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  1. Rainbow Dash has an awesome design, adorable voice and cute eyes. She's loyal, brave and protective. She can rock a rainbow dress. ~Leafy
  2. I could see myself dating Pinkie Pie. I already have a crush on her and she is quite my type. Unafraid to speak her mind, socially awkward at times, a true devoted friend, perhaps too needy at times (which I kind of like), perky and peppy and full of energy (which I need, because I'm lazy and unmotivated most of the time and need someone to push me a bit) yet would never force anypony to do anything. She and I would have so much fun together and I could just gaze at her across the table as she sits and sips her shake that I bought her and rambles on about oatmeal. In fact, I already do that with my real-life girlfriend when we go on dates. So yes, if I were in the pony world and my gf did not exist there, I would definitely ask out Pinkie and not give up easily trying to woo her. I think we would make an amazing couple or at least really good friends. ~Leafy
  3. WOW I love it SO MUCH!!! *hugs you so so so hard (unless you don't like hugging, because some people don't, so if you don't then just ignore this)* It's beautiful. Thank you very much. By the way, do you have a DeviantArt or something of the sort? ~Leafy
  4. I have no problem with people drinking, but I don't like alcohol myself. I don't like how it tastes or smells and I don't like being around it. I hate when people think I'm a prude because I don't like to be around it; it's not that. It's that I can't stand the smell. Also I have a fear of people spilling drinks on my stuff. It's happened before. That tends to happen more when people drink. Beer is sticky and gross smelling when it's on one of my toys. Basically, I'm fine if you drink, I just don't want to be around it. ~Leafy Edit: Eeep... "toys" probably sounds like sex toy, I mean actual toy, like kids play with. I've been playing with toys my whole life, ponies included
  5. I can't really go gay (or straight) for anypony since I can be attracted to anyone, but here are my tops: Female: Pinkie Pie, followed by Rainbow Dash Male: Braeburn (of course) and possibly Soarin If I had my pick as to which pony to date I'd pick Pinkie. ~Leafy
  6. Anytime I witnessed bullying it was usually happening to me, and I never stood up to it, because it was the kind that was low-key and could be confused with people just playfully joking (though I know it wasn't). Not telling anybody or standing up to it (just keeping it inside and letting it fester until I was scared of everyone at every moment) led me to nearly become a murderer, but somehow I was able to barely scrape by out of high school and I was just fine. I was not right in the head. There was one time, though, in middle school that I saw a girl being made fun of. She was trying to bark and growl to scare off her bullies. I regret not doing anything about it, or at least going up to her later and talking with her about it. I was too shy and scared. Since joining Facebook, 99.9% of bullying that I've seen has happened on the Internet. When I didn't know better, I got into a bit of an argument on a band's Facebook page. One guy was threatening me and another guy that he would beat us up and kill us if he ever saw us because we were into "emo" music. He claimed that he was tracking the other guy down. I started talking with the other guy and (keep in mind that I was not in my right mind at the time) told him that if he was going down, I would be there to protect him and I'd gladly die if it meant that this asshole would spend the rest of his life in jail. I might have attempted to go through with it too, finding a way to bus it across the country, if I hadn't been hospitalized soon after the argument and realized how stupid I was being. Now that I'm mentally healthy (as I'll ever be, at least) I can say that I'll stand up to bullying if I see it happen, but I won't risk my life. I don't think it's worth it. It won't make them realize anything, it'll only make them happy. Also, seeing everyones' stories about standing up to bullies warmed my heart. ~Leafy
  7. I started a blog when I realized that a lot of my friends have a tumblr, and made about 3 posts. It's basically just about me. Then I remembered that I'm really not interesting and I pretty much live on Facebook anyway... haha... yeah. I want to make an Ask tumblr for my OC but I'm mediocre at drawing and terrible at remembering/forcing myself to draw. So I probably won't do that. But in case I post more, here's my pathetic blog: http://rikkirainbowleaf.tumblr.com/ ~Leafy
  8. It would be awesome if you could draw my OC... I love your style! It's one of my favorites. Her name is Leaf Cascade and she's my profile picture. She has dark green eyes. Here's a link to her cutie mark: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/348/4/c/4c347210c1de0e5289bf660867b8b1ca-d5o2c3a.png She's an Earth pony and her talent is making the leaves fall. Thanks in advance ~Leafy
  9. I'm not one for bragging, but when it comes to my car, I could just gush and gush about it! The thought of choosing a car always intimidated me- I'm not manly or into cars/bikes and know nothing about them. But my parents bought me this beautiful, practical, perfect car for my 18th birthday. It's a candy-apple-red 2003 Pontiac Vibe... no fancy sports car by any means but it's perfect for me. http://www.siliconeer.com/past_issues/2003/nov_2003_files/nov_03_auto_pontiac_vibe_1.jpg It's basically that, except with black on the bottom, and a bit banged up/some scuffs on the paint job. I have a Rainbow Dash sticker on my gas thing. It's been through a lot- I got rear-ended and pushed into the car in front of me around Thanksgiving last year, and I thought for sure my precious car would be totaled. However, they were able to fix it up good as new! (Almost...) The AC is strangely loud but other than that, it's good. I'm so grateful for my Vibe. I love it to death. It's my first car and I don't want anything to ever happen to it. And its name... keep in mind I was 18 and filled with testosterone- Chick Magnet. Original, I know. I got attached to it though. I got this crazy idea in my head of using my car to pick up chicks (though I knew it would never work) so it doesn't really fit now that I have a girlfriend who will eventually become my wife. Oh well. In short, my pride and joy, my.... Chick Magnet. ~Leafy
  10. I used to have tons of fears and phobias... spent my whole life terrified of everything up until my anti-anxiety-and-depression meds started kicking in. Now I feel like I can actually do things! I was scared of spiders, bees, wasps, mosquitos, anything medical especially needles, school, talking to people especially adults, men, burglars and people coming in the house to kill us, bullies following me home and killing me, earthquakes, fires, bombs, plagues and diseases, government spying on me and exposing me and everything I've ever done and said to the world, heck I was even scared of people looking at me! Now, I'm mostly just scared of medical stuff and still have some anxiety about things. I get really scared in large spaces, especially if they're crowded. But I think I'm slowly getting over everything. ~Leafy
  11. I have a question. I've noticed a ton of people saying that they hated Cars and Cars 2. It's been forever since I've seen Cars, and I haven't seen the sequel, but I'm wondering what everyone dislikes about the movie? Not trying to defend it since I don't really remember it, I'm just curious. I don't remember disliking it for any reason. ~Leafy
  12. I'm not going to start/continue a flame war, though a few of the comments here have angered me, but we're here to have a friendly discussion, right? And these are all opinions, I shouldn't get upset over someone hating me without having met me. *slight sarcasm, couldn't help it, please ignore it* Just wanted to say, to the people arguing over what's an unpopular opinion and whatnot: sure, some of these opinions may be popular or unpopular on the internet or in society as a whole. But it really depends who you associate with and who you talk to. For example, if you live in a conservative town and you're a Democrat, you're going to have an unpopular opinion in that town, and same goes for the opposite. Who cares? People are venting about things that they are put down for believing. Whether that opinion is generally popular or unpopular, they're bashed for it. Let them vent, thats' what this topic is for, no? And here are a few of mine (things I've been put down for thinking/feeling): Justin Bieber and other celebrities do not deserve to die. *Gasp!* No one, save perhaps murderers and rapists, and that is a COMPLETELY different debate that I have no stand on, deserves to die. I'm sick of "Go die" "Go jump off a cliff" "I hope you cut yourself to death" etc. Have some humanity. People should not be put down for their religion or lack of religion. How elementary is this? Being intelligent does not make you a better person. Really don't want to come off as mean or anything. I try not to be. These are just my opinions and I know I'm going to get hate for it, oh well ~Leafy
  13. I've been trying to get a job for some time, with no luck, because I have no paid experience and didn't do any work or volunteering in high school. I have no talents and dropped out of college due to learning disabilities. I'm going to take a class for Administrative Office Assisting, so hopefully that will help land me a job *fingers crossed!* I have two dream jobs. One is to help kids with special needs; Autism, learning disabilities, depression, PTSD, anxiety, etc. because I know what they go through. One of my main passions is Psychology, which was in fact the only curricular class I got an A in in college. But since I can't get a degree, this dream is out of the question. I also love creating and designing things, specifically jewelry. It's one of the only things I'm kind of decent at. But I can't make enough to support me, my girlfriend and future kid on selling crappy handmade jewelry. It's my other passion but it can't lead anywhere either. So basically, office work for me! It's my only hope so please work out! XD ~Leafy P.S. I'm so sorry to vent! I just need to. Very badly.
  14. Wear a disguise when going to the store. Wig, glasses, an outfit you'd never be caught dead wearing, etc. Fake beard and mustache. Never can be too careful when it comes to ponies. Just kidding. When I hide something, like my giant hoards of chocolate that I don't want my mom to steal, I put them under my bed. I also have storage bins that I can hide things in; things that hold my old toys that my parents would never go through, etc. I'm able to hide my secret purchases until I have a chance to open them, and then hide my trash until the coast is clear to move it to our big trash bin. My parents know I buy pony merch but I don't want them knowing HOW MUCH I buy, so I'm careful. Most of the time when it comes to ponies, I make my purchases with my girlfriend and open everything at her house. I can just put my toys in my purse to take home. If you can't go shopping on your own, perhaps use a friend who is also a brony/is okay with you being one. Hope I helped a bit. ~Leafy
  15. I always wanted to name my daughter Lillian Rose, and if I had another one, Evelyn. I like Damien for a boy. Sadly, I'll never be able to name my child, unless I could adopt an infant, but it's very difficult to do that and I would feel bad not adopting an older child with much less chance of being adopted. I suppose I could have a child of my own if my girlfriend (future wife) or I went to a sperm bank, but there's probably a slim chance we'll do that. I'm biologically female so I can't impregnate her or vise versa xD But yeah, Lillian Rose. Dream daughter name. ~Leafy
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