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Posts posted by Rayalicious

  1. speaking of that color(purple), i'd like you all to know its not "girly" PS: it it the color of the shirt i'll be wearing on a soon wedding is purple, its kind of nice, plus it works really good with the whole suit XD and for the question hmm lets see, other than plushies nothing more :P(not sure if this is girly at all)

  2. In details murder: id put some of the most powerful detergent in one of my class mate's bottles (he was a pure piece of ****) (he'd just anoy me really bad, bully me when i was young ) and i remembered that we had a pet who accidentally drank it and died the next day so  I relate BAM best idea  ever no one will ever know it was me , or simply take my Swiss knife and cut his neck open (u know that main vein) because man thos knives are soo fricking sharp (don't worry i never did tho i completely planned the murder with escape and everything)   :P criminal mind


    I tried suffocating once but the guy turned red and started crying so I let him go (like actually suffocate him)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. You know you're a member of MLP Forums when you see somepony started a thread that has the same meaning as one you did before, get mad and just give up



    You know you're a member of MLP Forums when you are listening to Good ol' Days - [The Living Tombstone, Mic The Microphone and Jackle App] or Eurobeat Brony - Discord (The Living Tombstone's Remix) or Smile Song (The Living Tombstone's Remix) on a volume low enough and watch out if any one is coming to turn it off so that they don't question your weirdness :P

  4. It's a rather tough decision, I mean I -love- so much of the shows on nowadays, but, if I had make a choice...


    Pretty much everything that isn't Phineas and Ferb. :3

    At some point we all wishes that we had a brother that had a British accent and is super handy in everything and barely comments or argues, that would be awsome+ we all had(at least) one awesome summer project close to theirs  Ex: just today, in the big mountain barbecue we set 30 grills  next each other and flamed them up (literally) then started grilling a ton of chicken  and beef kebabs and partied wild :P (lebanese people eat so much there was no food left T_T) 

    VrWCMOU.jpgits nothing without the beer :P

    and heres my car after i over used it had to take the cover off to cool it down XD


    • Brohoof 1
  5. When I was younger it was liquid medicine. That stuff was absolutely disgusting and often times I would often prefer being sick than have to taste the icky medicine of doom. Of course what I wanted at that time didn't matter since my parents would practically force it down my throat no matter how many times I would spit it up. Oh, and it was even worse when they tried to give them enticing sounding flavors like bubblegum and grape, *shiver*. I was so relieved when I was able to take pills and tablets instead. 


    My greatest enemy now is wasps. Now, I've never been stung by a wasp (or a bee) but the thought that I might be stung keeps me from having peace of mind while a wasp is nearby. The main problem is they always seem to be nearby, taunting me flying right next to the screen door like "Lol, you're not getting in through here". There was even a time where a wasp flew right into my ear! What the heck, wasps! Can't you just leave me be? :(  And on the rare chance that I (sorta) conquer my fear and decide to "dispose" of the wasp, I fail and it starts flying everywhere -- of course, I run for the hills once that happens. Ugh, wasps...

    wasps..  i try to kill them with the longest range weapon possible i find around me :P 


    Mini update i discovered a new enemy its: the armored concrete wall, why?


    i just hurt my knee really bad while slipping on some unidentified liquid and crashed into the wall, and another reason is that they kill the internet signal through my house we have 6 different range extenders all over the house...(wonder why i live in an armored concrete wall house?actually i live in an apartment,not a house, the building is 25 stories high LOL, we're on the sixth and all building in my counctry are armored, its needed for bluet protection and earthquakes, they are pretty rare but happen like 2¬3 times ayes)

  6. Oxygen, generally. I breathe in a truly disturbing amount of it, all day long. Can't get enough. And not forgetting the water I drink... oxygen in that too. And a little hydrogen. If only there were some way of knowing the ratio of oxygen to hydrogen in the water I drink... but that would be an insane expectation. Okay, I think this joke has run on for long enough. ;)


    I consume way too much coca-cola, and coffee, so I guess caffeine is the thing I consume the most.

    the actuall ratio for pure water (PURE ONLY) is 2 hydrogen to 1 oxygen XD  


    That would have to be video games. music and movies. My free time consists of either listening/Playing music, playing video games or enjoying a good movie :)

    video games.... they just get you stuck in your room all day...on that comfy desk chair, adn HD display, and best sound, fine by me

    • Brohoof 1
  7. who ever consumes his bed a lot(excessive sleeping) or just sits in his desk chair all day  longXDjust hit that bro hoof button in the face


    I guess I consume a lot of books, documents, and energy while thinking and searching, both electricity and human energy.

    Unlike most of the replies here, I tend to do my stuff at the last minute.

    lots of e-books+the whole discovery channel database i know almost how every single thing is made in the world, all of the mythbusters:), how to survive in any environment, how hard crab fishing is XD, the things people do to get gold out of the ground,and many others,  i'd recomend that channel

  8. Sure no problem.

    In fact, I'm using this very tablet you linked me to. Except I'm owning a small versoin.


    Tablet wacom bamboo pen and touch is probably the best quality tablet you can have for a low price.

    (LOW PRICE?!? THIS COST 300$!) D:

    Haha, that's why i'm using the small version.

    You probably could get it at your local futurshop for 80 bits.

    I don't see the point to get the medium version. Since I never need to use more than 1/4 of the tablet.

    And You get used pretty fast with the dimensions of the monitor ratio anyways.


    So yeah, I would definitely suggest this ^.^


    lol bro i know what u thought when u saw the 300$ FIY everything in my country is overpriced example monthly electric bill (prepare yourself for a shock) 500$+ every single month and unfortunately... this is the only shop that has the bamboo XD and still the shop is 40 miles away.. almost an hour and a half of highway driving...(they deliver to ur house for 20$ fee) (yes this is dumb...)


    how about this one though i hate genius...http://www.macrotronics.net/product_info.php/genius-tablet-m508-touch-pad-p-917

  9. It's actually a very bad habit that I rarely notice that I am doing.


    I eat paper napkins (usually at restaurants). Not like the whole thing, but I pretend to wipe my mouth and then take a bite out of some of it and eat it. It's been something I've done since about the 6th grade.


    I also eat plastic (VERY bad habit). I usually end up eating half of the plastic tops that you put on soda cups (little bits at a time mind you) or plastic forks prongs. I usually break off a single prong from a fork to pick my teeth with and then hold it in my mouth as a toothpick. I generally begin eating bits of it until I hurt my teeth then I spit it out.


    I also eat the long end of pen caps that are used to hold a pen in your shirt pocket >.<

    stress much on tests? i averagely buy 30 pens per year almost one per week because of the fact that my handwriting is big (yet hardly readable, what do u know i might become a doctor) and half of them i just chew the cap of



    Bro that plastic thing is bad, u should stop it same for napkins :s to stop all my bad habits i carry around and consume almost  2 packs of gum each with 10¬15 peices every 3 days

  10. I consume information!


    What kind of information? News, opinions, history, stories, miscellaneous facts, all sorts of things delivered to me over a massive network called the interweb. My numerous news feeds are constantly updating with the latest happenings in the world.


    In terms of physical things, I'm a pretty heavy tea drinker. I used to drink soda a long time ago daily, but I've gone completely off the stuff after reading a news article that really made my stomach turn. Also an important note, it wasn't the health concerns with the massive sugar content that caused me to go off it... Now, I'm a pretty big tea drinker instead and it's probably a lot better for me.

    afteri read your thread i abuse my vocal cords because i talk A LOt (not gossiping though) i simply give wayy more information than needed. Leading to the fact that i have really bad problems in essays...--> Run on,Run on,Run on,Run on,Run on,Run on, all over my eesay like 10 times most of my essays are composed of not more than 12¬17 sentences

  11. I have a number of natural enemies.


    • Pewdiepie fans.
    • Spiders.
    • Allergies.
    • Touch Screens.
    • Motion controls.
    • The sun.

    Those are usually my enemies everyday.

    touch screens not exactly this way. but more specifically underwater :P yes that's right underwater some phone are waterproof and wheneever i use them to take pics underwater all i get is simply electric shocks small, but very scary and anoying

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I hardly understand the topic, but considering other replies. I guess it's speed, I love speed and especially the sound of any engine revving. So it's what keeps me going, I'm rather fast and agile on foot, but I hardly do that stuff anymore. I just drive, it's the only thing I do.

    ok lets calrify things. The question is : is there something that you consume alot? and what it it? and if applicable a reason :P


    For instance I Excessively consume internet. our monthly limit is 25 GBs download upload but i always exceed it and up paying almost a 100$ in total per month and i sometimes "abuse"(not in a bad way though) the free traffic overnight meaning they won't charge me for any data consumed.


    Clear enough? :P

    • Brohoof 1
  13. There were/are multiple tiers to the sponsor tickets.


    The most basic (being the one I bought) comes with the 3-day pass, BronyCon 2013 Shirt, and a separate registration line (a long with some other sponsor lines). And trust me, ask anyone else who went and had to wait in the registration line (though some people were smart and there early), a 20 minute wait for my pre-reg was nothing compared to some others.


    The other tiers and costs were the following:

    Silver - $250

    Gold - $500

    Platinum - $1,000

    and Diamond $2,000 (Some of the things included in this level was a hotel room paid by the con, OC drawn on a poster along with other Platinum and Diamond sponsors, your name being mentioned in the BronyCon brochure and opening ceremonies, plus everything else that was in the lower tiered tickets).


    I would tell you everything, however, when they sold out of the tickets during online registration, they took 'em off entirely so only the sponsor ticket was available. 

    WOW i think i have enough economies for that :P but still its just a dream to go there :/ anywho,There are registrations to be able to enter the con ? :o

  14. I would go there... If i would live close -_-

    I feel u bro, i have a house in AB, calgary but.... i am currently living in lebanon ! . I wish they would bring BRONY CON to the middle east :(

  15. I am born agile. I have nothing else than that though....

    I have always been that thin that i never really need strength for sports becouse of my low weight, no matter what i eat.

    when something requires raw power or skills i fail no matter what... 

    extreme opposite i guess? helped moving most of the furniture around the house. Arms muscle (big n' sexy :P ) leg muscles lets just ignore that :P

    • Brohoof 1
  16. BACON, and....

    whatever you get by waching my little pony too much I guess.

    tiem to wach moar ponies learn stuff, by a princess that looks like a boss.

    that and parkouring from place to place....

    Used to parkour alot then stopped(gave up) like all other sports that i have tried :( very low endurance excpet stuff that requires hand skills like ping pong, badminton, sometimes basket but i also stopped. Never had agility. Nor i will ever have i think :( tried everything to be more agile but i'm simply not 

    • Brohoof 1
  17. :OOO is this hand drawn!?!?!?

    :OO this looks so cool thou good job, not every one has such drawing skill :D

    And ive been trying but lets just say im more suitable to drawing tablets and pcs



    For me, it costed around the following:   Sponsor Pass - $125 Airplane Ticket, roundtrip, from BWI (Connecticut) - $216 Hotel, 4 Nights - $860 Money spent on Merch/Food/others - ~$900   All together, it costed me around $2,101. Could've spent even more, but I held back on all the merch since I needed to have ways of bringing it home...next year though, I am bringing another suitcase.
     And what exactly sponsor pass is? Cuz i asked somepony else and says it was pretty expensive, but i am within the budget and what do u get for the sponsor pass?Is there some sort of even more expensive ticket?
  19. So, we all have this one or two or three.... objects that are very important to us (for any reason) your best childhood toy, a memory for a lost one, or anything else


    Mine are: 1 . This badminton racket (this jewel was custom made and costs 200$ T_T, totally worth it). Won third place in the national tournament :)


    2nd: My R/C fuel powered car :D This thing is ferocious, fast, and monstrous





    3rd: My SUPER AWESOME DESKTOP (NO PICTURES AVAILABLE) u can check on this thread some pics (http://mlpforums.com/topic/17427-post-a-pic-of-your-desktop-setup/page-9) just search for my post


    EDIT forgot mention this car is older than me by 10~15 years my dad gave it me with one of the first R/C planes

    Unfortunately he never got the chance to use them so he just gave it to me and said "have fun, and then give it to your son when you grow up , i bet he will love it" . Actually tomorrow we will are going a huuuuge barbecue in the mountains, gonna let it wild up there :)


    Post your most valuable objects here (with pics if possible :) )

    • Brohoof 3
  20. :o 


    i would get a BSOD(blue screen of death) on my pc 


    the brony community fights in some way to the cancellation of season 4 D:


    The deletion of this forum and the disappearance of all the epic people that were here


    A civil war in my country ( we are on the edge of the war D: )


    And most importantly, the confirmation of the fact that I won't be able to attend a borny con D: (i'm still hoping it will happen one day ) 

    • Brohoof 1
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