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dar tunsh

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Posts posted by dar tunsh

  1. "What the hay? Then how come everypony who was here when I fell asleep is still here? How would I even have gotten into a coma?" Draw asked in a voice dripping with skepticism.

  2. Draw, being in a more uncomfortable area now, stirred. His eyes opened lazily and he moaned.

    "Uugh... How long was I out?" he said as he raised his head while the rest of his body remained on the floor.

  3. Static woke up, "What I miss?" he said groggily. He noticed the other pony's face in Stars wing and proceeded to push him to face the other direction, accidentally pushing him off the couch. "oops"


    Darn, I was hoping for an awkward moment either with Star or Clock... Oh well, at least you finally paid attention to me. :lol:

    I'm just checking. XP

    You're keeping that (below) in mind, right?

    Draw shifted in his sleep, subconsciously searching for a better position. In doing so, he slowly fell over onto his other side... on top of the mare beside him. He murmured something inaudibly as his head sunk into her wing.


  5. Gimme a sec... okay


    Initiating Team


    Calirolls - http://mlpforums.com..._/splinter-r259

    Vicke - http://mlpforums.com...i-lionheart-r14

    Draw Toonzoid - http://mlpforums.com...vace-glide-r823

    Half-Note - http://mlpforums.com...der-chaser-r840



    Invader hinata2000100 - http://mlpforums.com...asia-tempo-r857

    Shankveld - http://mlpforums.com...rs/_/lovely-r30

    Midnightive - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ruby-rose-r879

    raritydressdesigner - http://mlpforums.com..._/galactia-r858


    Need Some Love!


    SnailsZOID -

    Abbadon -

    Sky - http://mlpforums.com...ters/_/sky-r503



    v Making room v











    Why you guys aren't following the thread, I'll never know... :I




    Okay, if you don't see you're OC, I need you to post it. Those who are on the "Need Some Love!" list can partner up as a guy and a guy playing as a girl if they want to, for some reason I find it disturbing, but that's just me... *shrugs*

    So then, let's get planning! Throw out some ideas and see what sticks.

  6. Draw shifted in his sleep, subconsciously searching for a better position. In doing so, he slowly fell over onto his other side... on top of the mare beside him. He murmured something inaudibly as his head sunk into her wing.

  7. Draw looked over again and noticed that the stallion fell asleep sitting up. "What the hay? The only one that pays attention to me is the homo pre-teen!"

    In a huff, he took a seat next to the mare who was still passed out. He slumped over on the armrest. Draw suddenly felt very tired. He yawned and then nodded off to sleep.


    ((I gotta write an essay, I'm leaving for today. Try not to move TOO far ahead, kay?))

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