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Techite Sparkle

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Status Replies posted by Techite Sparkle

  1. Welp, I'm off to bed. Good night everyone.

  2. Gonna try that Hypno-Pony thing tonight. Let's see how this goes.

  3. So many deer being hit tonight.

  4. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

  5. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

  6. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

  7. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

  8. Im back , hows it going? :)

  9. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

  10. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

  11. I've always wanted to go to Australia for some reason. It seems cool down there.

    1. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      My god I love the accents too.


      I would also love to get some photography from there ^-^

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  12. I awoke cuddling a pillow ;~;

    1. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      I was hoping for it to be a plushie.


      No dice ;(

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  13. I'm off to the Boston Museum of Science. See everypony later ^^

  14. Haven't slept in this late in a longggg time. Feels kinda good :3

  15. I awoke cuddling a pillow ;~;

  16. Of to bed... At 3 in the morning...

  17. Why am I not in bed...

  18. Why am I not in bed...

  19. Why am I not in bed...

  20. Well, got roped into a group call, and NOW sleep. Goodnight :D

  21. Probably just gonna browse through deviantART a bit and then go to bed. Night, everyone!

  22. Sometimes I get the feeling no one knows who my best pony is.

  23. Sometimes I get the feeling no one knows who my best pony is.

  24. Actually. I'll be staying up longer :) Screw sleeping :P

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