The Fallen Force
A MLP/Star Wars
A dark fog hangs over the Equestrian Galaxy. War has decimated the ranks of the galaxy’s jedi protectors. Once numbered in the thousand, only a few hundred reman. Now a new threat will emerge that may end them all together.
With a Galactic Senate now the ruling body of the Galaxy, the two sisters have retired from ruling and now focusing on protecting the galaxy through the Magic of Friendship and the Force.
Recently promoted Knight Midnight Oil has been assigned to a secret mission to a planet long forgotten by his old master, as well as another surprise for the young Jedi Knight.
Join the mission as ether a Padawan, Youngling, or Jedi Night, or perhaps as a trooper or hired help (Smuggler)
Midnight Oil, Jedi Knight, Bat Pony, Blue Lightsaber
Rose Beast, Midnight's Padawan, Pegasus, Unknown Lightsaber