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Posts posted by RagingTwilight

  1. I really like season 2, though I do agree that there has not been enough interaction between the mane 6 lately. Maybe they should make a couple more episodes where they go do something, and one of them gets in trouble, or something...something similar to The Last Round-up, except about a different subject.


    I'd kinda like to see more episodes with more action.

  2. Honestly, I'm only really a bit upset about Rainbow's lines being changed. They don't sync very well, and her tone of voice just isn't quite right. Derpy's new voice is okay. Not good, but not bad either. Tabitha's voice was good, but unfortunately someone forgot to mention to her that Derpy was female. So, the new voice at least fits the gender.


    Oh. And I will miss the derped eyes the character is known for.


    ...I think if I had any editing skills, I'd take the original version (original Rainbow lines and Derpy's original eyes) and superimpose the new voice for Derpy onto the original.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Well, strictly speaking you cannot divide by zero, which is what pretty much all of these "proofs" have done. However...


    The limit x->0+ (from the right side of the graph towards zero) f(x) = 1/x does equal infinity. So you "kinda" can in Calculus. Though f(0) is still technically undefined. It's just that it depends on where the function is approaching. lim x->0- (from the left side of the graph) would be minus infinity.


    Anyway...the laws of mathematics are safe once again!

  4. Lucius is a good character, and radiant dawn is not a disappointment.


    I don't have a Wii, but my girlfriend does xD She's a Fire Emblem fan too. I'll beg her for it.


    Thanks for letting me know!

  5. Yeah, I love Fire Emblem. I've only ever played 3 though, but several times through. Played Fire Emblem (the first one released in the US,) The Sacred Stones and Path of Radiance. I've been wanting to play Radiant Dawn, but I heard it was a disappointment. Is that true?


    ...and no one seems to believe me, but Lucius is one of the best units I ever had. xD He could hold is own even against Negral.

  6. I can get into pretty much any sport; my favorites are Basketball, Soccer and Football.


    As for favorite teams...

    NBA: Varies (This season has been one of the best to watch in awhile, making it even harder to pull for one team.)

    NFL: Texans or Titans

    NHL: Varies

    NCAAF, NCAAB: Roll Tide! (Alabama)

    MLS: Varies (usually DC United or Seattle Sounders)

    MLB: Braves

    English Premier: Manchester United

  7. After doing some research, they don't seem to be that large a corporation. Also, this was their 1st annual award. And quite frankly, their arguments for choosing the winner(s) are pathetic. I do believe their choice will hurt what little publicity they have.


    We'll see how much longer they last.

  8. You're going to get tinnitus.


    Not really. While I do wear earbuds on a lot, I've trained myself to listen at a lower volume. My computer's sound with earbuds on is usually no higher than 40% loudness, and when I listen to music on my phone it's at the lowest setting possible.

  9. Eh, what?



    Since you need some clarification:


    I'm simply referring to my state of mind at the time, not stating a fact. 40+ year old men may have enjoyed the previous generation and may or may not be creepy. I very well may have been wrong on that.

  10. I realized some time ago that earbuds play an integral role in my life. I wear them many places, including the gym and even while driving, as well as when I'm doing homework or studying, cooking, etc. Come to think of it, I probably spend at least 60% of my day with earbuds on.


    I gotta have my music, man. D:

  11. I still remember the tornadoes we got last year where I live. School was cancelled because we had no power for 5 days. xD They had to shut down the Nuclear reactors powering the area because had they kept it on, it would have just caused more damage.

    ...on the bright side, didn't have to take the final.


    But it was a pretty scary time. Even today, you can still see much of the damage.

  12. I wasn't really drawn to this episode, but then again Pinkie Pie is my least favorite of the mane 6. Also I usually view an episode two or three times the day it comes out so I'll have a better-formed opinion by then. Maybe Pinkie can make me smile after two more views. xD


    I did like seeing Rainbow Dash reading again though!

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