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Posts posted by ghostfacekiller39

  1. Rarity's beauty has been known to elicit some rather curious reactions at times...




    Not that it is a bad thing of course :proud: I, for one, would find it to be a great honor to have my face melted and/or contorted by Rarity's beauty. It would be a badge of pride and prestige, honestly :proud:

    Who wouldn't find joy in having their face disfigured by Rarity's beauty, anyhow? I for one think it should be a ritual to go before the goddess herself and have your face altered by her beauty, such as the good sir here who was one of the first ones to be seen having his face contorted by her beauty. Not that he was the first to have this happen as a result of Rarity's beauty because that is highly improbable, but he was the first to show just how powerful Rurdee's beauty can be to a wide audience on the small screen  :D


    I for one find him to be representative of all of Rarity's loyal followers. He is our mascot, in my eyes - because Rarity cannot be a mascot :o That'd be like making a queen the court jester. It doesn't work like that. But this makes me think of who we are - we are Rurdee fans who are in awe of her beauty, and there is no more fitting face of awe than that of Donny Swineclop :D





    • Brohoof 9
  2. We've yet to collapse into an impossible state of civil war like Sonic fandom.

    I, for one, fully support the fandom breaking into a state of civil war, preferably along the lines of the Sengoku Jidai period of Japan. It'd be fun for the whole family! :D



    I don't think we've formed our own tribal, Lord of the Flies-esque society yet. That'd be pretty boss.

  3. Serious Rurdee...she sets herself up in a stance before the play starts...




    Many would assume she did not know anything about a rough and tumble sport such as football, but that was far from true - her father's cutie mark tells all, of course, Whichever poor pony on the other team came running at her were in for the surprise of a life time...


    The QB for the other team signaled for the ball to be hiked. She hoofed it to the running back who found a lane right between two offensive lineman - run to daylight, as they called it back in the olden days of the sport. 


    She was right there waiting though, backing the line that the runner had broken through. The enemy grew closer constantly before Rarity pounced from the side.




    The last noise heard for at least a minute or two was the sound of Rarity's amazing tackle. The silence was only broken by the other team's running back, and that was the sound of a groan as she picked herself up off of the ground.


    Safe to suffice that no one would question Rarity's toughness from that point forward :proud:

    • Brohoof 10
  4. Wrote something down with my left hand and I wasn't very good. I put my pen in my right hand after that and held it like I did with my left hand and I was reminded that just because I can do many things right handed, writing isn't one of them.



    • Brohoof 3
  5. Sharing is caring, and Rurdee is great about both sharing and caring  :rarity: 


    Look as she shares her probably highly saturated noodles with a hungry little Sweetie Belle  :grin2: She's probably like "Oh, they'd be bad for my figure anyway so go ahead and take them" but in all truth she sees that Sweetie Belle likes her noodles and is generously sharing them with her so she could be happy  :proud: 

    Best pony :wub:

    • Brohoof 12
  6. I think Rarity's house looks pretty, to be honest :D It has a very unique design reminiscent of a carousel and is nice and roomy on the inside, and being someone who's lived in the country his whole life roominess is very important :lol: Fluttershy's cottage seems to be a popular choice here, but I don't know if that'd be a good fit for me. I really like the location, being tucked away in the forest, but it just looks so cramped on the inside that I don't know if I could be able to manage  :please: 

    • Brohoof 1

    On a side note, I think a moment of silence for those great PlayStation games (yes, you too, Legend of the Dragoon! :fiery: ) is very well deserved. 

    Another one I watched my dad play as a kid that I want to enjoy myself one day :lol:



    On topic:



    ^I don't think there's a better guitar song out there than this one. Whether it's how the guitar is at breakneck speeds for almost the whole song or how he gets his guitar to imitate bagpipes while still remaining serious, this song is painted into a masterpiece by the guitar work in it. It helps that the guitarist has excellent music surrounding him as well, but I've never heard a song with better guitar than this one right here. A lot of people would disagree with that, I'm sure :lol:

    • Brohoof 1
  8. I just wrote a long, long post about my thoughts on this in the unpopular opinions thread :derp: I'll just quote it and put it in spoilers here :please:




    I am absolutely, 100% uninterested in the 100th episode with all the background ponies. It doesn't really serve any purpose at all other than to be an extremely unsubtle fanservice episode to the Brony fandom and thus I feel it will ultimately be one that I am uninterested in and will have no major impact on anything other than being a generic slice of life episode with characters I don't really care about, to put it bluntly. While not every episode is going to contribute greatly to the overall story at hand, many of them show exposition to characters important to the story and allow you to build opinions and feel closer to them. Slice of Life episodes such as "Sweet & Elite" and "Party of One" are just as important, if not more important, to the quality of the show than the ones that have great significance to an overlapping story such as "The Ticket Master" and "Pinkie Pride." They allow us to understand the characters better. They allow us to get a feel of who they are and what they are all about, and a well-developed main cast is just as important to the quality of a show as the storyline and basis of the show are. 

    This episode doesn't do anything of that sort. It has no meaning in the slightest other than to be extremely blatant fanservice, and I don't like that. These characters, in all likelihood, won't be coming back to star in a mane 6-less episode again. They won't get much more canon development than this. They won't do anything other than sit there for 22 minutes and provide nothing of note before going back to filling space up in the background. The only really good thing that can come out of this episode for the quality of the show is it gives the writers more reason to focus on the story at hand than thinking up ways to do callouts to the brony fandom, thus cutting down fanservice in the episodes surrounding it in S5 significantly. However, if that is actually going to happen or not is anyone's guess, so it's possible that the only good thing that can come out of this episode is something worth nothing, that being a warm and fuzzy feeling of acknowledgement felt by this fandom. I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I don't think that's going to help make this a good show. I think fanservice such as this should be kept to a minimum and put in the background while the main focus remains on the mane cast and general storyline. 

    I also predict that even if it is of terrible quality, people in this fandom are going to go head over heels for it because of how it is a massive callout, barring they butcher the fanon personalities of the background ponies. I'm getting the feeling that it can be a dull, meaningless, poorly executed episode and people aren't going to care about any of that just because of the meaning of the episode itself, which was nothing more than being 22 minutes of fanservice. Because of this, I feel this is evidence of the show's decline. Season 4 saw the smallest amount of growth in the fandom ever by a wide margin according to a poll Equestria Daily performed, thus meaning it'd be a reasonable assumption that the hype surrounding the show has died down and the popularity peaked during S3. The combination of a pure fanservice episode to the fandom as well as a stunted growth during the last season indicates to me that the writers are becoming desperate and I find that to be a saddening thought, because I for one love this show and enjoy it immensely. 


    I just feel this to be an unnecessarily blunt and over-the-top amount of fanservice that, at best, will do little to improve the quality of the show and at worst send the fandom into a total outrage due to the canon destroying the fanon they had grown to love. I don't see anything worthwhile coming out of this, quite frankly, and I feel it will end up just being a waste of time and I'm still on the fence if I am even going to watch it or not.



    • Brohoof 4

    Mare Do Well wasn't THAT bad.  Sure it is far from being one of the best episodes of the show or even season 2 and isn't terribly good, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that it is the worst episode in the entire series or it is complete and utter irredeemable filthy piece of garbage that should be wiped off of the planet.

    I actually think it had some great character exploration in it, myself. Only real issue that isn't cherry picking was the fumbled moral that was kind of a headscratcher. Besides that I'd rate it in the top half of Season 2, maybe even the whole series :P The one that aired before it was the one that deserved the hate, really.



    I am absolutely, 100% uninterested in the 100th episode with all the background ponies. It doesn't really serve any purpose at all other than to be an extremely unsubtle fanservice episode to the Brony fandom and thus I feel it will ultimately be one that I am uninterested in and will have no major impact on anything other than being a generic slice of life episode with characters I don't really care about, to put it bluntly. While not every episode is going to contribute greatly to the overall story at hand, many of them show exposition to characters important to the story and allow you to build opinions and feel closer to them. Slice of Life episodes such as "Sweet & Elite" and "Party of One" are just as important, if not more important, to the quality of the show than the ones that have great significance to an overlapping story such as "The Ticket Master" and "Pinkie Pride." They allow us to understand the characters better. They allow us to get a feel of who they are and what they are all about, and a well-developed main cast is just as important to the quality of a show as the storyline and basis of the show are. 

    This episode doesn't do anything of that sort. It has no meaning in the slightest other than to be extremely blatant fanservice, and I don't like that. These characters, in all likelihood, won't be coming back to star in a mane 6-less episode again. They won't get much more canon development than this. They won't do anything other than sit there for 22 minutes and provide nothing of note before going back to filling space up in the background. The only really good thing that can come out of this episode for the quality of the show is it gives the writers more reason to focus on the story at hand than thinking up ways to do callouts to the brony fandom, thus cutting down fanservice in the episodes surrounding it in S5 significantly. However, if that is actually going to happen or not is anyone's guess, so it's possible that the only good thing that can come out of this episode is something worth nothing, that being a warm and fuzzy feeling of acknowledgement felt by this fandom. I'm sorry if I sound rude, but I don't think that's going to help make this a good show. I think fanservice such as this should be kept to a minimum and put in the background while the main focus remains on the mane cast and general storyline. 

    I also predict that even if it is of terrible quality, people in this fandom are going to go head over heels for it because of how it is a massive callout, barring they butcher the fanon personalities of the background ponies. I'm getting the feeling that it can be a dull, meaningless, poorly executed episode and people aren't going to care about any of that just because of the meaning of the episode itself, which was nothing more than being 22 minutes of fanservice. Because of this, I feel this is evidence of the show's decline. Season 4 saw the smallest amount of growth in the fandom ever by a wide margin according to a poll Equestria Daily performed, thus meaning it'd be a reasonable assumption that the hype surrounding the show has died down and the popularity peaked during S3. The combination of a pure fanservice episode to the fandom as well as a stunted growth during the last season indicates to me that the writers are becoming desperate and I find that to be a saddening thought, because I for one love this show and enjoy it immensely. 


    I just feel this to be an unnecessarily blunt and over-the-top amount of fanservice that, at best, will do little to improve the quality of the show and at worst send the fandom into a total outrage due to the canon destroying the fanon they had grown to love. I don't see anything worthwhile coming out of this, quite frankly, and I feel it will end up just being a waste of time and I'm still on the fence if I am even going to watch it or not.





     Threads of Fate deserves a reboot; any gaming console will do.


    I LOVED TO WATCH MY DAD PLAY THAT GAME AS A LITTLE KID. It'd be great if they gave it a reboot to PC so I can play it  myself and relive some of the happiest moments of my life :please:


    • Brohoof 4
  10. Personally I am not excited for it as I don't see the point for it past ratings and fan pandering. I really am into the show for the current cast of mane characters. I'm not in it for the fanon or the fandom, I just want to enjoy the adventures of the mane 6 plus that little dragon fella, really. May be a fresh change of pace and I am actually fairly certain it will be met with positive reception by this fandom, but this isn't why I am into the show.


    If I wake up early I will probably watch it, but I doubt I'll set my alarm that morning :P Sleeping in for the weekend is always nice.

    • Brohoof 3
  11. Funny story, but Rarity was confirmed best pony according to this pic.




    Quads is in reference the last 4 digits of his post number, which is saying "if this post hits quads then Rarity is best pony" :D As unlikely as it is, it hit quads :D


    Rarity has been confirmed best pony :grin2:

    • Brohoof 9
  12. For a while I hated my name for sounding so strange off of the tongue. "Riley." It just felt weird to say and I wanted something less strange. Nowadays I embrace it, though, because when you put my full name together it kinda feels badass :P Riley Haden Barrett. I just dig the way it sounds when put all together :please:
    • Brohoof 1
  13. Raridee and Apples wearing warm sweaters :wub:


    large.pngThose sweaters look so warm...it's been too cold down here in Texas lately :( Us Texans aren't used to the cold, considering we're about even with Egypt in terms of proximity to the equator :please: It was a freezing winter and so far it's been a cold spring, but luckily I have had my snuggly wuggly Rurdee build a bear to help keep me warm  :grin2: 


    Thank goodness for snuggly wuggly rurdee build a bears!  :rarity: 

    • Brohoof 11
  14. it's not about who's done more bad than Fluttershy. It's just the case of people ignoring her flaws and idolizing her to such an extent to where they swear that she's perfect in every way, and don't want to take the bad with the good side of her.


    Hell, it seems like even the show staff do it. Like in "Swarm of the Century". Who do the other ponies blame (even AJ, saying right in front of Pinkie's face that Pinkie's one apple short of a bushel- implying she's not of her right mind). Does Fluttershy get blamed AT ALL for keeping that last parasprite, after her friends rounded all the other ones up, and returned them to the forest? Does Fluttershy get blamed by her friends, or the townsponies, for causing that remaining parasprite to multiply, thus being the one behind the destroyed town? (had she not kept the one and allowed it to multiply, after the others were returned to the forest, then the sprites wouldn't have eaten Ponyville) Does she get blamed for that? Nope.

    Neither was she blamed or even called out for scaring Rainbow Dash in "Sonic rainboom".

    Not by the fans, and not by the writers.

    He makes a solid point. Fluttershy rarely has to deal with any backlash in the show, and has even been played up as the good guy in situations that she advocates doing things that'd ultimately hurt those around her ("Bats!" - she wanted to literally let the fruit bats eat the apple orchard, which is a huge source of monetary income for her friend Applejack's family as well as a major food supply for all of the denizens of Ponyville. Her reasoning is very destructive to everyone around her barring the parasitic fruit bats, but yet AJ is played up as being in the wrong.)


    Then there's Putting Your Hoof Down - if people complain about Rarity's actions not receiving backlash in Sweet & Elite, the only backlash Fluttershy got in an episode were she actually did things that were directly hurtful and extremely inconsiderate of two of her closest friends was...nothing? Rarity didn't even do anything very bad in Sweet & Elite - she just offered to make her friend a dress for her birthday and got caught up living her dream, and in the end reconciled for her actions which weren't even bad to begin with. Fluttershy essentially bullied everyone in town as well as her close friends and no one is calling for her to receive any punishment for her misdeeds. Not even the writers, apparantly.


    I have to agree with the OP here. Fluttershy gets away with too many things from both the fandom's point of view as well as that of the writing staff themselves. 

    • Brohoof 6
  15. Saw this and found it to be rather good :D 



    Rarifilly and Applefilly being pretty and precious :wub:

    Also, we're almost there! :D Pretty soon we'll hit 1,000 :please:


    • Brohoof 9
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