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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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About Dazed

  • Birthday 1988-10-14

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    Voice acting, cartooning, writing, makin' folks laugh, racquetball, mini golf.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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Muffin (2/23)


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  1. I'd probably say Rarity and Pinkie had in the worst. Rarity had to take a lot of steam from the other townponies who were obviously frustrated at her lack of skill. Pinkie I felt sorry for by the time the Apple Farm was destroyed. Running a farm obviously takes a lot of work and when you don't know how to properly execute chores, things can fall to pieces very quickly. However, it's actually partly Rarity's fault that the Apple Farm crumbled. Without proper rain and sunshine, plants won't grow. Duh. But I can't just pinpoint Rarity on this. Where were the other weather pegasi? Tsk tsk.
  2. Hells to the yes for more Octavia. And no, the recolor in Apple Family Reunion doesn't count. I wanna see some base action. I'd love to see more Vinyl as well, though she has gotten a bit more screen time in comparison to Octavia. Including Equestria Girls!
  3. Went with Winona. Reminds me of my golden retriever actually. And I babytalk her just like Applejack does! Gummy is probably a close second because I love his character design....and that classic blank expression.
  4. I would probably be a writer. I'd whip up the next Daring Do series for you peeps to enjoy. You're welcome! Writing via pencil in my mouth sounds a little painful though. Would probably need some unicorn magic or a nice wide laptop designed for hooves typing.
  5. - Luna isn't high up on my favorites list. - Lightning Dust is my favorite "villain". - I want Pinkie Pie to make more sense at times. - I really wanna see more Rarity episodes. O__o - Want less focus on Twilight Sparkle (love her, but there are many other ponies).
  6. Tosh makes fun of everything. It's what he does. And he's actually pretty hilarious most of the time. Sorry, let the clopper jokes pour in. Some of the fandom is just like that. Nothing wrong with laughing at ourselves though. We all love the show for what it is and the underlying meaning and the fandom.......but again, some of us are in our 20's......with full time jobs....with college degrees......with bills to pay.....and we love My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I can't help but just laugh at myself. It's a funny situation! Tosh is just joining in.
  7. Oh don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the movie more than I thought I would. I didn't go in thinking I'd hate it, but I had some doubts. There were just instances that really felt rushed. Example- when we are introduced to human Rainbow Dash, who doesn't even get a word in until the others have already hugged and made up. It's as if she was forgotten or they didn't want to spend time focusing on her conflict with Applejack before everyone came to the realization that Sunset Shimmer was to blame. Again, I did like the movie for what it was, I'm just quick to notice if things feel rushed.
  8. Rarity's "I think I'm sweating!" line gets me every time. This was my favorite episode of Season 3 no doubt. The progression of characters is fantastic and, as others have said, I hope we get to see more Scoots and RD bonding in Season 4. RD is an excellent athlete, but still, she has her flaws and it would be interesting to see Scoots either follow in her footsteps or call Dashie out on 'em. It was also nice to see Luna's magic at work. Show 'em what ya got, Princess of the Night! Score: 9.5/10.
  9. I would probably be the Element of Wit. I've been very quippy with comebacks since I was little. My friends and family are impressed at how quickly I come up with stuff. Call it a gift. =3 And it comes in handy when situations become awkward/tense.
  10. I enjoyed EG, but wouldn't give it real high marks. It was a little too disconnected from the show. I've only watched it once but several things stood out that bothered me. - Rainbow Dash barely got any good lines....she said "awesome". That's about it. - A lot of the movie felt rushed. - Really only one catchy song....:/ - Not as much humor/wit as the FiM series.
  11. Oh my goodness- A MLP:Fim RPG would be awesome. You could customize your own pony and venture through Equestria. Perhaps the underlying plot could be to fight Discord. You could raise your stats in Magic, Flying, Speed, Strength, etc. Then after leveling up, at a certain level you could transform into an alicorn. That'd be pretty ballin'. You can go on various quests for the Mane 6 and individual background ponies in Ponyville before you can venture off into other parts of the land: Everfree Forest, Canterlot, Appleloosa, Cloudsdale..... I also love customization in any game. The ability to talk with ponies and be given a handful of responses would also be neat, this way you can unlock gifts after raising individual pony's friendship points (think Harvest Moon). Love interests would also be neat, that being said, it would depend on if your protagonist was a boy or girl.
  12. I actually really liked Fluttershy in the movie. Her dialogue was more appealing than some of the other characters, and I thought her character design was really cute too.
  13. I don't think it's as much of a coincidence. The male voices needed for the series are a little low so Vincent seemed like a good choice for both. I knew Prince Blueblood was already a pretty hated character in the fandom, but Flash? What's not to like? I mean, he wasn't given much character development, but honestly the movie didn't have much time to focus on his and Twi's relationship what with Equestria being in danger & all.
  14. Dazed


    Hey guys! I've been a fan of MLP:FiM for quite some time and actually signed up at another forum several months ago. This one looks like a great place to hang with the fandom though and I hope to get to know all of ya and for some fun bonds in the herd.
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