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  1. Thank you that is all I wanted to know! Now that I've gotten an answer as too the life question I was searching all of 3 days for, I can go back to doing productive things. Like sitting on my couch and eating crisps.
  2. You people are absolutely no help at all. I probably could've gotten more information from The pope. Probably wouldve made more sense as well.
  3. Look, all I wanna know so that I can actually sleep tonight knowing wether or not there's something worth reading eluding my grasp, is is there a goddamned fanfiction that started this whole damnable shenanigans or not?
  4. I think what I'm getting at here is that I want to know if this was an actual fanfiction or not? I just wanna read the damn thing. But it's like finding the goddamned burial place of jimmy Hoffa.
  5. Ok so the more I delve into brony culture the more ancient artifacts I seem to uncover. Recently In my travels I've discovered a phenomena that calls itself one of two names( possibly due to a psychosis based schitzophrenia) the new lunar republic( implying there was an old lunar republic) an the solar empire. Now at first I thought it was just some shenanigans that I had long missed out on while I was in basic training an cut off from the outside world. Then as I dig deeper into this seemingly colorful pit I found absolutely nothing at all not even a veritable cult following that can be traced. I did however manage to find a basic backstory in which I will paraphrase most of it*ahem* "all hail the solar empire!!" " for the new lunar republic!!" An that's pretty much all I've been able to find. It's like the entire thing was covered up by the government because "we're not ready for this information yet". It occurred to me that maybe this was perhaps a fanfiction gone viral in the brony/ pegasister world, kinda like ( and I hate to use this analogy, I died a little inside when I thought of it) the team Edward and team Jacob bullshit that happened with twilight, BUT I CAN'T EVEN FIND ANYTHING LIKE THAT! It's like the whole thing never existed except for the ruins of the entire civilization... It's like going to Detroit, there is evidence that a thriving civilization once lived there but it's all hidden in the deepest part of hell. Anyone care to help me with this?
  6. I'm writing a FIMfiction and I would like someone to do the cover art for it. Something simple really. My vision is applebloom as a young mare with a cutie mark( subject to change so don't get to hasty with that part) looking out over sweet apple acres in spring. The major part is that she needs to look somewhat depressed, the mood I'm getting at is that she's sad but is putting on a brave face. Any help at all is appreciated as its my first fic and I'm no artist.
  7. As much as I love my pinkie pie I'd have to choose applejack as the next one to become a princess because she's the only one I feel is capable enough to handle it.
  8. My opinion is that crystals are not inherently magic in their own essence, however instead they reflect, store, and amplify any magic that passes through them at the users will. Which is why the gemstone in celestias throne room floats on its own without any seen intervention from celestia until she picks it up, or as unpowered gemstones lie dormant and useless unless focused power is run through them and activates their nature. As is the case with the alicorn amulet I believe is a good example it has a spell cast upon it to amplify the users magic 10x when using magic but also corrupts the user meaning at already has magic placed upon it. Think of a gemstone as a tiny room with 1000 mirrors with one small opening to let a beam of light or energy through, open the doorway and the bounces around an reflects inside until it finds a way out thus amplifying it. Now picture the same room and same mirrors, but this time with a pedestal in the center with a light on the inside that you can control at will from the outside for when you need the light and you don't have to worry about maintaining the light, now the light is stored for use as you see fit with a simple activation. Reflection is a harder one to explain so just follow along with me, as the beam of light/energy passes through the room it gathers power but instead of going haywire and bursting from the room it changes the properties of the room that the light is flowing through to reflect the users wishes in a semi- autonomous way as with the case of the crystal empire gem in celestias throne room. I don't know if any of that made sense but it felt like it did so maybe it helps.
  9. Ok so at exactly 12:26 am I'm sitting here in bed browsing the interwebz, and I'm listening to a brony song called " miles" about sung by " applebloom" (loosely because the singer is more implying that he's applejack) wonderful song you should check it out. Anyway I'm getting off topic. I'm listening to it and I start thinking, about cutie marks. About how they appear. And about what they mean. And a realization dawned on me... WHY THE HELL DO THEY EVEN HAVE THEM!! They serve absolutely no purpose in the show except for identification and a name could just as easily be used. And nobody ever acknowledges that it might be a little odd that a picture somehow appear without the user knowing in most cases until someone else notices that they've obtained it. And it's not as if anything changes when they get it. They're still the same filly/colt after they get it, just now they know what they're old at. I mean why does nobody question this. About why ponies are the only ones to get them. I mean other creatures we've seen in the show have special talents that make them happy( such as iron will and his goats) why don't they have cutie marks...I mean seriously. I'm starting to think that cutie marks were added just so that the cutie mark crusaders could exist, and give the show some extra content as the lack of cutie marks wouldn't have changed the show that drastically...seriously can anyone help me with this?
  10. please, we all know that if rainbow dash were to be involved with any of the mane 6 it would be applejack, they were basically made for each other.
  11. what I love is your icon picture. I'd love one of those with pinkie pie instead of fluttershy, in fact I'd like everything with pinkie pie. Everything's better with pinkie pie.
  12. If its pinkie pie I want it, I adore her. And when I get my computer back up and running I can save it to my hard drive as well. Unfortunately im stuck using my phone for everything. So the more the better.
  13. Not sure if this is the right place, but I'm looking for good pinkie pie artwork for my iPhone background and I can't find any that fit correctly. Perhaps you can use this as a place to dump some?
  14. your forgetting about " one bad apple" where we meet appleblooms cousin, that episode wasnt about getting their cutie marks at all, it was a lesson to children about handling a bully situation. And "ponyville confidential started with them trying to get their cutie marks ( I have to add this for no reason at all, but the face that apple bloom is making at the picnic table scene is absolutely adorable) but ended up with them jut going along for the ride because of how well received the paper was. And the episode " stare master" was about fluttershy yes but more revolved around the cutie mark crusaders, at least in my opinion. But yes I agree a couple episode of the three little fillies getting into shenanigans for no apparent reason is warranted, and from the scuttlebutt going around with the new season it looks like that just might happen.
  15. The episode you are thinking of is "show stoppers" one of my favorites, the skills the three fillys displayed were sweetie bells singing (obviously), scoots dancing/choreography/(perhaps) stunts based on future episodes and her desire for coolness, and appleblooms ability to fix things, maybe that just applies to buildings or with wood or other things around that treehouse, honestly appleblooms is really the only one I have trouble pinning down. Perhaps that episode was foreshadowing? Or maybe just a tease, or maybe it was a subtle lesson to the viewers that you shouldn't force yourself away from what your good at. Who knows, I'm sure eventually it will be resolved but until then I guess I'm going to have to enjoy the cutie mark crusaders while I can. I understand sweetie bells talent, and scoots is starting to make sense more that I think about it but appleblooms is still extremely hard to pin down. I understand the nature of her talent but not the execution exactly.
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