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Status Updates posted by Midnight-Moon

  1. why so many poeple likes hacking in games?!

    1. Malinter


      i stopped laying TF2 on the ps3 because of hackers >_<

    2. Midnight-Moon


      terrible right?


    3. Malinter


      yeah, and theres no way in game to report them either.

  2. Hey guyse!!! In the Summer Holidays my new Animations of MLP will be finished!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i will macke my own mlp Animation wwwwwooooowwww!!!!!!!

  4. i will macke my own mlp Animation wwwwwooooowwww!!!!!!!

  5. yeah!!!! who think too Luna and twilight are the best ponies say yes!!!!!

    1. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Replace Twilight with Fluttershy and you get a yes from me!

  6. hey guyse I'm new and... well awesome to yoin the

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Midnight-Moon


      thx guysethe side is pretty cool... em I'am Midnight and can anyone ad me?

      Hey Longbowdash28 you have a preety cool picture


    3. Midnight-Moon


      ^^ and i'm a big mlp fan how you all and !!!!!Brohoof!!!!!


    4. Abbsterdash


      Hello there :) I hope you feel welcome and enjoy your time here :)

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