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K.K. Slider

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Posts posted by K.K. Slider

  1. She had the premiere and finale. Those were four episodes. She has a had episodes, along with the other one million in the series. The whole other seasons have been about her reaching her ♥☺☻♣♠♦•◘○DESTINY♥☺☻♣♠♦•◘○

    I said opener (i.e. premiere) and finale. :muffins:


    I was addressing your post saying this season, not previous ones. :P She had no proper episode with focus on her this season beyond the usual opener and finale; the oen with Cadance and Discord was more of a mixed ep not a proper single focus pone ep.

  2. I haven't had time to really think about HER CUTIE MARK. -.- The whole season has been TWILIGHT HERE and TWILIGHT THERE. I need a BREAK!! *whines*

    and yet she didn't have an episode of her own beyond the ususal opener and finale this season, only supporting roles. :P

  3. That makes no sense.

    *clearly doesn't know who that user is*


    Anyways selfies are fine as long as you don't overdo it.

    and most people don't, some on the other hand...I'm not even sure if excessive is an adequate word.


    I mean, it's just a picture. No big deal. When people post 20 in a row, it's a different story.

    *eyes squint intensely*


    As a girl I can say that we get a nice feeling when we take a good selfie, even though there's no logical reason for it.

    But they are just pictures. As long as they don't hurt anyone, I see no issue.

    While I personally feel selfies almost always look like horseapples, I do agree it's for an ego boost.




    I admit what I say is harsh, but the truth isn't always pretty or nice. I ain't gonna sugarcoat a rebuke when one posts vain, pretentious nonsense that's just begging to be set alight. I'm earnestly sorry if jimmies got rustled and applecarts overturned in the process. As they say, wake up and smell the roses 'n all.


    At the end of the day, to each their own. Just be aware of when too much is really, glaringly too much. 4chan would have an absolute field day.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Doesn't bother me any... obviously :)

    So you say, and yet here you are. :huh: I think your average forum user has enough intelligence/perception to see through that one. To each their own, but the queen princess of :muffins: selfies :muffins: shouldn't have bothered posting in this thread.


    Thanks for not addressing (i.e. dodging) that entire post BTW, you sure put up a convincing argument.

  5. To me, it seems like the only people who don't like em are the ones who find themselves unattractive and lack confidence. ;)

    Problem with that logic; they wouldn't have any pictures of themselves posted in the first place.


    What's the appeal (or even a connection) of a selfie in regards to 'attractive'? It fits the run of the mill definition(s) of...yeah. On top of this, is it really difficult having somebody else take a picture? Again, what's the appeal? I can't wrap my head around it. :okiedokielokie: I can understand having pictures of oneself in nice/interesting places as mementos (& hence why selfies at monuments and the like are far more sensible...even if I will never understand why they don't just ask others), but picture after picture of the same poses (complete with missing forearm) shot from the same distance in a bedroom/bathroom doesn't have any substance to it; it's just an overall poorly composed, uninteresting picture no matter how you slice it. Rinse and repeat the same rubbish and post it for all to see? To what end?


    I like them. I usually get 20 likes or more on each one so I assume they like them too. Ift you got it, flaunt i. If not... sucks for you.


    Oooooh that was brutally honest eh?

    Frankly, if you're female and you post slutty pictures of yourself, you're going to get likes. Hell, you don't even need slutty poses/clevage. You gotta keep in mind the demographic of this forum/fandom. It's when selfies are posted to a ridiculous extent it strikes me as a cry for attention (posting solely for likes to prop up one's ego) and even a mask for low self-esteem (see propping up ego). As far as "if you got it, flaunt it" goes, you might want to look above.


    and saying "if not...sucks for you." in regards to not having a body to shamelessly flaunt? I understand you came into this thread to defend your ego, but do you realize how outstandingly vain/pretentious you come off as? I'll say it; you give yourself too much credit.


    Sorry for being brutally honest, you were asking for it there. :mellow:

  6. Not doing the same thing everyday ad infinitum, meeting new people, learning about different cultures and languages, experiencing what the world has to offer outside, being surrounded by nature, list can go on and on.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. As I actively travel in foreign countries I often find myself in picturesque or iconic locations...with that said I hate selfies with a burning passion. It's not difficult to ask other people to shoot a photo for you! You don't even need to speak a common language to get the message across! The only issue is you leave it up to their photography skills but again, it's not hard to just ask someone else...seems to me selfies are mostly reserved for your textbook camwhore; I don't see any place for them.

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Also been the past two years (& going this year) and it's near impossible to not have a good time. Definitely the con to attend if you go to any at all. Not sure what you'd do in Baltimore instead...it's a pretty run down city.

  9. Have you ever been in a high speed pursuit?

    Have you ever fired a gun whilst in high speed pursuit?


    You get a Burger King crown if you understood the reference.

  10. Sorry for the hijack OP.  ;)


    What was your experience with LSD? What was it like for your senses, especially visuals?


    For me LSD is more about the feelings and expansion of consciousness rather than the visuals. I always feel very connected to my environment and very sensitive to even the smallest sounds. It be can be very disorientating as it heavily alters your perceptions. The most persistent visual I see is a 'breathing' effect on anything from walls, curtains, bushes, etc. Anything that isn't actually moving will appear to be waving slowly. See below for pic. Closing your eyes is a different story...


    Okay...what kind of hallucinations does one get from LSD?


    It doesn't so much make things that do not exist appear, but drastically warps what you do see. This picture is the more accurate depiction I could find. Two people using the same dosage from the same chemist may experience different visuals as no two people are exactly alike.


    I've wanted to know about the actual effects of drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. Is it intense?


    On a smaller dose they aren't intense (but definitely pronounced); in my experience a dose 'medium' and up can be overwhelming, especially with ecstasy.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. That is a long way. Did you get a more expensive badge like I did? If so, what will you do if you don't get your custom badge you were promised?


    Regular here, I just ask/bribe for a spot in the front of the line if I don't line up early so I don't have much of a reason to pay for more. Unless the point is to support the con, of course. As far as the badge goes, email them constantly. If you're really keen, demand a refund.  :muffins:

  12. Definitely check out Alive 2007 if you guys haven't, it's one of the best live albums I've ever heard. While I can't stand listening to Human After All on its own, what they did to it in this album is incredible.


    • Brohoof 3
  13. Flying from Tokyo for the con was totally worth it. Definitely in my top 3 and especially impressive for a first year con. Yes, everything didn't run smoothly; it comes with the territory. Didn't drag it down at all for me, met great people, great parties, great panels. Will be attending next year.  :yay:

    • Brohoof 1
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