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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by GingerJoy

  1. "Yes" Rock looked at John "I'm not sure about him, but I have a dire urge to speak to Phoenix" Rock pulled his notebook from his saddlebag "It has occured to me that I might be the only medical professional here" he presents his notebook to the Squire "As you can see, I've made a record of everypony who came to see me. Which is quite a big number" Rock cleared his throat "I would like permission from Phoenix to train someone. If I were to pass away so suddenly, this area would have no doctor"
  2. Rock asked for directions, a helpful unicorn pointed him to the stronghold. As he approached the entrance he encountered the guards. "State your business" The guard said "I need to talk to the squire" Rock croaked "Is it important?" The guard inquired "Of course it's important!" Rock poked the guard "Let me in!" The guard rolled his eyes "Very well" Rock entered. He studied his surroundings. The squire came into view on a large stair case and throne. He saw a frozen pony staring at the squire. "Hey" Rock teased "Might wanna close your mouth before a flies goes into it"
  3. After getting the last stain out of the carpet, rock sighed to himself "that took longer than expected" He put away his cleaning equipment, then started to do the same with the medical. However, he accidentally picked up a scalpel by the wrong end. "Ow!" He squeaked "Well that was just clever" He looked at the blood that trickled from the small wound. It gravely reminded him of his mortality. That death can be just around the corner. However, it also occured to him that he's the only trained doctor here. Or at least that he knows of. If he were to die all of a sudden... "I need an apprentice" he said "Before its too late" He went out the house and tried looking for Phoenix but couldn't find him. Rock tried looking for the squire instead, hoping he could offer information on Phoenix's whereabouts.
  4. Rock dumped his bloodied scalpel into a bucket of water. "It's over" He whispered His patient, a Pegasus, looked at the bandaged remains of her wing. "When will the pain killers wear off?" "A couple of hours" Rock scribbled in his notebook "I suggest you take it easy or it might start to bleed again" The Pegasus stood up "Take it easy? I wish" She rolled her eyes, before exiting Rock set down his notebook. He looked at the bloodstains on his operating table. "I'll never get used this" Without delay, he set about cleaning the place "One day you're isolated from society, the next day, you become appointed the 'de facto' doctor" Without delay, Rock sets about cleaning the room.
  5. If you have children, what would you name them?
  6. Dear Appy, I'm in a bit of a pickle. I'm doing driving lessons at the moment, and my family hold me to high standards. That means every time I make a mistake with them in the car, they tend to be very negative of it. It really stresses me out sometimes! I would like to remind them that I'm only a learner, but I worry they might ignore that. How should I approach this? ~GingerJoy
  7. If you had to live off of one type of muffin for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  8. I have all walking dead comics so far! (I could of spent that money on a computer...) And in my opinion, they're great! The artwork is amazing for the first 6 issue until the artist changed, it dropped quite a bit but quickly picked itself back up. The story works out quite well, and the characters are realistic & relatable. The real story gets going around issue 3, the first 2 are more like an introduction to the character and the setting. I heavily recommend you continue reading it!!!
  9. Hearts & Hooves day, it was the first one I watched weirdly enough :3 Took me a while to figure out the CMC weren't the main characters though...
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EQbynwxgDM (The majority of the story will be me comically running away from zombies!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kr7xMSPHlY (I will be scared and hesitant to do so at first. Sweat dripping, weapon clutched in hand. It’ll be from hiding and will need more than one hit due to poor aiming) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53RgiyZcnNY (Me going through a village, trying to stay low but makes noise when climbing objects) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLtleMSikKk (It’ll be unbearable, gut-wrenching but necessary. The silence of the night is broken by a lone gunshot) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAdL_f-rJn4 (It starts off as a good thing, but then as the group grows in number, trouble starts to happen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aai8i8UBAqg&list=FLm4RotEzGKwNAPFRINfy6Yg&index=64 (Slow to admit at first but it fills an empty hole of a previous loved one) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SscTD2gPMbM (Helping the last remnants humanity at a military base. A horde so big that even the elderly and children fight. Despite the horror surrounding us, everyone finds the resolve to fight to the bitter end. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NV6Rdv1a3I (Literally, we were lucky to survive) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VTZy5AL4dU (All the good times and people I met and grown to love will flash in my head. The unbearable twist will crush my soul) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GlaYCmaVGtU ( I leave the group, not wanting to put them jeopardy or the pain of putting me down. With little remaining time I have left, I attract all nearby zombies, go back to my home village, find my house, and pass away peacefully with the thought that I did all I could) A bit long but... heck, I thought it was a fun idea!
  11. I like Dashie the best! But all the others are pretty good, keep up the good work If I could choose which pony you should do next, I'd probably say... Vinyl Scratch!
  12. This website is so awesome! Would anypony mind highlighting what I should check out first?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GingerJoy


      Aha, very interesting indeed! Thanks! This is a good way of exploring the website!

    3. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      pump out some posts in the general discussion, then go to RP world

    4. GingerJoy


      Already ahead of ya, thanks!

  13. Thought I might give this a share! I love drawing anime when I have the time, it's a small hobby of mine that I've been doing for about 18 months now. I would like to do it more but I get horrible hand cramps! >_< So let me know what you think!
  14. When my parents told me cartoons weren't real about 7 years ago Naturally I began to question more things such as how are burgers made and where do babies come from. The answers took away a chunk of my childhood innocence!
  15. Ohh, I'll have a stab at this! Size: What you have is fine. Ponies/Vectors: FlutterShy, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash with top hats at one end, AppleJack with a Scottish Beret at the other. Background: The interior of Sugar Cube Corner. Colours: The colours of the Union Jack! Text: The sun never sets on Friendship Additional Details: Maybe give one of them a moustache on a monocle. Up to you!
  16. Rock Thatcher
  17. I would say... Laughter! With my last name being Joy, I can't help but think it's destiny! But I also share Rainbow Dash's loyalty, that's what I always emphasize most in a friendship. It's nice to know that someone has always got your back.
  18. I wouldn't have anything against it, it would add some depth to the show and romantic character chemistry is always a good source of entertainment Buuuuuut, I could see the problem of people complaining if Dash was shipped with any of the mane 6, people might complain that she generalizes tomboys or lesbians Just down to opinion I guess!
  19. Thanks for the welcome! It's nice to see I already something in common with others. I can't wait to get stuck in! Hey there! I will no doubt have plenty of questions soon, and chatting sounds pretty cool! Does it work similar to facebook or is it all done through posts? Hey buddy, doing great! How's your end? Anime that I like would be: Cowboy Bebop, Azumanga Daioh, Naruto, One Piece, Ghost in the Shell and Afro Samurai Okay, got ya! I won't tell a soul! Haha, thanks for the welcome! I can't wait to get cracking into this!
  20. "All the ponies in this town are CRAZY!" She foreshadowed quite a few episodes I believe! What about your favorite background pony?
  21. Yeah, it just gets a bit frustrating ya know? Here's something I'm a fan of yet I can't anyone to chit chat with. But hopefully that'll change! Who's your favorite pony from the mane 6?
  22. Hello everypony! I'm kinda new to the brony fandom, I've only watched about a dozen episodes. But I have listened to hundreds of pony songs and fanfictions! I started a few months ago when I brought a funny MLP shirt. My interest slowly grew until recently I've started to watch the cartoon. It's pretty good stuff so far! I'm 17 and live in England, no-one in my area has heard of this show so I thought that by joining this website, I could feel more comfortable about the subject (I told my parents, they were slightly confused) Other interests of mine include fishing, improve-drama, writing stories, anime, pizza and history. Can't wait to see what this place has to offer! If anyone can offer tips on what I can do, that would be pretty awesome!!! Peace out. Brohoof /)
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