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Everything posted by Pop

  1. Pop

    OC Concepts

    So in my boredom, I apparently started to brainstorm some ideas for a few MLP OCs for RPing. Because I really have nothing else to do (given GTA Online is a piece of garbage and won't work GRAAH) Wanted to make OCs that had some relevance to the FiM universe, that don't try to be too jarring in my attempt to be "unique". But considering that my writing skills are just as abrasive as my drawing... eh, whatever. Did two OCs emulating the now dead Fighting is Magic's art style. Because thick lines look way cooler for ponies. And here's a rough draft.
  2. I have no idea if anyone here wastes their time watching Cartoon Hangover. But I've recently stumbled upon a pilot for one of their newer works in the name of Doctor Lollipop. It's a show about a unicorn. A UNICORN DOCTOR. I actually mistook it as some sort of parody of MLP at first, because... well, it stars a unicorn and also a raccoon I find oddly hot. But I guess that proves something. I mean, considering how quick I am to go to MLP after seeing a horse of any medium is a testament that I have an unhealthy affinity for MLP. Anyway, here's a quickie and stuff. Anyways, enough pones - TIME TO GO PLAY ME SOME GTA 5.
  3. I guess I'm the weird one here since I actually like the nose, but I guess it all comes down to people's own preferences. I don't really think it looks that off and it sorta reminds me of the toy models. =D
  4. Pop

    OC Dumps

    I thought the term for a horse's spotted pattern was tobiano. But I can't argue with someone who actually owns a horse! Anywho... A little update for anyone who gives a pegasus dung Looking back, I really hated the lack of color and overall design so here's a quick makeover. Also switched my style to a more "comfortable" level that feels more natural to me. I felt like the previous design was trying to emulate the show's style a little too much. This one's more typical anime-ish. I guess. I took the feathering into consideration. But considering how that looks stupid in real life (Apologies to every Tinker horse!), I can't imagine it would look too dandy with my awful skills. The best I could do is make the hair look... feathery? I don't know. Man, do you people have any idea how limited it can be on designing horses?! Anyway, here's the makeover! Now with super bunny ears! And another OC just because. Now to go be nerdy and dink around in the Roleplay forums. Obviously joining in with RAINBOW DASH.
  5. Pop

    OC Dumps

    Thanks for the warm comments, guys - Really appreciate it! Just to clarify so that nobody gets the wrong idea here, RAINBOW DASH (note the caps!) is a homage to the #1OC in the RP character database. Honestly if you thought my thing was funny then clearly you haven't checked that awesomeness out yet. Or maybe you did. Also, some silly replies to some posts.
  6. Dat super-long, sparkly mane. It's so deliciously long and flowy! Celestia be jealous. And those ears look like cute bunny ears! ... I want to live inside Sky Rise's mane forever. <3
  7. Pop

    OC Dumps

    Hey! Check out my awesome OC guys! I put all my effort, donated my organs and used dark magic to create this impeccable being of awesome perfection of awesomeness! Oh, and I made another one because I have no life... this one suck because it isn't as blindingly awesome as the first. Man I'm so dumb with these jokes...
  8. Pop

    Face Dumps

    The style I used for RD is how I normally draw. Or rather it's my personal preference since I was always fond of things that are grotesque and gritty in appearance. But to be honest, I don't really have a set style, per se. My illustrations are always being influenced by other people's artwork so I tend to be very inconsistent especially if I come back after a long artist's block. I appreciate everyone's feedback by the way! Probably an artist's worst fear is having their work ignored... uh, not that I would know how that feels or anything. I'll probably post future content here in this thread. Speaking of which, here's another thing I'd like to share. It's a full body this time! Quoting TV Tropes, "Snowdrop is the woobie to end all woobies."
  9. Personally I think her coat color is a little too vivid and ranges too far on the yellowish scale, so she reminds me of a vegatable. Or She-Hulk. She'd probably look better if the green on her coat was adjusted to look paler and lighter to contrast with her mane. I mean, that's just my opinion, really. I'm not exactly an expert on coloring tbh.
  10. Pop

    Face Dumps

    Yup. The pony with the most colors gets shaded in monochrome. Also, have some cupcakes. Don't question my imamazing vocabulary. I am awesomer than that.
  11. Pop

    Face Dumps

    Here's some crude dinky amatuer doodles of various pony faces (cuz pony bodies are a little weird to draw atm). Just experiment-tating (that's a word, right?) with a few variations on them equine expressions. By the way, I actually don't like drawing ponies. (CLEARLY I BELONG HERE)
  12. Pop


    Hello, everypony everyone. I seem to have descended into complete hysteria after the sudden yet strangely cathartic loss of my heart. I don't mean that in the metaphorical sense - my heart actually exploded after I came across bizarre depictions of these strange technicolor equine lifeforms on my monitor screen. Their lethal levels of neotenic charm triggered a violent eruption in my amygdala, sending out a rapid surge through my body whilst it incessantly repeated DAAAWWWW while I, in a helpless state, could only moan out a long HNNNNNNGGGGG. That's how my heart exploded. True story. But I got a new one (it's purple!), so no biggie. Here's a crude picture I sketched describing that experience. (All credit goes to my hand - don't sue me, mister hand) Anyways, after losing my heart (and mind), I decided to join the poniverse because evidently I enjoy horsing around. Some facts about me; I like sundaes dipped in hot sauce, dinosaur ninjas and the letter W. My favorite food is Calculus. I have no friends on the internet because I am very shy. My favorite pony is whoever's sitting on my lap and telling me to shut up... I hope to have a good time here! (And hopefully not drive others insane with my silliness.)
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