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  1. i may be cynical for this thought, but zephyr breeze felt like a stereotype of bronies that the animators used as a self-insert to make an episode about > he is directly related to fluttershy which many bronies adore and obsess over > teases a relationship with rainbow dash which the fandom ships the most > has the new age hipster personality and look and pretends to be suave (you see this most at brony cons) > free loading off his parents, doesn't like to work, is annoying without noticing it or extremely downplays it once noticed > insecure and doesn't finish anything
  2. I want to create audio recordings to fanfictions and perhaps, down the line, participate in dramatic plays of the sort based on those fanfictions. I naturally have a strong, resonant deep voice --- but with one problem, its only there for the morning. Really, it is, and also when I'm mildly sick with something benign like the cold. My voice sounds much better for this sort of thing in the morning and its hard to replicate once I'm to mid-day. Something to do with the larynx from being at rest or the sort. Anywho, I want to practice and develop my voice before I really jump headlong into actual recordings. I don't want to sound generic or too nasally pitched, would rather standout with a regal resonant voice. As an inspiration and a goal to work my way too: I would love to sound close to this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PubrHoHpWbM And I would also love to mix in a touch of posh british accent for when I need for characters or certain stories. A suspect a long road ahead of me and would greatly appreciate tips, book recommendations, or any other media for what I'm aiming for.
  3. Nice work. I like the logo with the gleam effect. Will you be making super hero themed pieces? Also, I had the idea to use this image, with permission of course, to do a short story. I will start making notes soon, and eventually when it is finished, who knows, it may bring more attention to your art and portfolio. Keep up the good work.
  4. Turned 25 last month and never been into drinking. Both my parents are alcoholics while I never have one sip of the stuff.
  5. I seriously envy everyone in this topic. I've been struggle with my weight and eating disorder for years now. It's cost me big medical bills and trips to the ER.
  6. Can't make any friends at my age. In school and as a kid, it was easier, although I had only a few at a time. Kids don't have to worry about bills or higher education or working or taking care of their family or whatever else. In my mid 20s, no one is interested. Everywhere I go it seems like other people already have their friend circle they known for years and are too busy and indifferent to welcome a new face. Add into mix that everyone my age is completely different than me and no, I won't have any friends. I can't make them.
  7. im 24 i haven't met anyone else my age that i like. typically, people around my age that i encounter are into partying, drinking and drugs, and acting stupid as it was a virtue to proud of.
  8. Rarity's Generous Plan . . . don't look it up.
  9. Never dated and I'm about to turn 25. I can't find any persons around me to be a friend in real life. None of my interests meet up with theirs and I'm terribly bored by what so many people think is fun or excitable for them. I'm not too worried about date life since I think most of my energy should be directed in setting up my future career at the moment, but I do wonder about just finding anyone, regardless if they're male or female, that can be honestly enthusiastic about the things I value. I sort of take sympathy to those cliched songs about a young person being a loser and loner and hating that he can't fit in with others, but I don't feel that way about myself and can only identify with the situation of "I'm alone." I know I'm probably going to be alone for years to come, and I don't feel too bad about it. I rather be honest to myself. But yes, at times, I do wistfully wonder why I can't find someone else who sees the greatness and importance in things that I do. Nevermind the dating, I just want someone to be a human like me and share a special understanding with.
  10. Posh British accent is best accent Best sounding language is French or Italian. English and Russian close second.
  11. Awesome House MD picture. As an aside, I marathoned through all 8 seasons in two weeks. This tidbit of a story was okay, but I don't think I am going to do anything else with it. I tried figuring out how to work a believable conflict with the idea and I haven't gotten there. Perhaps there will be more in another idea for a story sometime soon.
  12. Is this contest eligible to a person who cannot attend the convention?
  13. When I first get on the computer I check: Gamefaqs.com social boards Youtube Subscriptions Equestria Daily Fimfiction Tumblr Twitch and this website, for personal mail and mostly lurking.
  14. I want Japan to win just for the lulz of a Pikachu mascot holding that World Cup trophy. Also, imagine the animations for that.
  15. Dark, lustrous, rare.... brown eyes.
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