Hello fellow bronies! I've been a part of this forum for quite some time now, however I haven't been active. I want to start getting active since I feel I need to be in a place where I can talk about ponies and meet new friends! So, to kick it off, I'm here today to advertise a petition for Hasbro to get Spike and Rarity to date! I mainly did this for fun, but I also wanted to see how many people would support it, and to let the Sparity crowd voice their opinion. If you want to support it, click the link below! If you do not want to support it, please disregard. Let's see if we can make the soul mates get together! (It will ask you to put in an address, however it will not display it publicly. You can also ask them to ignore the address by contacting the help desk. And I'm not entirely sure, but you may not need to put in an address, so if someone discovers you don't, let me know!)
Petition: https://www.change.org/petitions/hasbro-make-spike-and-rarity-get-together