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Everything posted by Moosty

  1. Scootaloo needs to not be able to fly. There is enough of overcoming obstacles in the show. It isn't realistic. Some things you can't overcome. Scootaloo being able to fly wouldn't be a disservice to the show, it would be a disservice to disabled people and even the art of writing as a whole. Scootaloo has the potential to be the best disabled character in cartoon history. She would be the strongest an sassiest disabled character ever. Her flying because the writers think disability is too dark for the show (which is the only realistic reason I see it happening) would be a cop out. Scootaloo NEEDS to be grounded. We need a disabled character in something that isn't a complacent sheep, a pity party, a walking fact and stereotype sheet about that disability that serves no other purpose, or worst of all a self hating drunk. Scootaloo needs this. If she doesn't fly she will be the best character in the show bar none. If MLP:FiM gives us bronies some fan service and deeper tones this next season. Please let it be a disabled scootaloo. The storyboards from season 4 give us some insight into this. It could be executed flawlessly from what I saw. And let's be honest, scooter tricks are cooler and more fun than being a weak flyer all your life (which she would inevitably be).
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