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Everything posted by 1Fluttershy

  1. *facehoof* People are way too defensive over Derpy...he was just asking why there's so much hype for her.
  2. There was already a lot of (undeserved) hype even before that. Derpy, Vinyl Scratch, Luna (before Luna Eclipsed), Lyra...this fandom just seems to like overhyping characters. Personally, I think a character should actually do something that makes them stand out to justify lots of hype, rather than becoming popular because of their design.
  3. Overrated: Derpy Hooves (and every other background pony), Rarity, Luna, Big Macintosh, Trixie, and Chrysalis. Underrated: N/A
  4. Sorairo Days (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OP) and Resonance (1st Soul Eater OP) Both of which have already been posted in this thread.
  5. Most people that say they "want to kill" a character don't actually mean it, and just use it because it's an easier way to express how much they dislike a certain character. While that might be a bit extreme to say, there still isn't really anything wrong with it since hating a character is still just an opinion. That being said, a person isn't any less of a brony if they don't adhere to what the show stands for.
  6. I agree with the general idea you're getting at (that each character has something about them to like), but there's some parts of your post that I disagree with... Just because you dislike a character doesn't mean you're not a brony. A brony is a fan of MLP:FiM outside the target demographic. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, so it's not really a big deal if someone dislikes a character.
  7. I know it was done on purpose, but not everyone will appreciate an episode like that if it's their first time seeing the show. My suggestions are based on how much I know about the person i'm recommending the show to, so I don't really have any specific episodes i'd recommend to others.
  8. It's a lot less serious than the rest of the episodes in the show, and the ending was just a way to keep the show from having too many TS episodes. Besides, the ending being serious doesn't mean much if most of the episode isn't.
  9. It depends on the person you're trying to convert. A lot of bronies recommend Lesson Zero, but not everyone will like an episode like that...it could give some the impression that the show can't be taken seriously.
  10. I'll just say everything that's already been mentioned in this thread...and Fanboy and Chum Chum. I sometimes feel like that's the only show people think ever went downhill...
  11. I disagree about there being nothing to like about Rainbow Dash. • She stood up for Fluttershy in The Cutie Mark Chronicles (the sonic rainboom she performed was later revealed to be the cause of the rest of the mane 6 getting their cutie marks) • She saved Rarity's life in Sonic Rainboom. • Just like Fluttershy's squeaks, some people find it cute when Rainbow Dash's voice cracks. • She is arrogant and competitive, but she's also ambitious which is a good quality to have. • Selfish...meh. Personally, I think Rarity is the most selfish of the mane 6, but to each their own. See this thread if you'd like to know what else there is to like about Rainbow Dash. You don't have to like RD (and i'm not really trying to debate, just bringing up a few reasons that I think justify liking Rainbow Dash), but there are definitely legitimate reasons to like her and the rest of the mane 6. Well...
  12. Happy birthday! :D

    1. Shankveld


      thanks so much!! :D

  13. 1. "Fluttershy" is my username. 2. I'm shy. 3. I try to be nice to others. I just need to become one with nature so I can take my true form: Yeah, I think that's about right.
  14. Because they like the show? The show may not encourage it, but it doesn't say anything against it either.
  15. I like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
  16. I don't think saying we disagree and providing reasons why we disagree means we aren't loving and tolerating someone's opinion. I still respect the OP's right to have an opinion, even though I don't agree with it.
  17. I meant people see it as more than a cartoon because they can relate to it and actually care about what happens to the characters, not because it's an internet meme. It's more than a cartoon to people if it had a personal impact on them. The show is popular because a lot of people watched it for themselves and enjoyed it. I fail to see how fangames and fan conventions can make a show overrated. The show inspires people to make fangames, fanart, fanfics, etc. People have also made good friends simply they enjoy the show...however, that can be said for other shows as well. Just because a show has had a bigger impact on people than other shows does not mean it is overrated.
  18. It's not like fans of other franchises can't make any fangames or have any fan conventions... The show means more to a lot of us than just being entertaining, so I think it's safe to say the show has transcended its original purpose.
  19. I don't think it is. It's not exactly a true statement either.
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