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About KonceptKarma

  • Birthday 1994-09-25

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  • Personal Motto
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  • Interests
    Anything from hiking to snoozing.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. I'd like to start off by saying that I'm not good at talking to people. In fact, I'm fairly antisocial in nature, so making friends has never been easy for me. I also unfortunately have fairly agressive facial features and sort of a natural scowl. I think it's always creeped people out. However, recently I've started wearing pony threads to school. Strangely enough, people have actually started talking to me more. Sometimes they ask me why I like the show and so on, and I've even met some fellow bronies. I think wearing pony threads have helped me look less threatening towards people I don't know, even if they aren't bronies. I just wanted to know if anyone else has had experienced something like this before too.
  2. Being realistic, it won't happen. Being hopeful, if they do decide to make it, it would probably work better as a series. Once again though, it probably will remain as just a fanfic.
  3. The Fallout idea sounds interesting. However it would probably still annoy most haters. I find in games like that, even when I despise a character, I couldn't bring myself to screw them over.
  4. I think it would be fairly similar to how they handled encountering Zecora. At first they seemed really frightened of her, and it was only until they were convinced that she was not a threat that they opened up to her. So you can see how something as outlandish as a human would terrorize them, considering that Zecora was a zebra, not as different to the ponies as a human would be.
  5. I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I think clothing them would be an interesting concept. It would make each character look more varied per episode, and it would open the door to differing uses of clothing within episodes. Perhaps there are construction workers who use heavy duty steel exo-suits with hydraulic lifting arms, then one goes haywire and has to be stopped before it destroys the town. I dunno, just rambling a bit, but it would be interesting to see something like that.
  6. I think the reason could even be a more literal one. A Queen tends to hold more power than a princess, and before she became Nightmare Moon, Luna and Celestia shared their power equally. So they shared the same title.
  7. The length of the show really doesn't change whether or not your a fan. If you're a brony when the show's happening, you'll still be one when it's over. That being said, remaining an active part of the community is another story.
  8. I'm more of a philanthrop. Neither the human race, nor the ponies are perfect. Both races have the same inherent flaws, like tendencies to make snap judegments about people like Zacura, and having crap leaders. However, both have shown that they have the capacity, and the desire to do good.
  9. I just finished watching the series yesterday, it's awesome. Surprisingly they managed to tie in Phoenix Wright and MLP in a way that didn't seem to far fetched. It was genuinly enjoyable to watch, and I'll probably re-watch it at some point.
  10. As awesome as that would be if they got their own show/spinoff, realistically it's not going to happen. We may end up getting an episode dedicated to them at some point, but that's probably the extent of the possibilities there. Very rarely do popular supporting characters get their own spinoffs, so background characters is even more of a stretch.
  11. This episode honestly doesn't seem to convey an opinion on religeous beliefs. Pinkie's miraculous predictions came true before Twilight's eyes, and yet she refused to believe in what she saw. With religeous debates, none of us have seen how the universe came to be or have solid proof of either argument. We rely solely on our beliefs in that sense, while in the show there was tangible evidence to show that what was happening was true. So the moral at the end of the day really has nothing to do with religeon, athiesm, or whatever our beliefs may be. It seems more like an if it quacks it's a duck moral.
  12. Welcome to the forum. I personally have never been big on fanfics, but I bet you could find plenty of people on her who are.
  13. I've been working up to it, it's surprisingly harder than I thought. The only harder bit is telling my non brony friends that I've been hooked . Altough I'm fairly certain that my mother already knows. She's heard a few episodes playing and seen my Rainbow Dash desktop background. Thinking about it actually does make me curious as to whether or not she does know.
  14. Coincidentally it was actually my friends that convinced me to watch the show. Anyways, welcome to the forum!
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