'll even put a watermark on it so that if anypony else asks me who made it, I could say you did and give you credit! ^.^ Though, I do not have money at the moment to pay for it but I will write you a fic for it! :) I'm pretty sure I'm good at writing so I think it will be worth it!


    Thanks everypony who attempts to help!! I really appreciate it!


    Brohoof! /)


    EDIT: Oh! I forgot to tell you what I would like on it! It could either be just Pinkie Pie or the whole cast! ^.^ I don't mind! :)

  10. Here ya' go! 




    92 more characters... Hmmm... Well, I'd like to thank Michael Jackson for inspiring me to learn the Moon Walk. Greatest decision I've made in my life.


    Thanks so soo sooooooooooooo much!!! :D I really appreciate it! ^.^ I'm so impaired with gifs so I couldn't have possibly done it myself! :D Thanks again!

  11. Umm hehe! Could you possibly draw my OC Sugar Note? :D You can take your time but here's a couple pictures of her ^.^





    Thanks for doing this ^.^ If you could, could you maybe, ya know, add a boombox like right next to her that has fireworks come out? You don't have too but it'd be SAWEET if you could :D


    Thanks ^.^

  12. Ok twin here it is!!! Tell me if you can't read the text. I just wanted it to be Pink. First thing I thought of when you said Pinkie. Enjoy! Hope you like!



    I LOVE IT DK:FJ:DKFJ:DKSFJDFJ  :wub:  I can't contain my happiness!!!! wfkjdsklfjdslf HEHE!!! I just I UGH! Thank you so much!! I can't thank you enough ^.^ (Okay Sugar... Deep breaths...)

  13. Welcome to the forums!! :D Though, I have no idea what the minecraft server is as I do not play minecraft  :(  But if you have any other questions that you need answered, you can come to me and I will help you to my advantage ^.^ 


    Brohoof! /)

  14. Welcome to the forums!!! :D Everything is nice here and I hope you have a great time here!!! ^.^ Hehe! You can ask me questions if you need anything!!!


    Brohoof! /)

    • Brohoof 1
  15. YAY! Excitement!!! Hehe! I'm glad you are excited!!!! It makes me not feel bad for being excited!!! Haha!!! Welcome to the forums! Although... Pinkie is best pony! ^.^ No hate though!


    Brohoof! /)

  16. Oooo! An animator!  :D Sounds impressive ^.^ Welcome to the forums where everything is amazing!! I'm certain you will find your place here and yes... your social life outside of the internet will go down the toilet because of this site... It's just so darn addicting!!! Well anyway! Enjoy it here and feel free to come ask me questions if you need anything! 


    Brohoof /)

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