What do you guys want in season 4? Name your top 10.
1.- I want more Pinkie Pie's episodes, just her learning lessons and having fun.
2.- Shows with Celestia and Luna.
3.- THE HISTORY OF EQUSITRIA, I just wont to see how the writers try to put every thing in order with every thing they had put in the show.
4.- A New character, some one new and different them anyone. BUT NOT LIKE GILDA AND TRIXIE
5.-A adventure two part, just something to do. I don't care what is about I just wont another adventure episode
6.-Not a new villain, use something with every pony they had already use. Like The Queen of the Changlings.
7.-A new alicorn, not one of the mane six
8.-Exsplain The where all the parents/gaurdains are. I think AppleJack is appleblooms mother, its just a thought but, kind of nasty to tell.
9.-Where does Scootaloo live.
10.-Don't make a episode packed up like S3 E13 >-<.
And tell me what you want in the TV show