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Everything posted by BetaMonkey

  1. I couldn't help but feel compelled to respond to this despite it being 6 months old. I don't know if others have gotten into this in other forums, but this is the one I found through Google and this is the one I'll respond to. With that short introduction over with let’s get into my analysis of your own. I'd like to first point out some of the biggest misconceptions made in the Meyer-Briggs behavioral tests. First and foremost, Feeling does not equate to emotions. Feeling is a process of judgment that omits logic and vies rather for a 'gut' instinct. An example could be something as simple as deciding on a shirt to ware. A feeling person might look at two shirts and say 'this one just feels like the right shirt to ware,' or they may try it on and 'feel' it works better with their outfit or face or hair than the other shirt. A thinking type person would be more inclined to identify specific aspects as to why one shirt goes better with an outfit over another, 'this particular shade of blue coincides more fluidly with this shade of yellow in my hair, and the pattern on this shirt offsets the lack of pattern on the pants.' While this example does have some degree of feeling involved it is approached in a logical manner based on prior experience rather than a mere 'gut' decision. That said, this brings me to my second misconception of the Briggs test. Judging vs. Perceiving. What does it really mean? Judging is not a function of passing judgment on others or necessarily being a more 'organized' person. (Although those tent to coincide with Judging personalities.) What the Judging function means is that between the Sensing/Intuition function and the Thinking/Feeling function, Judging people favor the later of the two and Perceiving people favor the other. Perceiving people tend to prefer basing their world on their immediate experiences. They react to their environments spontaneously and then afterwards will apply a 'judging' function upon their experiences. Obviously Judging people tend to live by a 'think first act second' motto. However this whole process is thrown into disarray when dealing with Introverts. Extroverts are easier to pick up on and figure out behaviorally speaking, they act exactly as they process the world. However Introverts often come off as the opposite of what they are in terms of Judging vs. Perceiving. This leads me to my first big disagreement with this analysis. Twilight. The picture rates her as an INTP, but this is disputed due to her ridged technical nature. It would seem at first that, yes, Twilight may in fact be a Judging type, but sadly INTP is notoriously mistyped for INTJ's for this very reason. INTP's despite being perceiving based individuals tend to drive so much of their knowledge/curiosity into their introverted worlds that they over analyze and break everything down to such a detailed level that they come off as being Judging types. INTP's may rely on their Intuition for building curiosity and gathering information from the world but when they go to express it outwardly they do so through their judging function and inadvertently over analyze and over process their world. I have a friend who's is staunchly INTP and she is notorious for correcting anyone who uses a word that may have a slightly 'off color' meaning from the context by which it is addressed in. Jumping back to the first issue, Feeling, bring into question the analysis of Scootaloo. I don't necessarily have any personal belief as to whether she is definitively a Feeling or a Thinking type, but I personally feel a need to lean towards Feeling. Again feeling wouldn't mean she's driven by emotions but it does seem that she tends to make more emotionally based decisions throughout her appearances in the show. Being a Doer just makes her more of an extrovert, but I have yet to see a lot of 'practicality' in her actions. Her aim tends to be about making an impression on her friends and Rainbow Dash or just doing something because it’s 'cool'. Cheerlie? Agreed, little to base any solid idea on, but the basic depiction seems accurate enough. ESFJ is a good classic teacher type personality. ExFx love to see and help people grow around them and xSxJ have the kind of methodology with their knowledge and experiences to do just that. Rarity. Hmm...I see the reasons why she might be seen as an S type. Typically people who are in crafting type rolls/jobs in life tend to be S’s, but they also tend to be P types as well, (they are called the 'Artisans'). I also wouldn't necessarily discredit her Intuitive side. Rarity has a knack for bouts of spontaneous creativity and a strong ability to perceive things on a multitude of levels. I see this as the source of her artistic ability, not based on previous known methodology but creating new ideas. She has a passion for crafting clothing, but it's more than the mere physical aspects of her art that she prides herself in, and she is not shy about expressing that to anyone who tries to put her art down otherwise. Think of a writer creating an story, yes there are those who simple make a story because it has cool aspects and features, but there are those who write stories that carry a complex balance of metaphors and symbolism, things that are driven by a strong intuitive function needed to perceive things abstractly. I am inclined to lean towards agreeing with the original ENFJ. Trixie, I have to disagree with both. I think she does have a strong Judging function but works more through past experiences rather than letting the multi-layered approach of intuition take ride. She may be good with magic, but all her tricks were the same. She learned enough to perform and never branched out into new things. She used what she knew would get a crowd going and just kept doing the same things from town to town to win popularity. Honestly she functions very similarly to Rainbow Dash, she just has overpowering egotistical side that drives her down that darker path. But unlike RD she's less apt to try out new things, and instead seeks to control things around her which makes me lean towards keeping that Judging function. ENTP's are known for loving that center of attention, but they work through spontaneous charisma, not planned acts. Which is why I do agree that Apple Bloom just doesn't quiet suit the ENTP face either. I see a little more ENFP in her, but it could merely be an underdeveloped aspect that she teeters between T/F. I do however see her fairly clearly as an extrovert. She has no problem talking to people, (especially adults) and generally thrives around others, (save for the occasional teasing from the bullies, but honestly any kid regardless of extroversion or introversion can suffer through self-esteem issues.) Apple Bloom also strikes me as a borderline J/P type. She's unusually gifted at leading which is rare for ENTP's as they tend to prefer coming up with ideas rather than actually implementing them to full fruition, but AB has also shown signs of that smart-ass quick wit charm that comes with the ENTP type. So I'm on the fence about AB. But she's young, and the young are the least likely to have solid personality types. Sweetie Belle I actually think they got right. Again she's young, her personality is still developing, but I don't really see her as a dreamer. She seems pretty straight forward in how she deals with people. I think she has potential for building that intuition, especially in her ability to create songs as briefly seen in their talent show episode. But that could also just be a function of her 'feeling' judgments rather than perceived intuition (the two functions can sometimes get blurred). But I'm going to say ISFJ. I agree with the Celestia analysis. She is not an INTJ by any stretch of the imagination. Luna I could see as closer to an INTJ but will agree she's more likely an INFJ. Celestia however I think is an INFJ or ISFJ. The only reason I include the possible Sensing type come from when I think about how long she's lived and all the potentially questionable decisions she's made in the past 1000 years. It’s taken her a fair amount of time to really develop a strong rounded sense of the world. The wizened words and knowledge she has now comes off to me more as something she learned herself through years of experience rather than through quickly perceived intuition. Her intuition is strong, yes, but it’s something that had to be developed and before it came around was dominated and may still be slightly overpowered by a more concrete sensing function. I'm not going to make any solid guesses on her personality, but I will agree that she's not anywhere near an INTJ. She sure as hell ain't no Dr. House or Sherlock Holmes.
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